Flosi enjoy your maternity leave, and relax a bit before baby arrives
Button hope you're feeling ok now after your pains and funny feelings yesterday. I don't know if you can take 'normal' multi vitamins, I haven't taken anything other than folic acid for first 12 weeks, as I'm not supposed to take anything with having the high dose vitamin D tablet every day. So i've just been trying to make sure I get a good mix of food to try and get everything I need.
Caseysmummy hows your rash today, sounds really uncomfortable
Bigbee don't work too hard this weekend

taking work home with you. My work asked me if they can email me queries on maternity leave??!! Urh no!
Mayflower cute little clothes, love the mac

Sorry no advice re UTI as I have never had one, but hope you feel better very soon.
Jessiecat hope youre feeling a little less emotional now, as others have said you have been through a lot over the last few weeks. Enjoy your dinner and film, sounds like a lovely night planned
Jenb ahh they are lovely. Is the blanket crochet or knitted?
Tasha hope your last night at work goes well and enjoy your party tomorrow.
I've had a rubbish weekend so far

OH and I had a lovely walk last night and then had an argument within a few minutes of getting home

We hardly ever row, and hate it when we do

I won't bore you with details, and sure it will blow over, but it meant we hardly spoke to each other last night and then i've been getting the silent treatment most of today. I cried so much this afternoon that my eyes are now puffy and got a headache
Also the last few days I've had an ache in my chest on the right side, I wouldn't call it a pain, more discomfort. Its not my boob but right under my boob if that makes sense as if its my lung or ribs or muscle there. I know baby isn't that high but could she be squishing everything up and that's what's causing it? Its definitely not indigestion or heartburn as I know how that feels. Sorry to moan, but feel a bit poo