***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Yes that sounds like a good idea hin. I found after having a bath the pains stopped, I know what you mean about just not feeling right. Mine were very intense braxton hicks accompanied by dull lower back ache and at the most intense point of bh i could feel lots of pressure on my cervix, it lasted an hour or 2 but as soon as I had a bath they did stop it happened a few days later but same again when I had a bath it stopped and I lost some plug a few days later and again a few days after that but had nothing since then at all so I think i may be our bodies getting ready as they know what to do this time hun. I hope you feel bettersoon though xxx
Yeah she has felt really low today, felt pressure and definite cervix pain and major bladder pushing!! Never felt BHs really with my first so never know what's okay or not. Got dreadful heartburn to top it off, today is not my day is it?!
How's everyone doing? Glad it's thursday tomorrow. 33 weeks in the morning, which means a day of panic - that's what happens every Thursday when I enter a new week :):(:):(

Button, has the pain eased off?
Bigbee i look forward to fridays when turn a new week as it feels like a milestone. i really want to make it to 36 weeks now though i feel determined to get there but i know what you mean with my first it was exciting and nerve wracking as it meant a week closer to meeting baby and had no clue what to expect but it all turned out good hun.

Button i had braxton hicks last time but never as intense as ive had this time, Maybe baby is engaged if your feeling really low and feeling lots of pressure down there. I hope the heartburn eases off chick its bloody awful at times isnt it?! 7

Had my shower which while in there felt amazing on my back!!

But now I've just panicked myself as when I stood up just then I had such pressure and sharp cervix pain, bump definitely looks lower/bigger too!

I havent even packed my hospital bag, this is the main thing on my mind, how unprepared I am! grr
Hope you're feeling better today Button.

I've done baby's hospital bag, but not mine. Struggling to decide what I need clothing wise.

I had to get up at 2am for a wee, and couldn't get back to sleep. Soooooo not in the mood for ten hours at work!
Congrats to all those reaching new milestones today, I know quite a few of us start a new week on a Thursday.

Button are you feeling any more comfortable today?
Mayflower I'm the opposite, I've had my bag packed for ages but I've tasked my hubby and son with packing babies bag to help them feel involved so it's not happened yet lol. It's quite hard pinning the 2 of them down together.

Caseysmummy how's your little man doing today? Hopefully he slept off the worst of it yesterday x
Morning ladies. My little boys still asleep atm so not sure how he is yet but we're hoping to go and visit my mum today so the fresh air might do him some good and cheer him up a little I think!

Hope your feeling okay button.

Oh dear mayflower I hate when that happens! Never happens on a day where you off though and could catch up with a nap!

32 weeks tomorrow so only 29 days to go for me. I can't wait now! Im so uncomfortable I just want them out! Xxx
Feeling bit better today, didn't sleep great but at least the pains have stopped!

Mayflower 10 hours with little sleep, poor you!

Hope your little man is better today casesymummy nothing worse than poorly kiddies
Morning everyone- hope you are all OK. Just realised I now have less than 40 days until due date!! Sometimes feel it's coming round quickly, sometimes not quickly enough! Nice quiet day today for a change o going to catch up on baby ironing and resting!
Its been super quiet on here the last few days, hope everyone is okay xx
All ok here, just not a lot to report really! Counting down the days until I finish work.

How are you feeling, Button?
Evening ladies, it's been very quiet in here today.

I'm having a bad evening, very emotional. It started when a guy cut me up on a roundabout. After I'd blasted my horn and called him a few choice words, Blake burst into tears and so did I :cry: We've had a bit of work done in the living room this week and the plasterer came today. He hasn't done a very good job, but there's not much can be done to fix it either. So I've been crying over that too. Then I put Supervet on... You know how this will end.

Hope everyone is ok x
Those of you who have had babies already, where did you feel your labour pains and what did it feel like?
Evening ladies, I've also noticed it's been quiet the last couple of days!

