***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hope all has settled Caseysmummy.
Tasha I know you're right about our bodies waking us up but it's so frustrating at the time lol.
Ooh Blueeyes seeing a teeny newborn will be nice!

Ladies who have laboured before, can you have contractions without your bump going hard? I've had BH so I'm familiar with the rock hard tummy feeling but over the last hour or so I'm getting waves of period pains that come and go but no tightening? Baby moving around fine so I'm trying to relax and reassure myself it's just stretching etc
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Thanks ladies. All okay atm. Sounds like everyone's tired tonight. Im hopefully going to sleep well as been up quite early.

Jessie ive found with labour my bumps goes hard with the pains hun. I tend to only get pain in my back going by my last labour and what I had today but everyone's different. It feels as if someone's squeezing really tight and takes my breath away all round my bump and in my back and hips. Hope that helps hun xxx
I would say it's stretching. But saying that when in labour the pains started low with me and then crept upwards. I can't actually remember if my belly went tight...I assume it did
Ollie was sick again (he was sick Tuesday, Thursday night and now an hour ago) seriously no idea why! Apparently he likes the sheets being changed! :)

He's completely fine in himself, which is good. But doesn't indicate what's up with him. No temp and no warning
It's seems I can only manage a few hours sleep until backache wakes me up.

Hope Ollie is OK now tashawink and there been no more sickness.

Im updated with horrendous pains again. Going to ring the hospital in a mo as there unbearable during them. I had a bath at 3 am and it didn't help. I've also tried resting and trying to get back to sleep but it's not happening as soon as I settle im im pain again. Im pretty sure they're going to ask me to come in so going to ring my mil to put her in the picture. There's still no pattern to the pains but ive had a fair few this past hour around 6-10.

Sorry to hear your having trouble sleeping blueeyes.

Ah no poor ollie is he getting too hot in bed?

Let us know how you get on Caseysmummy!

I had a dream that my waters had broken in bed and my dad was driving us to the hospital, I did actually wake up and check that my waters hadn't actually gone.

I woke up needing a wee and now can't sleep because my hips are aching.
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Morning ladies

Hope you're ok Casey, I don't think you're going to last much longer by the sound of it. Thinking of you x

I had yet another God awful night, I can't stop coughing, Ive been short of breath, wheezing and had an uncontrollable bought of it at 12:30am. I've checked my symptoms on nhs website and it suggests I should see the out of hours gp :( I'm supposed to be at work this evening?

On another note 34 weeks today :)
Morning ladies.

Caseysmummy I hope you're getting on ok, keep us updated if you can we're all thinking of you xx

Congrats on all those reaching milestones today, the start of a new week is very exciting! :D

I'm on my own today so i'm going to load myself with pain killers and get some housework done. I can't walk at all anymore but I can sit on the floor and empty out drawers on top of me and sort through them before putting them back neatly lol.

A lot of May mummies have gone quiet recently, I hope everyones ok, maybe just busy and not having as much time to check in. I think this thread will become a lot busier in the coming weeks though :)
Jessie, sounds like you're in so much uncomfort (is that even a word? Ha)

Careful with sitting on the floor, that's not going to do much for your sore hips. Do you have an exercise ball? Use that instead.
Aww thanks bigbee, I spend about 6 hours a day sat on my ball lol, it's so much more comfortable than the sofa I find.

How are you doing? When do you finish work? x
I find the ball uncomfortable :) I've started just leaning on it: knees on the floor, chest on the ball. This is to make sure baby's back rolls towards my front :)

I am good. Four weeks left at work! Can't wait to finish actually the weather is getting nicer so I am looking forward to enjoying that.

I see everyone has had a few busy days... Hope you are all enjoying the bank holiday! I'm at work, as always.
Yea i do get comfort from leaning over the ball and sort of rocking back and forth. It helps when baby pushes against my ribs as well.

So im starting to worry, i'm coming up 35 weeks and my boobs don't seem to be making anything? With my son I remember leaking from about 28 weeks but this time nothing. Sorry for TMI but i've tried squeezing in the bath and stuff but there's literally nothing there? I breastfed with my son and im worried I won't be able to this time because I don't seem to be making any colostrum. Even people in tri 2 are talking about leaky boobs, are any of you not leaking at all?
Hey ladies, phew busy weekend!!

Jessie mine never leaked with my son and I BF for 14months and ive only have one small leak this time in bed. It doesnt mean anything my love.

I am getting just SO uncomfy, nothing is working to be comfortable sitting or lying, 7 weeks to go... ahhhh lol
Jessie - at the feeding class yesterday they said you might not get any leakage before baby arrives and that's totally normal :) I was wondering so was glad when she said.
Hope things are going well Casey's mummy whatever you have ended up being advised :)
36 weeks today! Only 1 more then I'll be able to go to the birthing centre so fingers crossed!! X
I'm not leaking either (which is fine, as I'm not mentally prepared to experience that yet!).

I was worried about producing milk, but mw said everyone produces... Is that true??
Ahhhh cant believe you're 36 weeks!! Babies soooooon!!

Caseysmummy hope you're doing okay xx
It sounded like nature does its thing and hormones etc and full milk production comes in as baby needs it and volumes again is kind of controlled by babies demands. I came away from the class yesterday thinking it all sounds like magic!

OH came away remembering that shortly after giving birth my boobs will get massive! I've told him hands off though.
Breastmilk and boobies are amazing things i couldn't believe half the things they do.

Did you know that kissing your baby sends receptors to your boobs to add what things baby needs, as in more antibodies, or more foremilk if suffering a temperature. Its just mad what our bodies can do :)

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