Larlybelle hows the moving going? Well I hope
Elliott how is your hand now? Sounds really uncomfortable.
Durhamchance sounds like a good idea to take the lift now
Not much longer just keep crossing those days off
I think your dream is a sign and you should get your hospital bag ready ha ha
Jessiecat I haven't been having sharp pains in my chest but have been getting like an achy pain in the right hand side. I'm phoning the doctors this afternoon to see if I can get in to see someone. Glad to hear your midwife appointment went well.
I've got a feeling my OH wont wake up most of the times, he sleeps really well and one night a while a go i was being so sick in the bathroom and i keeping calling him and he didn't hear a thing ha ha.
Monkeynut hope you're enjoying the beginning of your maternity leave.
Buttonbear can you take any time to relax a little before your due date, or do you think you will be working right until the last minute? Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish today, hope the iron tablets help soon.
Caseysmummy hope your little boy is feeling better and the antibiotics are kicking in now. Sounds like a good plan for your little boy when your babies come, it will be the least unheaval for him wont it.
Bigbee my bump is huge and yes the movements are now become more uncomfortable and i keep having an achey feeling in my chest/ribs on the right hand side. I guess it's only going to keep getting worse until baby's here.
How's everyone's day gong? I'm tired today woke up at 4:50 with bad back and pelvis pain and cramp in my lower leg and couldn't get back to sleep. Anyone else really suffering with swollen feet now?
I have the last NCT class tonight. Also got this Friday and Monday and Tuesday booked off as holiday (I had to use last of my holiday by end of March or lose it) xx