***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Button, definitely ask about the jab. I too was told to have it done between 28 and 32 weeks, but then other ladies were saying you can have it done even later on but 28-32 weeks is the optimal time.

Blueeyes, haha! Yes, your replies are great! I sometimes think I just need to read what you've written instead of catching up with 20 posts! Keep it up. Re the pain in ribs. I get that sometimes, it's a little uncomfortable. I've put it down to baby's bum pressing into the rib age. I guess that's how the baby is positioned?
Ha ha do you all think I'm odd with my big long replies. I just find this site so helpful when you read people are going through the same or very similar to you, so try and catch up on everything when I can :-)

Bigbee think you're right and its just her position, it's pretty uncomfortable though isn't it. Haven't had the rib discomfort until now .

Night night all, hope you get a good night's sleep xx
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Hello all!

Today is my boys 3rd birthday! And I'm wide awake at 4am with sore hips! (Chiropractor obviously didn't work)

My SIL had her baby last night 10days early and was such a speedy labour (2cm at 9pm - being born in car at 11.55pm) She's literally like amazing at birthing it should be her job! :)

I'm pretty sure all pregnant women are being advised to get it and I think I read somewhere for it to be effective it needs to be done at least 2 weeks before baby is born. I haven't booked mine yet because I've had a cough and cold etc.

Caseysmummy-Id be so annoyed if that was my appointment. I'd make sure I never saw them again. Useless.
Orion - I hope your hand/s aren't causing you too much discomfort
Blue-I too love the way you do your replies. It kinda breaks everything down for everyone too! :)

I havent got hardly any blankets...need a new cellular one though as the one I had is ripped so can't use that (its Ollies old one) I'm also knitting one.
I actually need to start buying essential bits (matresses etc) but I've got all the bits for my hospital bag so that's good :)

My hubby doesn't like the 3d scans either...but I do. So I had it done :)
Blue eyes no I love your posts!! You're like the minutes taker of the group- its brill!! :)
Hope everyone's well this morning x
Morning everyone :)

Main thing I took away from the sling discussions last night is... There's endless options haha! They didn't have the caboo nct one hit some that were similar idea. I'm still tempted as its £35 so a good price to see how I get on with it. I don't think I could do the big bit of material mon stretch type ones, but of a knack to. Hubby wouldn't be up for trying that either I don't thing.

No yoga classes for three weeks now!! But they are sending a video so we can do it at home in the mean time :)
Morning everyone :) How are we all?

Jessie how are things now being at home?

Durham are you feeling any better?

Willowburn we only have 2 cellular blankets so far plus the one I have made for her so think I need to get some more! I also need to get some more cardis actually. Its hard to judge the weather in May?!

Tasha Happy birthday to your little one!!

Ps. taking a leaf out of your book blueeyes with replying hehe :)
Morning ladies. I am so bad at keeping up with this thread, but I hope everyone is keeping ok, ladies having issues I hope you are all ok.
Elliot heard lots of good things about the close caboo, never tried it myself. The stretchies aren't as scary as they look, so don't let it out you off. I have serious sling issues, I bought an ergo yesterday
to add to my collection. I had to try it with my two older babies lol.
I actually think 3 blankets sounds fine but I don't use them at night with the exception of the one my mum is making for me. I'm a sleeping bag user.
I have two packed in baby's hospital bag, one for when they first arrive and one for when we're coming home.
How many ladies have packed theirs and baby's bags yet?I started buying for my bag yesterday and it started feeling a little bit real xxx

Ooo pleased you like your ergo nat!! It looks fab! We've got one with the infant insert- thought it would be brill for when I get back on my feet for walking the dog etc. Button I've struggled the same- the weather is impossible for dressing babies in this country!!
Morning ladies. Hope your all well.
I have a few blankets 4 for each baby approx. I've made 2 and I know my mil has made one and bought a couple and my sister bought one each for babies as they had thumper on them all varying in thickness so I thought can mix and match depending on weather. Like you button im lacking in cardigans, jumpers and coats. My mil has bought them a pram suit each incase it's cold and I have a 2 cardigans each as im not sure what the weather will be like come the end of April early May as when my son was born in match is was still quite cold and rainy so he had a pram suit on when we went out anywhere for the first few weeks at least although I do have pictures from his first easter wearing an all in one shorts and tshirts (think its called a romper but unsure) with a summer hat and it was sunny.

I really want a baby carrier suitable for twins so think im going to get a stretchy one piece one, although I like the look of your ergo nat and may get one if I want to wear one baby at a time say if the other is sleeping and I need to get some jobs done or were going out it msy he easier to carry one and have one in the pushchair and alternate. Can you use feed in them when breast feeding? Xxx
Hi all,
Caseysmummy have you calmed down any after your appointment? that is really frustrating! I hate feeling that im being looked after by someone that doesn't know what they're doing.
I had the whooping cough jab, i found it didn't hurt when they did it but I was quite ill that night - could be unrelated though?
Blueeyes I also love your replies, you're very considerate making sure you reply to everyone :)
Hows everyone's baby's doing position wise now? All making their way head down? What about your little transverse tinker Button?
I was worried a feew weeks back thinking I didn't have enough baby blankets but turns out I have about 5 lol!

