***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Love the pram buttonbear. Elliot I hope you are feeling a little better now. I hope everyone else is keeping well. We haven't really done much today. We went to visit my in laws and I got to do a bit of this....

Which made me very happy. I've been really crampy on and off since last night. Baby is moving fine and no tightenings that accompany Im taking it as just one of those things xxx
Thanks everyone, all ok now at home, we've made it. Knew we would but it still doesn't make you feel good when you've argued.

Mayflower hope you're feeling better and antibiotics are working.

Jessicat and caseysmummy NCT was good, very interesting questions and advice on breast feeding. I'm hoping to breast feed if I can.

Caseysmummy hope your itching eases soon, sounds like you definitely need to see your doctor.

Elliott hope you're ok, and feeling less emotional now. I cried loads yesterday afternoon.

Buttonbear lovely pushchair, very nice :-)

NatEvz lovely photos, I love the second one with the tongue sticking out :lol:
Love the pushchair!

Love the wrap pictures!

Hope everyone's LOs are behaving and you're all feeling good.

ollie had his party today, he had a brilliant time and we were all snoring by 8:30pm but then Ollie screamed and woke me up at 11:30 and now I can't go back to sleep! (When I woke it felt more like 3am-couldn't believe the time)
Morning ladies, I've got some catching up to do!

We've been really busy for a few days with new furniture arriving, electricians cutting holes in my walls and going to work! Is anyone else wondering if they'll last until maternity leave? I'm really struggling :shock: I'm having braxton hicks during each shift now, they went on for four hours during my Friday evening shift. It got to the point where customers were asking if I was ok? I just had to smile and tell them baby was just practicing :shock:

I still have just under 4 weeks left at work, so I'm hoping I can struggle through it.

Hope everyone is well xxx
Yes struggling at work! Not so much with the kids, but going from school to ballet to drama to school to football to school to gym all week is starting to wear me out! They have a busier social life than me! With Easter etc I've only got 16 working days over 4 weeks so just trying to get on with it.
Sorry to hear you guys struggling at work :(

Couple questions today for you ladies... Woke last night to wee and could barely move!! Managed to get up on my feet but my pelvis felt so odd and grindy when it finally cracked and I was fine. Woke this morning and it still feels grindy and sore around the back, where tail bone is. Not pleasant, anyone know what this could be? I didn't really do anything yesterday to warrant aches and pains?!

Also does anyone else hear a click sound from your belly when baby moves/kicks? I thought I was going mad but OH can now hear it and its fairly regular now!! Had a google and some say its baby's hips clicking :( I really hope its not!!
button it's normal to get quite grindy joints right now as your hormones will start to loosen up your pelvis more, just be careful how you lift and get up for a few days and hopefully your body will readjust and get used I it again.
Also I recently read a thread on here about babies clicking, someone did say that it could mean babies are born with clicky hips BUT about 20 women replied saying they'd had it in pregnancy with no problems. Mention t to your midwife but hopefully it'll just be one of those things.
Remember when you look at google the very small amount of women who did have any issues are likely to go back and update saying so whereas he huge majority who don't will have forgotten about it after birth x
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Thank you Jessie, I know Dt google is such a bad place can't help myself lol. Will definitely mention it to MW, I have hypermobile joints so guessing maybe might not be helping her clicking nor mine haha!!
Hello everyone. Just catching up... Had a busy weekend doing stuff around the house. Have ironed all baby stuff (upto 3 months), washed and ironed all baby cloths/towels/Muslins. First and last time I'm doing that!!!! Took two washing loads and ages to iron.

Packed baby's hospital bag. Only taking four changes of clothes. Hope that's enough.

Also fitted the car seat base yesterday. Had a mini panic that I didn't have isofix in the car! Was on the phone to the dealership ready to kick off, as it should come as standard! but couldn't get through to anyone Finally found the connections, and saved ourselves an embarrassment!!! Haha

Jessie, saw your post about me having a girl... I'm convinced it's a boy so we will see.

Button, how strange is that clicking noise? I've never heard of that before???? Do you know where babies feet are? Can you hear the sound when you get movement in that area, or do you hear it all the time??
Bigbee I've ironed everything too... will also be the last time!

I hear the clicking on occasion, but it is everyday mainly when she has her mega plays in the evening, its definitely from around my belly button up so where her body/feet are now. SO strange as it is fairly loud!!
Afternoon ladies, been having a lazy day with my son as he's not well as has has a high temp the past 24 hours, think it could be his tonsils again as his throats pretty swollen, going to see how he is overnight and book him into the gp tomorrow if no better I think. Just got over an emotional meltdown, read a poem from a mother to a son and balled my eyes out for 20 mins as I don't want my little boy to grow up anymore, it's obviously going to happen but today I feel quite sad that he's not always going to want to cuddle and kiss me and ask me to play, I've been holding it together for a few months about him starting school in September but it's really hitting home now as we find out what school he's going to next month and adding that on to the babies almost being here, im also a little scared about what time im going to have fo the him once they're born etc. Think its just got to me today a little but after a bif cuddle with him. Im feeling better now.

