***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Evening ladies. Im not sure it is chicken pox he has as the spots looked almost gone this morning so maybe me over analysing it after seeing it at the nursery. Im not at any risk though as I have had it so im immune. Took my little boy to the park for a picnic before my midwife which was lovely and also a little sad to think it may be the last time me and him get to do things like this so easily together but im sure we will find a way of doing it again before he starts school. Whooping cough jab was okay a little stingy at the time but arms still okay atm and even managed to lie on it when taking a nap but after the steroid injections I think anything would feel better! My BP was unusually high though through both pregnancies do far it's never gone much above 120/80 and if it has its been by 1 or 2 but it was 143/79 which is quite high isn't it? Urine was fine so midwife wasn't concerned but I had a cracking headache by the time I got home so much so I went to bed for a couple of hours. Feeling so much better now thank goodness!
Going to start sone tea but will be vack on later to catch up with all the posts xxx
Hi jenb
I have gd been diet managed for a month but moved me on to insulin today
So will see how I get on with that
My whopping cough jab was fine no sore arm but perhaps that's cause I'm used to jabbing myself now
Glad you're feeling better casey, and flosi last day!!! Amazing! Very jealous hehe

just gt a bargain sling/carrier so am feeling chuffed but knackered after swimming too!
I don't post often but out of interest how many of you ladies have decided on names?
We are tema yellow and can't agree on anything!
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We have a name we are pretty settled on, ive almost annoyed myself at how quickly we decided and just can't seem to find anything we like as much now! We know we are having a girl. Assuming they were right
We are team yellow and decided on Alice Paige for a girl and we had decided on Alexander for a boy but now OH is having a wobble. We liked Henry too so I'm unsure if it's a boy xxx
Thanks girls, at my 32 week growth scan baby was measuring roughly 36 weeks. Got another scan next Thursday so will see how much he's grown again I guess! X
On the subject of names our little one will be called Arthur Charles. (Artie for short) :-)
I wobbled about maggie a few weeks ago but still not found anything that comes close and it just seems right now. She better look like a maggie now haha!
Catching up from earlier
Jessiecat, Yay on making it to 32 weeks, every weeks feels like a milestone after a scare like preterm labour doesnt it
my bump has been really low since around 26 weeks, its quite a heavy lump on my lap when i sit down now but with having two
its still fairly up top when im sitting down and hard to breathe or bend to get anything off the floor etc.

Jenb1301 sorry i dont have any experience with gd but hope you can get some info soon to help control it, i will also be an april
mummy but will always see myself as a may mummy as will you be hun! Had my whooping cough jab
today i didnt find the injection too bad but ive noticed this evening my arms tender to touch hoping it doesnt last too long though,
hope yours goes well tomorrow.

Natevz, ahh i know its terrible ive been trying to get him to catch it for a couple of years so hes had it out of the way
but now i could do with him getting it when the babies are old enough to have it so they all have it at once, He doesnt seem to have it
though thank goodness as his spots have disappeared, Congrats on the 32 weeks milestone, i might get some rlt tomorrow to start next week
eek its all getting so close now!

Blueeyes, Lovely cardigans they're beautiful, My mums also made a couple for babies for havent seen them yet so seeing yours makes
me excited to see them.

Mayflower, Glad youve managed to get some antibiotics for your uti so at least you wont suffer hun.
I also have a pregnancy waddle, it taes me hours to walk anywhere and my 4 year old now walks faster than i do even when hes not rushing lol
hes always telling me im too slow now.

Flosi, Yay for last day of work, finally time to get some rest ready for when baby arrives, Hows your blanket coming along you'll have plenty of time to do you
knitting now your off, Your boss sounds bitter but if i remember rightly wasnt she the one telling you she wanted you to start your mat leave in feb a while ago?
so she cant really say anything as youve lasted alot longer than that!

Bigbee, ive heard NCT groups are really good for making friends and people still meet up years after, its nice
having people to relate too though, when i was at work one of my friends was also pregnant but dont see any other pregnant people
now so greatful to have you ladies to talk to as pregnancy has been so rough this time but reassuring to hear other ladies experiences also.

Nutsyputs, its taken me and my OH since 16 weeks to agree on any names, i thought finding out the gender early would help us
and for the past few weeks everynight before we fall asleep we each suggested names to each other and wrote down any we liked
but we kept changng our mind and not agreeing on names we each liked, We then decided a name for one of the babies which made me feel guilty
about one of them not having a name but we have finally got 2 names we both love for them, We only had to pick first names too as we already knew
middle names would be after our mums, Weve decided on Lily Christine for one baby and Zara Lynn for the other, now its just to decide which baby get which name
and hopefully not change our mind before they're born now. But i did say if we couldnt decide before they were born i believed after looking at them it would come to us
so maybe that will be what you do, My mum had a name picked out for me but when i was born said it didnt suit me so changed it.

