hello ladies.
Hope everyone is well!
Ive had a busy day nesting again today. Cleaned my kitchen thoroughly, wiped out all the cupboards and sorted out what was in them, cleaned oven and grill, cleaned walls and back door and window and window sill wiped down all cupboard doors and appliances and scrubbed the floor also managed to sort my sons toys out and theyre all put away with a place to go now, need to hoover his room tomorrow and try to sort out under his bed.. but may leave it until ive got someone to help. Going to give the bathroom a thorough clean tomorrow. Also finally managed to catch up on all my washing, i put the last load on tonight and will dry tomorrow and attempt to put it all away. Wednesday im planning on giving my bedroom another good going over, not got too much to do as i did alot of it a couple of week ago but want to give it a good hoover and wash my curtains and clean the windows etc. Like i say cleaning is all i can bloody think about its starting to drive me nuts. Even managed to get my little boy bathed and hair washed (which is a nightmare in itself as he hates hair washing time) and in bed by 20 past 7 and he was fast asleep by 8! Treating myself to a takeaway tonight, a little later than d hoped but only just hungry and no where near tired yet... where has this energy come from.. my mum doesnt think im going to make c section date the rate im going! Which reminds me ive got scan and consultant tomorrow and fingers crossed will get my c section date so i can start to arrange things with nursery and family and my ohs work! But looking forward to seeing how much weight babies have put on! i can feel every single wiggle now so room must be tight so they've got to have grown a little bit! Ill update what i knwo tomorrow on that!
Thats terrible mayflower, they should definitely send you a replacement out asap!
Big bee, glad midwife went well and hope blood pressure sorts itself out soon, mine was slightly on the high side last time so hoeing it will be back to normal at this appointment!
Durham, glad blakes feeling a bit better, its horrible when they're poorly. Hope hes back to his normal self soon and t was just a 24 hour thing!
blueeyes, sorry no real advice on the feet situation as not experienced it myself. but could be water retention maybe? ive heard swollen feet can be common during the end of pregnancy though, i would try resting them as much as possible when you can hun.
Flosi, sorry your in pain, not sure how to ease it i get mild back ache when lying on my left in bed and only way i can relieve it is by adding support to my back with a pillow.