***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Well just come home from midwife appointment, for once everything was one and no concerns lol! I asked about the chest pain that I'm still having, it doesn't feel like heartburn and I'm on strong tablets for that but she thinks it's indigestion or acid reflux related.

Aww casey poor little man, I hope the antibiotics kick in soon.
Yay for all those finishing work soon, I've been signed off since 22 weeks seems like forever ago but no way I could work.

How's everyone doing on this lovely sunny day?
i havent done much today jessie just sat with little boy cuddling as thats all he wants and doesnt want me to move, but hopefully will be able to start tea in half hour. Having my current favourite tonight! mince beef and onion mash and peas and carrot, but my little boys asked if he can just have the mash peas and carrots which ive agreed t as hes got a poorly throat and its easier to swallow for him, fingers crossed hes not sick tonight! We've set him up a camp down my side of our bed with his mattress and quilt and pillows so he is near us if he needs us at night for medicine and drinks and if hes sick etc but can still go to bed at 7ish without me having to share my bed as bumps too big for him to jump in when hes not well now and we all end up suffering for it through the night.

Anyone whos had a c section previously is there anything i need for my hospital bag for recovery that i should take?
im getting last minute bits on friday so want to have anything that would possibly help me recover well that i may not of thought of. Also my mum had an emergency c section with me 22 years ago and she said to stop taking the morphine asap and ask for dis solvable paracetamol as i wont be able to breast feed on any strong painkillers? Is this sensible for me recovery wise? as i will have two babies to look after and i dont want to suffer unnecessarily and struggle to do things for myself as will be in too much pain. xxx
I had an emergency section and managed on paracetamol and codeine. I didn't have any morphine. Only thing I would say is loose trousers like yoga trousers.
Caseys mummy sorry to lower the tone but take wind relief!! They pump you full of air and trying to get it out can be agony! I can't remember whic one I safe for use when pregnant / breast feeding il have a check later but doctor just gives peppermint tea or something and I remember he pain of trapped wind was far worse than the huge fresh wound on my tummy!
thanks jessie and nutsyputs ive added them to my list, ive realised its only a month today till im 36 weeks!! so could be a month today. Cant wait to get my date next week though! i want to put some plans together for OH work and what were going to do with my little boy as want to make it exciting for him and after my stay in hospital, i think he may need to stay at grandparents till im home so he doesnt know im not sleeping at home for however long im in as thats what upset him the most that he thought i didnt want to come home with him, so thought a few days at grandads would be best as he loves being there and wont worry about me and thats my main concern. But we will see when i booked in and plan around it it all depends on how the babies do when theyre born on how long ill be in but at least if i can plan for more if im home earlier its a bonus. need these babies to keep pilling on the weight now, im hoping they will be nearly 4lb at my next scan. xxx
Morning ladies!

Casey- it sounds strange but I will be taking paracetamol in my hospital bag this time. My hospital was awful at dishing out painkillers when I had Blake. I remember realising that I was overdue for some (the pain had kicked in) so I asked the nurse. Over two hours and two more requests later I finally got some :mad: they were just so busy that a simple request for painkillers was overlooked. I'm taking matters into my own hands this time.

Omg, I had THE DREAM last night, I had the baby! :dance: it was a boy and he was 8lbs 2oz :love: the only thing was we didn't name him! And I wasn't prepared and had no hospital bag with me :shock: maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me to get on with it?
Morning everyone! Hope you're all doing well.

My belly has been feeling quite tight the last few days. I guess baby is on a mission to grow, which is awesome, obviously. The only thing is, now the movements are really starting to hurt :( especially under the ribs! Anyone else at this stage yet? The bump is not even huge. I can still see my feet pretty well :)

Ahhh Durham THE dream!! I remember them from last time, so vivid aren't they?

Bigbee I've been there a while, mainly as baby was transverse so really pulled/stretched on the sides on my bump!! It does hurt.

Well I just fell awful, I though these iron tablets where meant to make you feel better but the last few days I've felt soooo drained and just crappy. Also just feel really unsettled, can't get comfy anywhrere just irritable lol!! Anyone else like this yet?
bigbee my movement hurt, if he's kicking about in one place i keep my hand there and apply a little pressure to stop it feeling like he's about to burst through the skin lol. It's nasty when they lodge up against your ribs as well but i've found being on the bouncy ball helps to move them down a buit.

Button what iron are you taking? I was first given ferrous sulfate but reacted really badly to it, felt sick and dizzy and achey all the time so I swapped to ferrous fumerate and I don't even notice i'm taking them now!

Do any of your ladies worry how your OH's will cope with the sleep deprivation? My hubby gets really ratty when he's tired, I don't mean to get all soppy but he's absolutely perfect and does everything for me right now but when he's tired he can't seem to get past being really miserable, also he's not a napper so if he has a bad night he's tired all day. I encourage him so much to nap but he just lies there getting frustrated and then gets back up again lol. I will be BF so hopefully he won't be disturbed every time baby wakes but generally babies just don't like to sleep at night I have found.
Yes its the sulphate ones, I had them with my son and was fine but I just do not feel any better, worse if anything. Its probably not helping I just cannot sleep at night or keep waking so getting so much broken sleep :(
Larlybelle hows the moving going? Well I hope :-)

Elliott how is your hand now? Sounds really uncomfortable.

