***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Morning ladies, great start to the day here. Blake isn't well and threw his milk up all over the carpet at 7:30am. That was just what I needed to be cleaning up before I'd even had a cup of tea!
It means now that he can't go to the childminder later and I can't go to work :/

Have a lovely day!
Just typed a post and lost it! The gist was hope everyone's well and Durhams week improves and everyone should take caseysmummys idea and have roast dinner tonight!!
Got some shitty work jobs to do today that I'm not looking forward to but can relax a bit after that. Been putting them off but I must make myself get them out the way!
Have a good week x
Morning ladies :)

Had a super busy weekend had friends over from Amercia so been out and about with them. I am knackered!!

These iron tablets are doing NOTHING I just feel so weak and lifeless everyday, brushing my hair is even hard work. Bless my lovely OH he had been looking after me so well.

Hope everything and everyone is doing okay, can't believe some of you are nearing 35 weeks!!
My cotbed mattress arrived, so I was all excited about making up the cot, but the plastic it's wrapped in is all torn and the mattress has dirty, dusty marks on it ��
I'm learning that I buy random bits when out on my own! In tk maxx got a Close playmat and also hooded towel, both good value and lovely but not essentials! Then in boots went for disposable briefs, maternity pad things and also protective may things ( said ideal for protecting mattress or car seat :s Og and a cream egg as a treat haha!
Oh no Mayflower, that's rubbish! Where is it from?

I've had a quiet day in with my poorly boy. He had a three hour nap this afternoon and woke up crying and burning up with fever :( I've dosed him up with calpol and he's been lying on the sofa watching In The Night Garden on iplayer. He seems a bit better now and has demanded a second slice of jam on toast :roll:

I've done another load of baby washing today and made up the Moses basket. Unfortunately the cats think it's a wonderful new bed for them now!
Evening everyone!!

Hope today has been good for you. I had my MW appointment. Baby is measuring a week ahead again, which doesn't really matter anyway. But that's about it. Nothing exciting at this appointment. My blood pressure is a bit low though... 90/58 again.

Absolutely knackered today. Counting down the days left at work. *fireworks*
Durham hope Blake is feeling better now

Willowburn hope work wasn't too bad

Buttonbear hope you're not too worn out this evening. How long does it take for the iron tablets to start working?

Mayflower I would be really annoyed, have you been able to return/exchange it?

Elliott a bit of random shopping doesn't hurt sometimes :-)

Bigbee My blood pressure has been low during pregnancy, midwife said its normal and not to worry. How long have you got left at work now?

Not sure if anyone saw my post last night about my feet, is anyone else suffering? Any tips?

I have got an appointment with consultant and growth scan on Wednesday xx
hello ladies.
Hope everyone is well!
Ive had a busy day nesting again today. Cleaned my kitchen thoroughly, wiped out all the cupboards and sorted out what was in them, cleaned oven and grill, cleaned walls and back door and window and window sill wiped down all cupboard doors and appliances and scrubbed the floor also managed to sort my sons toys out and theyre all put away with a place to go now, need to hoover his room tomorrow and try to sort out under his bed.. but may leave it until ive got someone to help. Going to give the bathroom a thorough clean tomorrow. Also finally managed to catch up on all my washing, i put the last load on tonight and will dry tomorrow and attempt to put it all away. Wednesday im planning on giving my bedroom another good going over, not got too much to do as i did alot of it a couple of week ago but want to give it a good hoover and wash my curtains and clean the windows etc. Like i say cleaning is all i can bloody think about its starting to drive me nuts. Even managed to get my little boy bathed and hair washed (which is a nightmare in itself as he hates hair washing time) and in bed by 20 past 7 and he was fast asleep by 8! Treating myself to a takeaway tonight, a little later than d hoped but only just hungry and no where near tired yet... where has this energy come from.. my mum doesnt think im going to make c section date the rate im going! Which reminds me ive got scan and consultant tomorrow and fingers crossed will get my c section date so i can start to arrange things with nursery and family and my ohs work! But looking forward to seeing how much weight babies have put on! i can feel every single wiggle now so room must be tight so they've got to have grown a little bit! Ill update what i knwo tomorrow on that!

Thats terrible mayflower, they should definitely send you a replacement out asap!

Big bee, glad midwife went well and hope blood pressure sorts itself out soon, mine was slightly on the high side last time so hoeing it will be back to normal at this appointment!

Durham, glad blakes feeling a bit better, its horrible when they're poorly. Hope hes back to his normal self soon and t was just a 24 hour thing!

blueeyes, sorry no real advice on the feet situation as not experienced it myself. but could be water retention maybe? ive heard swollen feet can be common during the end of pregnancy though, i would try resting them as much as possible when you can hun.

Flosi, sorry your in pain, not sure how to ease it i get mild back ache when lying on my left in bed and only way i can relieve it is by adding support to my back with a pillow.