Oh dear Durham ive had days like that, ive put it down to hormones, I remember when I was pregnant with my son I cried because my oh wanted to go play golf with his friend and didn't want me to come, perfectly reasonable he just wanted a bit of breathing space but I took it to heart. I also sobbed the other day after reading a poem from a mother to a son about him growing up and her regretting being busy with things that didn't matter and how she wish she'd cherished the little moments when he was little and it broke my heart as im guilty of doing that such as doing housework instead of playing with him.
Im watching the triplets are coming as it features twins so im hoping to see what it's like from parents who have twins.

Mayflower when I went into labour with my son it started with lower backache then it was lower back ache with braxton hicks every 20-25 mins ( didn't realise I was in labour then) then it became closer together through the evening by bedtime ( around 4 hours later) I couldn't sleep as every time I got comfy the pain in my back came back and about 3 hours later I started timing and it the pain along with tightening was about 4.5 mins apart that's when I rang labour ward. But I hadback labour so it was slightly different I think from normal labour. If your worried id give your midwife a ring and see what she says hun as your before 37 weeks. Always best to check xxx
My pains just felt like they were everywhere. ollie was back to back, but I felt them in tummy and back.
My waters went first, then after it just felt like period pains that just got stronger and more painful, also got some backache with it, pressure down below etc

I'm feeling better, not 100% but a lot better so far xx

Durham big :hugs: my love, I hate when everything gets like that :(

Ps. was supervet on tonight, I couldnt see it? (fav show!!)
I am seriously craving some attention (not sexual) just time for us! He's currently fast asleep cuddling me but that's not enough :)

I have had a a few pains that definitely felt like contractions but they were so quick it was over by the time I had enough time to realise. Kinda hoping that it means I will have a quicker labour this time round :)
Hello ladies, Got quite a few posts to catch up on. Hope you are all well.

We had the last NCT session last night, but already a meet up has been arranged with the mums to be on Tuesday. I wouldn't have been able to make it normally as my maternity doesn't start for a while yet, but luckily I am on leave Monday and Tuesday next week (Last years holiday to use up)

Buttonbear, that's good then, stand mixers are great aren't they :-) Hope your down there pains have eased now.

Elliott I hope they midwife can help you out with your hand pain. Enjoy your day off tomorrow and your week off next week :-) Funny you said that about baby moving as I sometimes ask her 'what are you doing in there' It feels like she's turning right the way round sometimes, don't know if she is.

Jessiecat I like looking at the labour threads too, helps me to know what to expect. Can't believe how fast it's going.

Durham I haven't watched OBEM yet, but going to watch it online, probably tomorrow. Should I have the tissues at the ready? Hope you are feeling a little less emotional now after your bad day

Caseysmummy I really hope your little boy is feeling better now, sounds like hes really suffering

Bigbee I have the same every week too (just a day after you) where I'm excited to be the next week on, and at the same time I'm like 'ahh this is going to quickly'

Mayflower hope you managed today on you night of very little sleep. It's horrible isn't it when you have a rubbish nights sleep then have to work

Willoburn it's going quickly isn't it. Hope you had a nice restful day

Tasha give him a nudge to wake him up for a cuddle :-)

Sorry for such a long post, but trying to catch all I missed since last posting :-)

It's been good to read your previous labour experiences and feelings.

My labido has gone back to normal in the last few weeks (after very much not feeling like it through tri 2). Funny really as definitely didn't think I'd be in the mood while I am the size of a hippo, with swollen puffy hobbit like feet and aching back!!

Hope everyone has a good Friday xx
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Hello everyone.

The "new week" day yesterday was actually alright. Was super busy all day so I guess I've not had time to procrastinate :)

I'm starting to get a bit out of breath when laying in bed. Happens only before I go to sleep. Fine during the day. And had kind of popping/bubble feeling in my belly last night. Not sure what that is.

Blueeyes, congrats on the new week today ;)

Mayflower, how are you feeling today? Has the pain gone? X

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