***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Well ladies we have moved!!! Still got a few boxes to sort but nearly there!! So proud if Henry. He slept 8-6 in his new bed in his new room in his new house :love: certainly wasn't expecting it!

He's got a lot of changes comin up. Going from 2 to 4 sessions at playschool then baby arriving. He's a top little guy :thumbup:

Hope ur all well.

Pregnancy still seems to be flying by. only another 3 weeks and I'll know when freckle will make his entrance!! Getting all
Very real now I'm in te house he will be coming home too. Just gotta get the washingachine working then I can start packing bags etc! Xx
Still hurts this morning. I thought laying down and stretching out would help but it hasnt. I am going to call my midwife in a bit and just see what she says. I am not overly worried it's just really uncomfortable.
Hey ladies. Just to freak you all out, mwah haha, but our April Mummies are popping sprogs already. We've already had 5 April babies, with one more to hear back from and we haven't even made it to April yet!

Get ready ladies, it's very almost your turn!
Haha Rooster we noticed that yesterday because a few of us may have been stalking your April threa I see why was happening a few weeks ahead and had noticed a lot of you had started popping! We've worked out we have about 3 weeks until the earliest of us hit 37 weeks!!
Oh my Rooster! You guys need to slow down, we're not ready yet!

I've checked the weather and the forecast is good, so my first 'baby' wash is in the machine. Blake helped me to load the washer and I got him to hold up the first sleep suit he ever wore- the feet hang down on his upper thighs lol I can't believe he ever fit in it! :shock:

I'm still a little emotional today- had a stupid spat with OH this morning as I'd hung up washing in the spare room to dry and he has his new TV sitting in there. Apparently the damp from the washing will "ruin" the new TV :roll: He went to move the washing and I told him to shift his bloody TV then! :mad: He's since backed down and agreed to set up the new TV this weekend to get it out of the way. (Win)

Hope you're ok Mayflower. I can't tell you what the start of labour feels like as it never happened for me (they had to pump me full of drugs to start me off)

Glad the move went well Larly, what a good boy Henry is :)

Blueeyes I definately recommend the tissues, I dripped tears all over my sandwich- yuk!

Have a good day everyone x
Morning, hope all is well. Off to midwife shortly then "birth and beyond" class with OH, it's with health visitors, not really sure what to expect.
5 babies already rooster!! Ahhhh I will probably be late and end up in June haha

Well my Little boy has followed yours caseysmummy he has really bad throat :( so he's off school today bless him.
Oh no, hope he's ok BB x

Enjoy your appointment Elliott, it feels like ages since I last saw the MW (28 weeks) my next app is at 34+2 because I'm a second timer x
Thanks Bigbee, 33 weeks hey were's the time going!! I get out of breath when I go upstairs and have noticed sometimes my heart goes very fast even if i'm just sitting doing nothing, then after about 10 minutes it goes back to normal again.

Larlybelle glad to hear your move is all done and your little boy sleep so well in the new house :-)

Mayflower hope you're ok, let us know what the midwife says

Rooster30 I have heard of so many people having there babies way before there due date, it seems to be happening more and more (unless I'm just noticing it because D day is fast approaching :-) )

Durham sorry to hear you're still emotional. As you know OH and I fell out last weekend and I spent a lot of crying (all good since we kissed and made up). I'm going to watch it later so will have the tissues at the ready :-)

Elliott hope your midwife and class go well :-)

Buttonbear hope your little boy feels better soon.

I'm chilling today, well as much as possible with the noise of builders knocking our kitchen wall down! Think I'm going to take myself upstairs and tell them to call me if they need anything.

Hope everyone has a good day xx
Thanks. Midwife app all went well (although about to look at notes to see what's been written). Booked in for whooping cough on wed now and should get a federal to physio for my hand to get a splint for night time which may help and any exercises/moves to relieve it as was horrible last night especially.

Birth and beyond class was nice, kind of confirmed a lot of things I've picked up anyway I we last few months but nice to have confirmed and things.

Anyone got any exciting weekend plans?? X
Well my midwife hasn't bothered to get back to me which is helpful, but it's eased off now. I am now wondering if it's just baby's position, because it's been really uncomfortable to walk about today.
Aww mayflower it's frustrating when you're esiting to hear and they don't get back to you :( glad you're feeling better though x
Evening ladies! I've had such a busy day. Woke up and all I could think about was cleaning so I got straight up and started cleaning the house and it's helped a little but still feel the need to sort through everything constantly and I feel restless just sitting and resting. Im guessing this is nesting, it was never this strong last time though, I kind of feel a little ocd with it as it's all im thinking about. Also went and gota few last bits for hospital bag and repacked it when I got home, got babies a coat each for incase it's cold as we only had 2 cardigans each for them. Now I've put my feet up for half hour and my little boys fell asleep head on bump and keeps getting kicked bless him.

Sorry to hear your little boys also gota poorly throat button, it's horrible when they're poorly. My little boy is sleeping a little less atm but still very pale abd quiet, I have a feeling it's viral as antibiotics aren't shifting it at all and by now he would usually be pretty much back to normal.

How annoying mayflower! It's always when you need to speak to someone they take forever to get back to you. Glad it's eased off a bit, I started with period cramps last night around 3am but they'd gone by the time I'd woken up next.

Glad your move is sorted larly, and we'll done Henry!

Hope your feeling a bit better Durham, these hormones start to get the better of us sometimes. Hopefully i will settle down soon for you!

Glad midwife went well elliot! And the way im going I think my weekend is going to consist of cleaning and organising everything.

Hope you got plenty of rest blueeyes!

Also had my swab results back today ladies, it turns out I have group strep b and it will be treated during labour, if im having a c section will they still treat it and what is it? Xxx
Hubbys off work till monday & he's got a few jobs to do before he goes back! One of which includes fixing freckles chest of drawers so I can start washing & putting away :) gonna start that on Monday whilst I'm waiting for the sky man to reconnect us to the world lol!

Henry's been ill with chest infection. Gotta take him back to drs tomorrow as he has a rash rounds is mouth. He says urs sore when he wipes his mouth so wanna get it checked out asap x
Hubbys off work till monday & he's got a few jobs to do before he goes back! One of which includes fixing freckles chest of drawers so I can start washing & putting away :) gonna start that on Monday whilst I'm waiting for the sky man to reconnect us to the world lol!

Henry's been ill with chest infection. Gotta take him back to drs tomorrow as he has a rash rounds is mouth. He says urs sore when he wipes his mouth so wanna get it checked out asap x
Ahh stupidly (very stupidly) Google "measuring 29cm at 31 weeks" and seemed just find lots of people saying that this was measuring small!! The midwife said all fine, I was 27cm last time (about 4 weeks ago) I'm sure she'd have said if not right. Stupid Google!! I can't be trusted
I think it all depends on babies position elliott so I wouldn't worry hun. Never Google it's always scarier than reality lol xxx
Thanks casey, I should have learnt by now. Achey right bump side still which mw said was probably due to position and lost weight being that side (bum and back, heads down low)
I don't think it's accurate at all Elliott, one week I was measuring two weeks ahead and two weeks later I was a week behind... Work that out lol.
Hey ladies :)

Hope everyone has had a good day. I'm shattered. Spent 5.5 hours cleaning the old house today but it's all done now :) just gotta pop back in Monday morning to put some rubbish out & that's it. So glad I'm outta that craphole!

Sorting freckles room a bit tomorrow. Can't wait to start feeling a bit more prepared for his arrival!

How's everyone else doing with nursery prep? X

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