***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Jessiecat glad to hear that you are home, take it very easy and rest.

Tasha lovely scan photo, little sleepy baby :-)

Durham chance, your funny turn yesterday sounds horrible. Hope you're ok now

Larlybelle not long now until your move, exciting stuff. You'll be all settle in ready in time for your new arrival.

Flosi hope your pain eases soon.

Willowburn, I've been lucky in that my sister has given us some of her little girls blankets. I had already brought 2 cellular ones, and a bright knit one from mama's and papas, and now had a bag full from my sister.

Caseysmummy hope your appointment goes well this afternoon and things have settle down a bit now.

Mayflower glad your appointment went well today. I had mine yesterday and all ok. I also had my jab on Friday and my arm still has a hot itchy lump from it, it's not aching as much now but was very sore over the weekend.

Elliott let us know how the talk goes, I haven't got any advice but would be interested to hear what's been said as I would like to get a sling at some point.

Hope everyone's having a good afternoon. I am struggling with work today :-( only 3 and a bit hours to go......

I have physio tomorrow, so hopefully that will help my back xx
Hi ladies back from my appointment and im very disappointed and almost fuming tbh, I had my scan which was brilliant. Both twins are over 3lb and are measuring perfectly for gestation now and the gap is smaller between them, they were always slightly lower than their gestation and one baby was measuring a few weeks behind consistently but they weren't worried so im super happy they've caught up! I went to see my consultant and she wasn't in so I saw the registrar and explained about last week and the fact id had steroid injections and asked him if he thought this may have helped babies catch up and he looked at me confused and said I don't know, I then went onto explain about how ice had two losses of mucus plug within s week and this morning I had period cramps and I asked if I should be concerned that I could be in early labour and he said im not sure but if you experience anymore loss ring the mau. So I got no answers and by this point didn't feel comfortable with him examining me as I really don't think he would have known what he was doing, he also didn't read my notes at first and told me my baby looked to be growing nicely then corrected himself and said oh both of them actually. . Im actually gobsmacked and not sure if he was even an obstetrician. I see the midwife Thursday so going to ask her I think! Sorry for the rant I just can't believe it xxx
Mayflower I hate to say it but I had my jab on Friday and the area around the injection site os still red and sore to the touch!

The one thing o am really struggling with is these cramps /spams / carpel tunnel type thing in my hands, it is getting progressively worse, now affects my wrists too. I have been wearing splints at night and drinking tonic water, before bed as told by MW. I don't think anyone really understands how debilitating it is, I only have to try and pick something up or squeeze a sponge out and it starts! Lasts approximately 20-30 second each time but rahhhhh!!

Apologies rant over!

The whooping cough jab usually leaves a red sore area, mine was sore to touch for 2 weeks.

My hands were swollen when I woke this morning. They're a bit better now. Keeping my eye on it as I know it can be a sign of preeclampsia...but they're sore, my wrists are a bit sore, I can't grip as tight as usual, so all that points to baby putting pressure somewhere causing issues for my hands. I'm seeing a midwife tomorrow so I'll double check.
It sounds like a but or pregnancy carpel tunnel orion vert common in tri 3 from what I've read are you finding them tingly at times too? Xxx
I'm getting major hand tingles at the moment and have putbit firm to carpel tunnel. Worse at night but getting it when I drive too now but generally only in right hand.
Caseysmummy, some people's incompetence is out of this world! What a useless doctor.

My jab wasn't too bad. No marks. It was slightly sore - a bit like someone punched me in the arm, and I was even fine to sleep on that arm the same night. I think everyone reacts different to them. The injection itself really bloody hurt though!!! Not sure how I'm going to handle the epi.... :( HATE injections.
I haven't had my whooping cough jab do we all need it? MW hasn't mentioned anything to me and I saw her today?

Good news baby is head down(for now lol) Yay!! But my iron is very low so been put on more iron, greaaaaat. It explains my breathlessness and sheer no energy though. Took swabs today as tmi but my discharge has been VERY watery with lumpy bits so she was concerned about waters or other things will find out in a few days time.

Caseysmummy i cant believe that registrar!! I would complain thats shocking!!
It sounds like a but or pregnancy carpel tunnel orion vert common in tri 3 from what I've read are you finding them tingly at times too? Xxx

I've had tingles in my little finger. But today, they feel sore. My wrists feel sore too.