Im a bit better than yesterday, still in a lot of pain with my kidneys but just taking each day as it comes and not making any plans for the next few weeks. I also did a massive online food shop online in preperation for baby deciding that he will still come in the next week but thankfully labour signs are wearing off slowly, still tightening and shooting pains but not as strong.

Hope everyone else ok and enjoying the sunshine. I miss the outside lol!
Glad your feeling a little better Jessie!! Had Mw yesterday and girlie is head down! (for now haha) *touch wood* she stays that way!!

Ladies I'm so annoyed, rang up Drs re whooping cough jab saying I hadn't been told anything etc and she says "Oh you should have been, we don't have any appts this week or next"... hmmm well that's great help NOT! I'm sure she could squeeze me in somewhere(its between 2 drs practices) for a 2 minute jab!!
Great news that baby had gone head down, have you felt the relief on your lungs/chest?

I was told to get the whooping cough jab by 38 weeks so im sure will be fine to have it later but annoying that you weren't told about it in the first place!

Also I meant to ask you all what happens at the 31 week MW appointment? I cancelled mine yesterday as I wasn't up to it and having being surrounded by midwivees in hospital for the last 5 days I didn't see the need but will I have missed anything?
Nat, your kids are super cute!!!

Button, here is clearly another example of incompetence. I'd be upset with that!

Jessie, 31 week appointment was standard for me. MW listened to HB, measured bump, talked about breastfeeding (very briefly!), measured my blood pressure, looked at my pee ;) that was about it.

Can someone please post a picture of a cardigan? Sorry, I must sound rather thick saying this, but what are they? Just like a normal cardigan? Like a jumper with buttons at the front? I've got none of those. Just baby grows and a couple of pram suits.
Glad your starting to feel better slowly jessie. Hopefully you'll be fully recovered soon in time for babies arrival which I hope is when he's meant to come. Im a bit calmer but annoyed at the level of care, what's worse is I could have been in early labour and he just wasn't interested. I hope I never see himself again tbh.

My midwife app is tomorrow so unsure on that, although im going to ask her to check that not dilating or anything with the cramps ive been having and that.

That's ridiculous buttonbear wouldn't take 2 mins to squeeze you in for that.

I would send a picture bigbee but my phones not letting me attach them for some reason. Ill find a link to one and post it xxx
Ooo pleased you like your ergo nat!! It looks fab! We've got one with the infant insert- thought it would be brill for when I get back on my feet for walking the dog etc. Button I've struggled the same- the weather is impossible for dressing babies in this country!!

Yeah it came with the infant insert so I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

I really want a baby carrier suitable for twins so think im going to get a stretchy one piece one, although I like the look of your ergo nat and may get one if I want to wear one baby at a time say if the other is sleeping and I need to get some jobs done or were going out it msy he easier to carry one and have one in the pushchair and alternate. Can you use feed in them when breast feeding? Xxx

Have a look at the Twingo carrier lovely, I know our local library has just got some for loaning out. They are a structured buckle carrier like the ergo but double for twinnies. But stretchies are also good for twins too. Yeah you can use them while feeding, I fed my daughter in ours walking around and no one even knew.

Nat, your kids are super cute. [\QUOTE]

Awww thank you xxx
Caseysmummy, thank you... Yup, we don't have any of those...
I've think I've got three blankets, one cardigan and one soft quilted jacket. I am hoping my Granny will knit me a cardigan or two!
Hope your little boy is having a lovely birthday Tasha :-)

Elliott how are you finding the yoga, I was very sad to have to stop going, but physio thought it was making my back worse. Missing the breathing and relaxation bit though.

Button ha ha :-) re replies :-) Could they keep you on standby for any cancelations?, not very helpful seen as they never told you about it in the first place.

Button and Caseysmummy I think we are ok for cardigans as my mum has been on a knitting frenzy :-)

NatEvz I packed my and baby's hospital bag on Sunday. Just need to add drinks, straws, phone charger, hospital notes and money :-)

Jessie how are you feeling now? I had Midwife on monday and phsio today and both have said baby's head down and low. My 31 week appointment was usual wee test, measuring bump, took blood pressure, and listening to babys heartbeat

Bigbee, yes just like a jumper but instead of pulling over babys head, they button up. Will post a pic later of the ones my mum has knitted as I am on work laptop at the mo.

Mayflower I bet you'll end up with your granny knitting loads for you, once my mum started she hasn't stopped. She says it keeps her busy in the evenings after work and stops her snacking!!

I had phsyio today and been given a giant tubigrip that goes from under my boobs to below my bum, to help with my back a bit. She said I don't need to wear it all the time, but it will help when walking.

I've got another NCT antenatal class tonight. Hope everyone's ok today xx
Ohhhh, I'm gonna ask mummy to knit me a couple as well! Haha jumping on the cardi knitting bandwagon :)

How are the NCT classes going, blueeyes? Got ours next weekend. My partner didn't realise they are from 10 am till 5 pm Saturday and Sunday haha he is not happy!!!!

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