Hello ladies, Got quite a few posts to catch up on. Hope you are all well.
We had the last NCT session last night, but already a meet up has been arranged with the mums to be on Tuesday. I wouldn't have been able to make it normally as my maternity doesn't start for a while yet, but luckily I am on leave Monday and Tuesday next week (Last years holiday to use up)
Buttonbear, that's good then, stand mixers are great aren't they

Hope your down there pains have eased now.
Elliott I hope they midwife can help you out with your hand pain. Enjoy your day off tomorrow and your week off next week

Funny you said that about baby moving as I sometimes ask her 'what are you doing in there' It feels like she's turning right the way round sometimes, don't know if she is.
Jessiecat I like looking at the labour threads too, helps me to know what to expect. Can't believe how fast it's going.
Durham I haven't watched OBEM yet, but going to watch it online, probably tomorrow. Should I have the tissues at the ready? Hope you are feeling a little less emotional now after your bad day
Caseysmummy I really hope your little boy is feeling better now, sounds like hes really suffering
Bigbee I have the same every week too (just a day after you) where I'm excited to be the next week on, and at the same time I'm like 'ahh this is going to quickly'
Mayflower hope you managed today on you night of very little sleep. It's horrible isn't it when you have a rubbish nights sleep then have to work
Willoburn it's going quickly isn't it. Hope you had a nice restful day
Tasha give him a nudge to wake him up for a cuddle
Sorry for such a long post, but trying to catch all I missed since last posting
It's been good to read your previous labour experiences and feelings.
My labido has gone back to normal in the last few weeks (after very much not feeling like it through tri 2). Funny really as definitely didn't think I'd be in the mood while I am the size of a hippo, with swollen puffy hobbit like feet and aching back!!
Hope everyone has a good Friday xx