***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Are you starting to feel any better Jessie?

It's a lovely sunny afternoon here, so I've got all the crib bedding and sheets out on the line. When's it best to actually make up the crib and have it ready to use?
Thanks mayflower, jessiecat and buttonbear, everyone keeps saying I'm massive so that really nice to hear :-)

Seems a few of you agree bump is low.

Caseysmummy, the form my midwife writes on, has been photocopied so many times I can't actually read the column headings. my last notes that she entered say:
16/03/15, 31+3, 100/60, NEG, then 2 ticks, then, ceph, lang, free, another tick, FHHR136, 112gd. So guess that means not engaged yet.

Elliott I didn't realise there's local groups that help with slings/carriers. That's good :-)

Jessicat - hope you get results soon, and little one stays put a bit longer.

The weathers lovely isn't it Mayflower, I'm working from home but its nice to have the window open and some sunshine coming in.

32 weeks today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone's having a good day xx
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That's it, last day done ! Now time to relax!!!!

I can't tell if I'm happy or sad about it tbh, I know I complain about work but it is the girl I work with that I will miss me thinks, we had a great giggle today!

Hope everyone os feeling well
I've posted my bump pic in tri 3 bumps :)

it was sooooo cloudy earlier but now its blue skies and....warm!!!
Gosh I feel all funny this afternoon, had some weird pains and heavy feeling almost like I can't stand up straight and feel really nauseas and breathless. bleurgh
I get like that button but usually when im having braxton hicks which happens every time I stand and usually eases off after a minute or so, hope you feel bettersoon though, try resting fora little while and see if that helps hun.

I think I've got pep or puppp rash. My tummy is insanely itchy, worse than my eczema has ever itched and it's constant, I've got little blisters up the top on some stretch marks and scratching makes the itchiness worse, I've put cream on constantly today but it onky relieves itfora few minutes then the itch is back, I've also had a really itchy scalp the last few days and legs and arms and tops of feet and hands but id put these down to eczema flaring up but thinking it's all liked now. My tummy is by far the itchiest of all though and can hardly concentrate on anything but the itch. Think im going to go to see a gp if it carries on much longer or rash gets worse. I feel like im going mad with it! !! Xxx
Thanks my love, just resting now see how I feel later. LO has been insanely active today as well, like literally non stop!!

Eeeek that rash sounds awful, I hate feeling itchy!! Have you got any calamine lotion or try having a oat/milk bath or rub on the itchy parts?
Caseysmummy, do you think it's just your skin stretching that causes this irritation?

Glad everyone is enjoying the weather. It's pretty nice up here too, which makes a difference!

I cannot explain to you girls how happy I am it is Friday!!!!!! On the bus home, then going to put my feet up and watch Netflix with my lovely partner. Had to take some work home so will unfortunately have to spend some time on that tomorrow. Of well. I am soooo looking forward to maternity leave. 6 weeks!!!
Will definitely try the milk button and gotta pop to tesco in a little while so will get some camomile lotion and some oatmeal bath stuff. I think it is due to skin stretching but no overall sure, I've read it's common on multiple pregnancies. I've found when im in the car it's not as bad and eases off for some reason not sure if it's the heaters or what not but can't sit in the car forever. Going to see how I get on over the weekend and book in with my gp and see if she can give me anything if it's no better. Also going to look online for natural remedies to try over the weekend. 5 weeks to go until they're here but it's going to be like hell if I itch like this till they're born! Xxx
OH is on a major flat pack mission! Anything we have he's done now and that includes snuzpod! Can't decide still if this is all a good thing or not! Don't get me wrong I love the stuff we've got.
I remember my stretchies with my son being unbearable!! I scratched till they bled!

I dipped a warm flannel in the oats/milk and placed on my belly, helped loads :)
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Morning ladies,

How are you all doing with hormones at the minute? I'm an emotional wreck! Im not and have never been a cryer but I just keep crying at everything, i'm so fragile right now. It's distressing my husband because he really wants to help me and cheer me up but nothing helps I always feel moody and miserable :/
Oh bless you lovely. I'm not weepy atm, I just have a very short fuse and I lose my temper easily. Grumpy face. It's all normal though. Big hugs xxx
morning ladies, hope your all well.

jessie my hormones aren't too bad, although im more mardy that ever, the slightest thing can piss me off just lately which isnt like me as im usually very patient and laid back, im not much of a cryer but atm if my son cried it makes me well up which doesnt help when hes been told off for doing something naughty, as he thinks hes got away with it, but im very snappy with him and not patient as usually would be so i do feel sorry for him, he must think his mummy has bee replaced by a monster! Hope you feel better soon hun, sounds daft but chocolate usually cheers me up when im feeling down like that and a good film on the telly might help hun xxx
dont forget hun youve been through alot this past couple of weeks too hun, your bound to feel more fragile chick but you will get there xxx
Advice needed please girls...

I am on antibiotics for a UTI which I started on Thurs, but waiting for the results to come back from the lab.

I have a really achey, heavy, uncomfortable feeling (not cramps) in my pubic area, and when I wipe after a wee I am getting brown mucousy streaks. I've been feeling nauseous again the last two days. I didn't have any symptoms with my last UTI so I don't know if this is from that, the cervical polyp or something else altogether?
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