***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Button- in really liking the yoga. Some of the stretchs are lovely and seem to help. The breathing and relaxation is s big part of it though and is something if struggle to do regularly on my own. There's 2nd time mums back at the classes because they found it so helpful the first time round. I love the time to just totally focus on something for me and baby. Very lucky to have a class so close and not too pricey.

Great for me to meet other mums to be as well with not being from the area.
Yes I'm not happy so i rang back and they said to ring each morning and hope for a cancellation so that made me even more annoyed!! Jeeeezo!!

Aww I want a knitted cardi!! Anyone's mum free?? haha

my 30 week mw appt was just standard really Jessie, BP, feel bump, measure bump, check wee, discussed homebirth and various other bits etc I also got some swabs done and got prescribed more iron.

Jessie well I can move better, skin doesn't feel like it will rip open but the breathing isn't great due to my very low iron so hoping that will go once on more tablets!!
Button, you should complain to the manager at the surgery! That's not on. Your MW should've mentioned it.

Have just been feeling baby move. Funny thing is, I don't feel all the movements, unless I have my hand on my bump. I can see the belly move, but don't feel!! Does anyone else get that??? Only feel strong moves without my hand on the bump, if that makes any sense at all.
My placenta is in a different place to yours Bigbee, but I still sometimes see movements that I can't feel. I wish I could see what she's up to in there!
i have movements i see rater than feel too bigbee, and ive seen them move at my scans and cant feel them doing it sometimes tonight one is in an awkward position by my rib and has her bum sticking out and it really hurts im walking half bent over as standing up straight makes me feel like im going to rip open, please move to a better position baby! xxx
Morning ladies. Need some advice, my son goes to nursery a couple of times a week and the other day there was a sign on the door which said that they had had 1 confirmed case of chicken pox, last night I noticed 2 smallish red spots on his cheek that my dad says looks like chicken pox, I've had this as a child but my worry is obviously being pregnant in third tri if it is chicken pox are the babies at risk. Im going to see my midwife later so was gonna ask her aswell but am worrying although I know there's not much i can do if he has it but can't help but worry xxx
Aww casey one more thing to play in your mind! I've no really knowledge about it but sure midwife will be able to tell you what's what and put your mind at ease :)

My only uodate is...30 weeks today!
I think I've got another UTI :(

My urine had traces of leukocytes at the midwife on Tues but she said it was nothing to worry about. Google tells me it's a sign of an infection. But today I feel really crampy and heavy down below, and I feel desperate for a wee but when I go hardly anything comes out.
Ok. So seeing movements vs feeling them is a common occurrence. Good to know.

Caseysmummy, I'm not going to pretend to know how this works, but MW told me that it's important that the mother has been vaccinated. Not sure whether babies in the womb can actually get chicken pox if you're immune? Only a few hours until MW can reassure you. Chin up.

Elliott, awesome! I'm 32 today. Time is FLYING.

Had a shitty night last night. Zero sleep. Pretty sure baby didn't stop moving! My partner's snoring didn't help either. I can see we will have plenty more sleepless nights when baba arrives. They are not that active during the day! I sit at my desk all day, and don't notice nowhere near as much movement.
Bigbee I feel far more movement when I am laying down compared to when I am sitting or on my feet.
Morning all, yay I made 32 weeks I didn't think I would lol.
Congrats Elliot on 30 weeks, a huge milestone!
Sorry to hear you didn't sleep Bigbee, since coming out of hospital I feel like I'm sleeping better than ever I'm enjoying it whilst it lasts I think I'm just appreciating the peace and quiet of home at the minute still lol. Early night tonight for you.

Mayflower make sure you get checked out then you don't want it being there for weeks until your next appointment.
Pregnancy is bloody tough on us all isn't it! My hubby was saying last night how hard I'm having it when other women sail through it and I thought of all you and actually none of us have had a really easy worry free time. T
Hi girls! I've not posted on here for a little while. I've tried to catch up with everyone but I'm sure there are bits I've missed!
I really hope you are all doing ok. Can't believe where the weeks are going. I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow!
I've a feeling I'll be an April mummy as our little chunk is measuring a little bigger.
I've had a repeat gtt and it has come back borderline again so they are going to treat me as having gd to try to get babies growth under control.
Has any other may mummies got gd? I can't recall if anyone has mentioned it before?
Got my whooping cough jab tomorrow, no one mentioned it till last week so I'm not sure if I'm a little late having it or not. Not looking forward to the sore arm afterwards though!
Morning ladies. Ahhh casey it's not what you need is it. A little boy in my sons nursery class has it atm so I'm hoping and praying that We don't end up with it here. Congrats ladies that are hitting milestones today.
32 weeks for me and I'm starting my raspberry leaf tea xxx
Bigbee - Really enjoying the NCT classes. THey have been on Wednesday nights at 7:30-9:30 and with 1 sunday 10-2 and then this sunday 9-12. Outr last class in next Wednesday. Really nice group of people and very information. My mum comes with me as she will be my birthing partner. OH is still thinking he wants to wait in waiting room until little one is actually out!