Durhamchance sounds like a good idea to take the lift now :-) Not much longer just keep crossing those days off :-) I think your dream is a sign and you should get your hospital bag ready ha ha :-)

Jessiecat I haven't been having sharp pains in my chest but have been getting like an achy pain in the right hand side. I'm phoning the doctors this afternoon to see if I can get in to see someone. Glad to hear your midwife appointment went well.
I've got a feeling my OH wont wake up most of the times, he sleeps really well and one night a while a go i was being so sick in the bathroom and i keeping calling him and he didn't hear a thing ha ha.

Monkeynut hope you're enjoying the beginning of your maternity leave.

Buttonbear can you take any time to relax a little before your due date, or do you think you will be working right until the last minute? Sorry to hear you are feeling so rubbish today, hope the iron tablets help soon.

Caseysmummy hope your little boy is feeling better and the antibiotics are kicking in now. Sounds like a good plan for your little boy when your babies come, it will be the least unheaval for him wont it.

Bigbee my bump is huge and yes the movements are now become more uncomfortable and i keep having an achey feeling in my chest/ribs on the right hand side. I guess it's only going to keep getting worse until baby's here.

How's everyone's day gong? I'm tired today woke up at 4:50 with bad back and pelvis pain and cramp in my lower leg and couldn't get back to sleep. Anyone else really suffering with swollen feet now?

I have the last NCT class tonight. Also got this Friday and Monday and Tuesday booked off as holiday (I had to use last of my holiday by end of March or lose it) xx
Blueeyes I'm not taking on as many orders now, its mainly just my regulars and shops/cafes etc now but obviously family and friends still want lots as well for birthdays and such so it is tiring, especially as I'm on my feet hunched over fiddling with fondant etc

Just sort of playing it by ear, sitting down at various points to help, also OH is a great help as is my stand mixer(my best friend haha) I'm lucky I am at home/own boss so more free to do as I please.
Hi all,

Blueeyes - Hand seems to come and go a bit, worse this week than last but still workable if that makes sense. Will mention to midwife fri to see if she has any tips.

I've got friday off now, midwife first thing and then 10-12 i've got a class thing with the health visitors, birth and beyond it's called. Not sure what to expect but glad i managed to get a place as they had forgotten me due to their systems being rubbish they thought i'd already been on the course as i got a letter about it last time after miscarriage (I did call and let them know the change in circumstance). But anyway, all sorted and OH will be coming too. Good practise for a two classes the following weekend with the midwives!

Off all next week as well so nice break. I kind of feel guilty though when OH is getting up and going to work. He says not to and just to relax and enjoy.

Oh and kicks are getting more painful/uncomfortable, sometimes wonder what on earth she's getting up to in there! Still love it though :)
Isn't it strange to think that int just 3 weeks some of us could start popping out full term babies!!

I'm not ashamed to admit i'm a bit of a stalker in the April mummies thread at the minute as I find the labour signs spotting really exciting and it dawned on me that it will be April very soon which means WE'RE next in line for symptom spotting etc wooo!
I've been doing the same Jessie, I do love the labour threads and wish there was more not just in the month groups! They're exciting!! hehe
I realised the same this morning Jessie, it's April next month and May is the month afterwards!:shock:

Did anyone watch last nights OBEM? I sobbed my little heart out watching it earlier, it took me right back to my own emergency section:cry: I caught OH watching it last night and he was emotional too. He's told me today that he can't believe we're doing it again in a few weeks.

I think the nesting is starting to kick in here. I spent all of yesterday morning cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, wiping skirting boards and my kitchen cupboards. Then today I've cleared out a cupboard and filled it with the bottles, steriliser, breast pump etc.
I'm shattered now!
It's definitely hitting home for me too as I will most likely have my babies by the end of April and the very latest 1st of May. This pregnancy has gone really fast since 1st tri. Im ready for them to be here now though. Really struggling with my tummy, it gets caught on everything and turning over in bed is a nightmare and gives me braxton hicks which feel really intense now, they never felt this intense with my son.

Durham I feel like I need to clean all the time, my oh isn't letting me do much thougg. I wanted to mow the lawn the other day as it's really bugging me, it's going to be done at the weekend even if I have to do it myself. I want to get any last minute bits for babies on Friday. Think im going to thoroughly clean the house over the weekend too.
I watched one born last night and that part made me well up too Durham, it brought home to me how close I was to having my babiesa few weeks ago and how overwhelmed and scared I was.

My sons really not well. He's had 4 doses of his anti biotics and he was sick again this morning and he's sleeping a lot. He slept all night from half 8 til half 6 and was sick then went back to sleep from 7-11 then has slept 12-5. Not sure what else to do for him. Trying to keep his fluids up and his temp down but may give him til Friday and if no signs of improvement ill take him back to the gp as don't want to leave it ovee the weekend for him to get worse xxx
Tmi here ladies sorry, just had a bit of a clear out... Unlike me really and now have some odd pains and stabby feelings down in my flower?! Just don't feel great tbh :(
hi button hope your okay, are they regular pains like contractions or just uncomfortable, i had the stabby pains like you describe a couple of weeks ago hun and i had nothing since hun. Might be your body preparing for everything. Id keep an eye on it hun, and if it starts to become painful id ring mau xxx
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Not contractions, thinking maybe some good BHs and just feeling really stretched and sore, just don't feel right. Think will have a long shower and see how I feel after, thanks my love xx

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