***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I know when i had my UTI a while ago i bled with it, was agony with cramps etc until antibiotics worked. Try a bath it really does help and rinsing down there after each wee xx
How is everyone today?

Had a bad night last night so I'm sooo sleepy today. Couldn't have a lie in either as had to take the dog to the vets....Is it bed time yet? lol

Popped to my mum and dads last night...My mum has been busy!


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Cute Jen.
I've just finished a blanket too.

I got results back from blood test I had at glucose testing, and I'm Anaemic (slightly) also need more folic acid. The folic acid isn't a surprise as it's found in veg and I have completely gone of veg. But the low iron is a surprise as I'm still eating meat and fish fine and. I don't feel overly tired either. Went to pharmacy to get some but they said it needs to be prescribed because of the strength. So can't actually start until at least Monday.

Other than that I have been good. My last day at work tonight, Ollies birthday party tomoz. So time to relax after that! :)
Hi everyone. I've been busy today! Haven't stopped.
Wanted to iron all the baby stuff, but realised the iron is a state!!! Have just started to clean it, but I'm not getting my hopes up :(

Now chilling on the sofa. Waiting for my partner to get home so we can fit the car seat base :)

Jen. The blankets are super cute :)

Tasha, was that just from your normal blood tests from the MW? Are you also taking prenatal vitamins?

Mayflower, the uti sounds like a nightmare. Hope you're not too uncomfortable! :(
Thanks Nat and caseysmummy, maybe im just a little fragile with whats going on right now. Im not a cryer though so i've told my partner it's a hormone surge lol.
Mayflower how you doing?

awww Jen lovely pics!
Tasha I bet you're looking forward to putting your feet up :)
Bigbee sod the ironing, baby things are so tiny anyway you won't see any creases ;)

I'm dosed up on drugs right now in preperation for actually LEAVING THE HOUSE!!! Hubby said I need a change of scenery so to dose up on pain relief and put a dress on we're going for dinner and a film :) I've not been anywhere since before Christmas :)
Awwww jessie how lovely of your OH!! I really hope you have a lovely time, minus the pain x

Jen how lovely are those bits made, cuuuute!

I dont take a pregnancy vitamin anymore mainly as it made me sick! Anyone know if i can just take a multi vitamin?
Flosi enjoy your maternity leave, and relax a bit before baby arrives :-)

Button hope you're feeling ok now after your pains and funny feelings yesterday. I don't know if you can take 'normal' multi vitamins, I haven't taken anything other than folic acid for first 12 weeks, as I'm not supposed to take anything with having the high dose vitamin D tablet every day. So i've just been trying to make sure I get a good mix of food to try and get everything I need.

Caseysmummy hows your rash today, sounds really uncomfortable

Bigbee don't work too hard this weekend :-) taking work home with you. My work asked me if they can email me queries on maternity leave??!! Urh no! :wall2:

Mayflower cute little clothes, love the mac :-) Sorry no advice re UTI as I have never had one, but hope you feel better very soon.

Jessiecat hope youre feeling a little less emotional now, as others have said you have been through a lot over the last few weeks. Enjoy your dinner and film, sounds like a lovely night planned

Jenb ahh they are lovely. Is the blanket crochet or knitted?

Tasha hope your last night at work goes well and enjoy your party tomorrow.

I've had a rubbish weekend so far :-( OH and I had a lovely walk last night and then had an argument within a few minutes of getting home :-( We hardly ever row, and hate it when we do :-( I won't bore you with details, and sure it will blow over, but it meant we hardly spoke to each other last night and then i've been getting the silent treatment most of today. I cried so much this afternoon that my eyes are now puffy and got a headache :-(

Also the last few days I've had an ache in my chest on the right side, I wouldn't call it a pain, more discomfort. Its not my boob but right under my boob if that makes sense as if its my lung or ribs or muscle there. I know baby isn't that high but could she be squishing everything up and that's what's causing it? Its definitely not indigestion or heartburn as I know how that feels. Sorry to moan, but feel a bit poo :-(