Here's a couple of the cardigan's. My mum has made about another 6 since I took this photo, inclding a couple of very tiny ones, and a few more little hats.

Sorry to hear you had a rubbish nights sleep, just baby preparing you for what's to come :-)

Elliott - Its true about the feeling of yoga just being some time for you and baby to spend together. I was very disappointed when the physio recommended not going anymore. Congratulations on 30 weeks :-)

Button - hope you get your whooping cough jab sorted out soon. My mum would happily knit you a little cardi ha ha :-)

Caseysmummy - Sorry to hear about your little boy and chicken pox. Sorry no advice, but I'm sure your midwife can help

Mayflower - sorry to hear about UTI, I've luckily never had one, but heard they can be very painful. Hope you feel better soon.

Jessiecat - congratulations on 32 weeks, I'll be joining you tomorrow. Funny you say that about not sailing through as a few of us were saying at NCT last night about aches and pains, piles, scares etc, and then there were just a ferw ladies saying 'nope not had any of that'.

Jenb - 34 weeks tomorrow, isn't it flying by!! No advice re GD i'm affriad, as I havent had to be tested, but hope all is ok for you and baby. The whooping cough jab does leave you with a sore arm for a few day's so try and have it done on the opposite side to the one you sleep on :-)

NatEvz we talked about raspberry leaf tea in the class last night and a few people had been recommended it, apparently it's supposed to be really good.

Physio said to me yesterday that baby is low and 'will you go another 8 weeks' and then a colleague at work said this morning (last saw her only yesterday), 'blimey you've dropped, how long have you got left'

Hope everyone has a good day xx


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Was thinking recently that we hadn't seen you post much Jen. I'm not sure about GD I'm afraid. Have a look in the high risk pregnancy section though there's tons of advice.
Have you had a growth scan? Do they know how much bigger baby is measuring? I had a scan and baby measuring 2 weeks ahead but rule me out or diabetes so not concerned thy just said it's a big baby.

Blueeyes!! Great post lol you must have to take notes going through lol. And show us a bump pic :) when do peoples bumps start dropping? Transverse babies never do so I carry babies right under my chin until they come out lol
Aww they're cute Blueeyes! I think you need to post a bump pic so we can see!

One of the mum's told me today that I had a "pregnancy waddle" how attractive lol.

Spoke to GP on the phone and she's prescribed me another course of amoxicillin, OH is going to pick it up after work for me.
Since Lo has turned my bump has dropped lower! Feels so heavy now and almost shelves out at the top where she once was up in my ribs! Haha

At Mw my bump was measuring the right weeks so that's good!

Blueeyes I wish she would hehe those are gorgeous!
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Last day of work tomorrow!!!! Leaving a week earlier as would appear everyone is worries about me but just not said anything!
Strange thing is my boss is the one that suggested went a week earlier, and she has been really off with me this week and then has decided she is not at work tomorrow and all she said was see you soon hopefully!

Very odd, ob the plus side I have just got a £90 refund from ebay!! So off shopping next week xx
Blueeyes, those cardies are cute. I've asked my mam to make one with a matching hat :) glad you're enjoying the classes. Our breastfeeding one was on Saturday, but unfortunately I had to miss it :( hoping I can attend one in April, if there is a space. the ladies are already arranging a meal out after next week's class. A bit keen, if you ask me. Will be nice to make some PWEGNANT FWENDS though :)

Flosi, your boss sounds like a knob, but you must be soooo happy you're almost done! I still have 6 weeks left. Not sure how I'm going to manage with all the stress and idiots in my office. People have been quite nice to me though now I look pregnant haha
Hey jenb if u have any questions i was borderline Gd last pregnancy. Is ur baby measuring much bigger? X

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