Hope everyone's well!

Button I feel it's becoming clicky when they move buti feel it rather than hear it if you that makes sense, im sure she will be fine though hun and it's probably a pregnancy thing hun.
Tashwink hope youre not feeling too tired after last night

Durhamchance sounds like you've had a busy few days. Yep I'm wondering how I'll manage, work is very stressful at the moment, and with very disrupted sleep with weeing and back/pelvis/hip pain I'm struggling. But with holiday I have to use by the end of March (its a use it or lose it) and the bank holidays I actually only have 19 working days left, as I finsh on the 24th April. Could you start your leave any earlier? I know thats not ideal for everyone. With my OH work situtaion I'm not actually starting leave until 11th May as my first 2 weeks will be holiday.

Mayflower it sounds like the children you look after have very busy little social lives

Buttonbear with my back/pelvis trouble I struggle to walk when I first get up, but the physio is helping. Could just be down to everything loosening up to get ready for the big day. Never heard clicking from my bump

Bigbee it's nice to get all the clothes done though isn't it, I did the same the other week, and agree i wont be ironing them in the future. I hate ironing :-)

Caseysmummy hope your son feels better soon, sorry to hear you've had such an emotional day.

Hope everyone's ok this evening. My feet are so swollen. Any tips? I have them up and have been drinking plenty. Is it just one of those things and not anything I can do to help them go down?

Popping in again ladies lol! Don't get much time at the moment to get on & catch up. Hoping that'll change next week once the move is complete. I really wanna start packing hospital bags but gotta get stuff washed & find everything I've bought as its already at the new house.

Freckle is certainly growing well. Feels like he's completely run out of room. Movements mostly hurt now!

Hope everyone is doing ok xx
Morning, hope everyone's feeling good this morning :)

I still am fine but the pins and needles /numbness in my right hand is getting really annoying! I know it's nothing major on grand scheme but just makes sleeping even harder as that's when it's worst, then things like drying my hair buttering toast and eating get awkward after a while if I'm not careful to switch hands a lot :(

Oh well, things could be worse just a little gripe!
Thanks Blueeyes, I've only got 17 working days left myself so I'm just trying to battle through. I'm also taking a couple of weeks holiday before my mat leave starts, so bringing it forward would really cause a disruption :roll: I did make things a little easier on myself last night and started using the lift to get up to the locker room! :lol: I felt so lazy, but it's two flights of stairs and I'm really puffing halfway up normally.

Elliott- I can sympathise with the pins and needles, I only have it in one finger, but it's been three weeks now, so it's not going away. It's such a strange and irritating sensation, but like you say, things could be worse.
Hope the move is going well larly.
Elliot pins and needles are horrible and would drive me crazy!!
Durham keep using the lift!! Don't make life harder than it needs to be xx

Anyone else get sharp pangs of pain in their chest? I had it all day yesterday, very reguarly like every 5 minutes, it's painful and feels like I've been stabbed but only lasts a second and then it's gone until next time. I had a look in the internet and chest pain can be quite common in pregnancy but I'm lying in bed right now and it's already started so wondered if anyone else had it?
Morning, starting to feel really tired now but luckily today is my last day at work! Whoop!
Aww more and more of us are getting to last days at work!! Exciting!! :) Mine still feels a way off (1st May) but time seems to have sped up recently so i'm sure it'll soon be here and i've got lots of time off in the meantime too!!!

Jess - not had chest pains at all, maybe see how you go today and contact someone if it carrys on or gets any worse to see what they say x
I'm working right up until she is here(its my own business so at home) but its still hard going as its all on my feet!!

Jessie I can get some sharp pains mainly after going up the stair when my heart is beating like mad?! Keep an eye on it my love
Morning ladies. Taken my little boy to the drs today and he's got tonsillitis so hes on anti biotics now so at least he'll be on the mend soon. Although as we were wsotingat the chemist he announced loudly that he needed a poo so I told him he would have to hold on a couple of minutes then he announced oh don't worry mummy it was just a trump! He does like to embarrass us at times lol!

Hope everyone's well today.

Feels like ovebeen off work forever asi finished at 26 weeks then used my annual leave, I've been on maternity almost a month now. Definitely couldn't have gone any longer with my spd though. Not long left for you ladies now though I hope it flies by for you!

Sorry not sure about the chest pains jessie hopefully they ease off soon hun.

Hope you can get sorted soon larly so you can rest hun. I need to sort my hospital bag out again as I used it but plan to so it Friday so ive got any last minute bits in there that I may have forgotten xxx

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