Sorry to hear about your argument blueeyes im sure it will resolve itself soon, these things happen especially with added hormones into the mix. My rash isnt too bad today not quite as itchy but ive been putting milk into the bath and on my bump and its relieved it alot thank goodness, around my ankles are the itchiest today though, Im still going to see my gp next week as theres a couple of things id like to discuss with her as my heartburns getting out of control now to the point im constantly drinking milk in an effort to rid it as i cant take gaviscon or peptac liquid as it makes me heave yuk.
Your rib pain sounds similar to what i had in tri 2 it was baby pushing everything up there and was very uncomfortable, i googled it rib pain during pregnancy and its very common to start in third tri when room is running out and there was a website which gave a couple of exercises to relieve it and i found it helpful. although i cant remember the website hun sorry, xxx
Rib pain can range from mild to extremely sore and tender ribs and is usually felt on the right side, just below the breasts. Mainly occurring in the third trimester, it can be more painful when sitting. Rib pain is caused from the uterus pressing into the abdomen, squashing your ribs, as well as baby kicking or punching the area. The only real ways to help here are to make yourself as comfortable as possible by wearing lose fitting clothes and supporting yourself with cushions when lying down. The pain will likely subside when baby drops (into your pelvic cavity) in preparation for birth. Here is a really effective exercise for temporary relief. Stand facing a wall. With your feet 40cms from the wall, cross your arms in front of your face. Then lean your crossed arms on the wall sliding them up the wall above your head and stretching yourself up as far as possible. Hold the position for as long as comfortable. This lifts the diaphragm and rib cage up off the uterus.

Thats what i did to help relieve it blueeyes xxx
Jessie, that's so lovely of him! Well done!!! Hope you have a nice dinner. Xx

Blueeyes, don't worry, I'm sure he is just upset as doesn't know how to deal with your hormones. I hope you guys make up though. Arguing is horrible.

I also get pain under my right ribs. I just thought it's just baby stretching. It's not offended and not painful though.
No I only take Vit D atm. Didn't bother with the pregnecare vitamins as I didn't before (and I'm eating exactly the same-minus the veg)

Pretty sure you can't take normal multivitamins (I think it says not suitable if pregnant)
Thanks ladies, I had a lovely night and think I did well at hiding pain all night so that we could have a normal night that wast about me being poorly for once :)

Have we heard from mayflower since her post earlier? I hope she's doing ok

Aww Blueeyes are things better now with your OH? Sorry to hear you've been upset.

Anyone got anything nice planned for tomorrow? X
Caseysmummy thanks for the advice and the exercise, it does sound like what you've described, so it must be baby's feet under my ribs causing the discomfort. Come to think of it, it didn't hurt whilst I was swimming today so it must have taken the pressure off it.

Thanks bigbee not totally back to normal, but things are better than they were earlier.

Jessicat glad to hear you had a nice night. Things aren't 100% yet but much better than they were earlier.

I've got NCT antenatal tomorrow 9-12 its about breastfeeding tomorrow. What does everyone else have planned?
I am ok thanks Jessie, still uncomfortable but think it must just be a combination of the UTI and pressure/weight of baby. I feel huuuuuge tonight.

Hope you and your OH sort things soon Blueeyes.
Enjoy your NCT class blueeyes, should be an interesting one.
I hope the antibiotics kick in for you soon Mayflower xx

Bigbee i dreamt about all the May mummies having their babies last night and you had a girl :)
I also remember feeling really frustrated because I was overdue and you were all having babies, ironic after recent events lol
Morning ladies,
Hope your nct class was good blueeyes! When I did antenatal classes last time, I enjoyed the breastfeeding one, I found it very informative!

Glad you had a lovely night out jessie, im glad you managed to get out and about as I know how stir crazy I can get at home!

Hope you start to feel better soon mayflower.

I woke myself numerous times in the night scratching ny hands and feet. My tummy doesn't itch as much anymore as long as I keep it uncovered when im home that seems to help so think it's irritation from clothes but my hands and feet and wrists and ankles are a nightmare now. I had to get cold flannels on them just so I coukd get back to sleep as it was like a burning itch so going to book on Facebook withmy gp tomorrow as it's concerning me with the itching being in them places now so I'd rather be safe than sorry I think.

Nothing planned for today apart from a pick up around the house and cooking us a lovely roast dinner later.
Hope you ladies are having a lovely day so far xxx
It would seem my main plan for today is to cry! About anything! Dad going to Spain and away to work for for a week - cry. Talking about a run I enjoyed last year - cry!
Hey ladies, hope we are all well xx

Aww Elliot these pesky hormones huh ?! I seem to be okay so far emotion wise although I'm an emotional person anyways haha

So we have FINALLY decided on our pram, been through SOOOO many but this is what we are going for(we like a bit of colour) http://uberchild.com/uberchild-evo-3-in-1-travel-system-orange-flower.html and to top it off its on a mega sale!! We have gone from quinny modd, to quinny buzz, to cosatto giggle, to vennicci mini to this now... but I just love this!! What do you all think?

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