Took a leaf out of your book blueeyes and used notepad to help me catch up lol! Hopefully not missed anyone out.

Really enjoyed my tea tonight, cooked mince beef and onion with mash peas and carrots and it was yummy
wish i could have the energy to cook meals like this everyday!

Caseysmummy yes your correct she did say to go at end of Feb, it is all very odd, and although I'm quite upset to leave I will also be relieved ��.

The blanket is ok, have realised though that some squares are bigger than others so, may have to be a bit of a higgaly piggly mess, but as they say its the thought that counts! Will hopefully get pictures up once finished!!

Had a little bit of a thoughtful evening as in a very peculiar mood, but have most definitely decided that this due date seems to be getting closer at a rate of knots whilst almost seeming out of reach! And although very excited and could nit be more pleased that out little family is growing I am getting quite scared, not that I will admit that to anyone else
We've also decided on names. Just about. We got one of each, so will be in a kerfuffle if the name doesn't suit the baby :)

I like the sound of Zara Lynn, caseysmummy. Actually both names go well together, Zara Lynn and lily Christine...I think because both have an "L".

Jen. Do you actually feel like your bump is growing a lot?
Bigbee, My bump is bigger than it should be but I think it's kind of evened out a bit. I was told at 25 weeks I had polyhidramnios, my fluid levels were 30. They've now gone down to 22 so although the baby has grown quite a bit the fluid has decreased so I don't think my bump is a big as it could have been, thank god!
Ok Jessiecat and Mayflower here's my massive bump. Please excuse the clothes and hair, I used the mirror at the gym (not managing much atthe moment, but trying to at least walk on treadmill and swim when I can). I think I look huge but not sure if she's low or not

Mayflower my boyfriend said I've started to waddle, in fact last night he called me a penguin as he said I waddled up the stairs to bed! :rotfl:

Buttonbear - seriously if I even mention it to my mum she'll knit you one, she's on a knitting frenzy

Flosi enjoy your last day at work, then enjoy the rest before baby arrives :-) I know what you mean about being excited and scared at the same time as I feel the same, even though as you say very excited to be having a family :-)

Bigbee I don't really have any very local friends with babies (not that they are that far away, but none in the same town), so think it will be nice to keep in touch with NCT ladies and hopefully meet up with babies when on maternity leave.

Caseysmumy glad you are not at risk with chicken pox, could it have been the worry of that that made your blood pressure go up a bit? I'm sure midwfie would have said if dangerously high. See notepad is helpful when there's so many posts to catch up on :-) else by the time you have read them all you forget who said what :-)

nm1979 glad your whooping cough jab wasn't painful

Ellott post a picture of your sling when you can :-)

Nutsyputs we have decided on a name, although we're not telling anyone other than parents until she arrives :-)

Jenb hope your scan goes well next week.

Think baby has just turned right the way round, or she's dancing, just felt a massive movement and my bump kind of did a Mexican wave :preg:

Hope everyone has a good nights sleep tonight xx


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Blueeyes, your bump does look low but I definitely wouldn't say you're massive at all! My OH is now calling me a duck! I wonder if baby's position has something to do with the waddle lol.
Tried caboo on last night with a bear :s not certain I got it right but think I was close. Might go to local sling group to get tips and checked at some point
Mayflower I think it does have something to do with it, has your midwife started to tell you whether babies head is engaged or not yet? They used to when I was pregnant last time, it will be in your notes where the midwife writes blood pressure results etc and looks like 2/5 3/5 etc depends on how far down baby is. The lower baby the more waddle I think. I only ever got to 3/5 with my son he engaged fully during labour. Xxx
My son never engaged he was "free"(not even on the day before my waters went lol) and I still had a massive waddle down!! I think its even less chance with further babies too as more room etc

So this eclipse is a bit naff isn't it, its majorly cloudy, hasn't even gotten remotely dark lol! Boo!!

Blueeyes I would say bump is perfect, not big at all and not too low either :) lovely!

I will post a pic of my 31 week bump shortly :)
Wow Blueeyes you do look low, il post a pic today my bump is so high!
Well it's been a week since my labour swab came back positive, if baby can stay put another 7 days my risk of preterm labour drops back to normal. Stay put little one! I certainly don't feel like I'm about to go in to labour but I know things can change so quickly. I'm hoping the hospital get in touch today wih more results.

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