I'm sure baby has just moved to a position that's causing this, but it's tough when you can't really use your hands. If they swell badly I'll call the doctor/mdu.

The symptoms on here ring true: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a234/carpal-tunnel-syndrome-in-pregnancy
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I haven't had my whooping cough jab do we all need it? MW hasn't mentioned anything to me and I saw her today?

I thought it was offered to everyone? I could chose if I wanted it or not, but would rather be safe than sorry so I had it.
Yeah my wrists were sore a couple of weeks ago upon waking and we're a little swollen for a few hours and also around my thumb, mines eased off a lot now so you could be right with it being babies position maybe.
Im definitely going to complain I was so shocked as was my oh who said after the first question he thought it was a waste of time asking him anything else where as he found my consultant informative last time so we're hoping she's back for next appointment.

Glad to hear babies head down again buttonbear. Im sure my bloods are going to come back that I need iron as im so tired and lethargic just lately but will see as only had them done today, so may be 2 weeks until I hear back at next consultant appointment,

I finally had my gd results back today too which were normal thank goodness.

I had a swab last week at mau and haven't heard anything would you say that's a good thing or should I follow it up or ask midwife on Thursday? Xxx
I haven't had my whooping cough jab do we all need it? MW hasn't mentioned anything to me and I saw her today?

I thought it was offered to everyone? I could chose if I wanted it or not, but would rather be safe than sorry so I had it.

I'm very pro vaccine so will need to ring up about it tomorrow, hmmm

Maybe it depends what area of the country you're in, and whether whooping cough is prevalent in your area or not? Worth checking as I think it needs to be done before a certain time.
Caseysmummy, I was told I'd hear back from my docs about swabs if there was an issue, but if I didn't hear anything I was to assume all was fine. It might be worth checking though as I'd had a UTI since November and no-one bothered to get in touch to say I needed anti-biotics!
Thanks girls- I think I need to get a couple more blankets then! Sounds like you guys have some lovely ones ready for your little ones :)

Elliot I tried on a close caboo one at the NCT and it was nice actually. Know what you mean about the mother earthy ones- not really me either. We ended up getting an Ergo baby carrier as it seems nice and straightforward! I think as long as you get one that is suitable with regards to leg positioning etc. you will be just fine. Why not try a local sling library if you are not sure? They seem to give great advice and you can try the different ones to see what suits you best before you invest in one?

Caseysmummy that does not sound like a positive experience with your registrar. Hopefully your midwife will be a lot more useful to you.

Orion, hope your wrists improve for you- it doesn't sound like fun for you :(

Blueeyes I am so impressed with your list of catching up with everyone that I had to comment. Unfortunately I am nowhere near as on the ball as you so I am going to say that I hope everyone else has had a lovely day and is feeling well and leave it there!
Thanks mayflower, will mention it at midwife appointment just to check then and see what she says as im sure she will tell me if and where I need to find out,

Buttonbear my midwife told me about it at 25 weeks but said it was up to me and if I wanted it to ring gp surgery and book an appointment so that's what I did and it's a separate appointment after my midwife on Thursday xxx
Caseysmummy sorry to hear your appointment went so badly, Are you going to complain? It sounds like the registrar didn't have a clue :-(
Glad to hear your GD results were good

Orion hope your hand and wrist pain eases soon.

Bigbee think that must be true about how jabs feel different for everyone, as mine didn't hurt at all to have, yet my arm was pretty painful all weekend.

Buttonbear, good idea to check. Midwife said to me it has to be done between 28-32 weeks

Willowburn I had to cheat and open a note pad to reply in, else by time I got through all the posts I would have forgotten who said what :-) Then I just copied and pasted from my pad to the reply :-)

I'm really uncomfortable in my right lung/rib area this evening. I'm guessing baby's feet are causing the discomfort, does that sound about right? xx
I also love the way you reply blueeyes I am forever missing things out! But I do hope everyone is well :)

I will need to ask about this whooping cough then as I don't want to miss it!

Caseysmummy I was told I have to ring up about my results from swabs.
Hope everyone's evening going ok.

I have become addicted to one born every minute, an am now quite exited about meeting my little one!!

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