Blueeyes I havent got swollen feet or anything else, didnt in my pregnancy before. I think some is normal due to excess blood and weight etc Also if standing/sitting for periods of time. Is it bad? Can always check with mw is concerned.

re iron tablets she said about a week should have noticed a difference but there's not :( i feel so lazy even though i make sure im doing everything i can.
Hello ladies!

Hope all is well.

Caseysmummy - I cannot believe you did all that completely puts me to shame I did my bathroom and felt knackered! I did manage to do Ollies room, the kitchen and a few loads of washing but no where near the scale of what you have done.

This wind is unbelievable tonight!

Flosi-have you tried hot water bottle for the back? A bath? I go chiropractor and he's helped so much.

Swelling is normal towards the end. But if you are worried get it checked. I had major water retention in last pregnancy. (My hands had swollen too and I was so worried about having to cut a ring off)
I've been on iron tablets for about a week and I think I feel worse. When they said I was slightly anaemic I was gobsmacked because I felt fine (not tired etc) and since having the extra tablets I am shattered all day.could just be a coincedence though with getting further along in pregnancy.

I started packing my bag today. I've packed babies bits and a few bits for me. Need to pack toiletries and my coming home outfit but I'll do that a lot closer to the time. Need to get cartons of drink and some snacks that I will actually want (they were force feeding me a wispa last time and it was so dry!!)
Urg currently sat awake.in agony with the WORST heartburn ever!! Nothing left in the house to ease it either, could cry :(
Oh button how awful. Hope you got some rest, im also suffering with bad heartburn atm and going through milk like it's going out of fashion although last week it was gone and I thought I'd seen the last of it! I've got two very wriggly babies atm hoping they'll let me get another couple of hours before I need to get up though! xxx
It's a Mamas and Papas mattress from Precious Little Ones. It was one of the Bounty offers. They have offered to replace it but it's got to be a week day and there'll be no-one here on a week day until I go on mat leave. They're sending me a replacement cover instead.
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Omg what a night :yawn: Blake woke up crying every 2/3 hours. Me and OH took it in turns to get up, but I'm still exhausted this morning. It's worse than having a newborn! He seems quite bright this morning, but still has a temperature :/

Hope you're feeling better this morning Button, I'm not a heartburn sufferer luckily, I can't imagine what it must be like to have it so bad it keeps you awake xx

I'm under the impression the swelling from this stage is normal. I've removed my rings and have them on a chain around my neck again as my fingers have swelled a bit.
Morning everyone!!!

Thought you might all like a little giggle..... I have been really excited about my car seat being delivered, so got up early showered etc, so there is no way I can miss delivery... .... Only to discover it is being delivered on the 1st April, I forgot about the 31st March!!! So feeling a little deflated. But did have to chuckle at myself!

I think I may see if MIL wants to go for a little retail therapy build myself back up for tomorrow x
Button I can sympathise, my heartburn was agony I went I the doctor and he gave me some tablets, now I take one when I feel it starting and it's one it 10 minutes! Honestly it's hanged my life after how I was suffering wih it lol.

Aww Durham will you be able to nap today?
Lol Flosi that's the kind of thing if do.

Well I'm going shopping today for the first time since about November as that's when my SPD took over. I'm unable to walk at all so my mum has hired a wheelchair to get me out and about. It will be nice to be out but I hate being in a wheelchair, I feel like I'm a fraud or something but I've resorted to shuffling on my bum to get to the toilet and back at home as I can't take my weight on my legs anymore. I'm a healthy size 8 26 year old and my body has now completely locked up and it's constant agony. It's crazy what hormones can do! Roll on 37 weeks, I've had a little word with baby and il him he is more than welcome to make an appearance then lol.
Glad you've sorted something out mayflower!

Oh no Durham, I hate nights like that, occasionally my son suffers from night mares and the odd nights he cried constantly and I did feel exhausted the day after but it's worse when they're unwell as it's a struggle to settle them! Hope he feels better soon hun.

Oh dear flosi, that did make me chuckle! I would definitely have some retail therapy to cheer you up a little bit, finding some bargains for babies always makes me feel good and excited again.

Jessie that sounds awful, I thought mine was bad hun but yours sounds super painful. I can still hobble around luckily although at snail pace and I feel bruised all the way round each hip and groin, there's been times when I think it's close to not being able to walk. I hope you get it all back again when baby is born hun. You'll feel like a new women. Go treat yourself today hun and enjoy it. Not long now and you'll have baby!

Well I feel exhausted today so all my plans went out the window and after the shopping came I went back to bed fora while. Going to get up and have a bath and sort ourselves out for hospital this afternoon and have a take it easy day I think xxx
Thanks ladies, at least with him being ill I don't have to go to work :/ he's not eating much, but drinking loads. He will have a sleep after lunch, so I'll probably have a lie down too.

Flosi that is so funny and totally something I would do too, enjoy your shopping trip instead.

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