***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****


Busy day here too, I went to work and OH has been painting the living room. Our nursery isn't far off now Larly. We just need to get Blake a new mattress for his big boy bed, so the cot can move into the baby's room.

God I'm uncomfortable! Get out of my ribs, get out of my foof :roll: sigh.
Glad house is sorted larly.

Nursery is sort of done, painted and main furniture in but can't decide on the little extras now to make it special :s
Nursery is pretty much done here, just waiting on the cotbed mattress which is being delivered on Monday, and then need to wash all the bedding.

My friend's mum is doing her kitchen up and has got all new kitchen appliances, so they've give us their dish washer for FREE! I am so excited lol. I cannot wait to get it all plumbed in.
Morning May mummies hope you're all well and enjoying the weekend.
Sounds like you've been rather busy.

Well I didn't get online yesterday because I bought a new car :D
I've currently got a little 3 dr punto but it was hard enough getting one in the back, I didn't want a big car just a 5 door and slightly bigger boot so I settled on a ford fiesta zetec which is quite nice and much more practical for my growing family. I pick it up tomorrow I can't wait to get car seats Installed etc :)
I've gotta order cot mattress still but apart from that I've got all the essentials. A few other bits I want but nothing I need :)
Hi girls- everyone well? Babies are drawing closer!! Made a big Sunday lunch today- not sure how many more I'll manage!! 35 weeks tomorrow!! X
Hello ladies. Had a crappy weekend! Full of stress and rubbish! On the plus side my little boy is feeling better and ice managed to do a few jobs that don't always get round too, cleaned all the kitchen tiles and cleaned the front door and microwave. Tomorrow im going to spend the day blitzing the house and getting rid of rubbish and sorting through cupboards etc. Need to get it done while I still can I think!

Congrats on the new car jessie! We've recently gone from a 3dr to a 5 dr and it's been a godsend especially being pregnant getting my little one in the car.

Willowburn I really fancya Sunday lunch now! Might have to do one tomorrow! A big Monday roast for tea!

Hope everyone else is well

Hello everyone. Weekend of NCT classes. I'm wiped!!!! In bed right now :)

The classes were absolutely fab. 8 couples in total and everyone seemed really great. Hopefully I'll keep in touch with most of them. We went out for lunches together, and had a meal out after the class last night. All gooooood.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend.
Jessie, congratulations on the car :)

Elliott, I can't see your link....
Hubby did all his jobs today so let him go to the pub lol!

Means Henry's room is totally done (apart from a lightshade I can do tomorrow), his wardrobe is put together & freckles drawers are ready so the washing can commence :) happy bunny tonight :) gonna put a load of freckles stuff in Henry's wardrobe until it's needed as Henry doesn't actually need his wardrobe :lol:

May even put the Cotbed tofether with my mums help & it can hold the Moses basket for now :) just want it together! X
Elliott, the playmat? That's cute. And a super bargain!!!!
Yep thought it looked lovely and could resist it. Picking it up along with a blanket and a bit randomly a nursing top, both of which were also on sale. Don't know what I make of nursing tops but liked the look of it.

Father in law is on the phone, always makes me anxious as I find him hard to get along with and I know he's wanting to visit soon :s
Thanks caseyummy and Bigbee I'm very excited :)

Willow burn can't believe you're nearly 35 weeks that's crazy! I wonder when we'll all start popping? I'm seriously uncomfortable right now, my bump feels like it's going to burst, I just don't believe I coul have another 7 weeks.

How's everyone else doing?
The NCT classes sound good Bigbee, get at feet up now though :£
Hi all,

sorry lots of catching up to do as I haven't been on here all weekend. Hope everyone is well.

Elliott glad you midwife appointment went well and you are being referred for physio, hope it helps. Googling can definitely be a bad thing sometimes. Was this from the measurement when they measure your bump? As I heard that's not very accurate. The play mat is lovely, very cute :-)

How are you feeling now Mayflower? Better I hope. Free dishwasher sounds like a good freebe :-)

Caseysmummy sounds like you had a good cleaning frenzy over the weekend, don't over do it. Sorry to hear you haven't had a great weekend.

Larlybelle hope your little boy is feeling better now. Don't work too hard on your cleaning of the old house, must be nice to be settling into your new place. We are near enough done on the nursery, just a couple of little bits to finish over Easter weekend.

Durham hope you're more comfortable today

Jessiecat sounds like you'll have much more space in your new car :-)

Willowburn it's going fast isn't it....you've really made me fancy a roast chicken dinner now ha ha

Glad your class went well Bigbee. I went to an NCT sale with two of the ladies I met on our course yesterday, and all the mums to be from the class are meeting up Tuesday for lunch and luckily as I have holiday tomorrow and Monday i can go too :-)

I've been pretty uncomfortable since this afternoon. Cleaned the bathroom this morning and afterwards just felt like a lot of pressure down below,then I started having cramps like period pains) going across my bump. Braxton hicks maybe? Laid down on the bed for a bit and only had a couple since, so hopefully it will ease now.

Got tomorrow and Tuesday off work yippee so off to see mum and sisters tomorrow and meeting NCt mums to be for lunch Tuesday. Want to swim for a bit longer than normal usually tired at the mo after work, so only been managing about 30 mins) both days too.

My feet are really swollen at the moment, all i can fit into are tatty old pumps. Midwife checked BP and urine and all ok, so think it's just one of those things. They literally feel like the skin is going to split. Anyone else suffering with the same?

Hey everyone, hope you are all well and sounds like people have been busy!
A quick question ,I have pain in the middle of my back that seems to making its way around my rib cage too, bump feels fine apart from the mass amount of kicking. Can anyone help with how to get rid of the pain, I have had it a couple of days but I am sooooo uncomfortable
Blueeyes I love NCT sales, did you get much?

Also, you are all talking about different classes that you've been to, I literally have not been told about any local to me? Should my midwife have told me or is it down to me to put the work in? Hubby just said he'd like to go but I have no idea how to join or if it's too late?

Flosi I know exactly what you mean!! It's like a deep achey/burning feeling quite intense under the boob and roun the back. A bath really helps it or sometimes getting in all fours and leaning over the gym ball taking weight off you so your bump is kind of suspended helps too but I havnt found a long term cure for it.
Jessiecat, my midwife booked me on to her course at my 28 week appointment I think. I'll be 36 weeks when they start. It's for 2 hours on a Tuesday for 6 weeks. She said it doesn't matter if I miss the last ones because they're not as important.
Blueeyes - yes was from bump measurement which I know are a bit hit and miss so probably all good. And I'm also hoping to manage slightly longer swims as feel ive got lazy. Now foing 40 lengths rather than 50 normally so trying for 50 tomorrow.

Jess- maternity assistant that came round told me about classes and i just phoned to book. Got birth and labour class next sat and feeding choices class on sunday. Maybe ask if there is anything???

Flosi not sure what that is, but hope the discomfort eases soon.

Jessicat my midwife hasn't said anything to me about antenatal classes, I found these myself online. Felt they were expensive, but really good and met some people that I really hope I keep in touch with. I just brought some grobags as got most things, but the others got bits too, so worth going.

Elliott I'm sure all will be ok with the measurements :-) Enjoy your swim.

Night night all xx

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