***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Yeah hes at the age where all he wants to do is help bless him. I try to give him easy jobs like sweeping and putting washing in the basket, he loves helping wash up so I usually wash up and stick his plastic cups and plates back in clean water and let him 'wash them' so he feels like he's got to do some.

I love my parrot buttonbear, she's not keen on me as she's bonded with my oh but the past few days when she's been out of her cage and im sat on the sofa she will come and sit on the back with me, makes me think she's sensing something as usually avoids me, she's a right chatterbox and will chat to me all day long but she doesn't like me to touch her at all, I was apprehensive when my oh wanted to get one but don't regret it now, id feel lost without her around.

I'll give jessie a text in the morning and see how she is if we don't hear anything overnight, I do hope she's getting on okay!

I've lost a bit more plug in the past half hour but not as much as earlier, babies are still ll very active and no pain so not overly worried, just wondering how long it will go on for, with my son I lost a small amount around 35 weeks then had nothing until I was in established labour at 40+9. I hate this not knowing business. Fingers crossed the consultant will shed some light tomorrow xxx
Haven't been around for a few days.

Hope everyone's ok and babies are staying put!!

Caseysmummy-I used to have a parrot who I loved to bits and he loved me too, he actually chose me- but Russell is petrified of birds so when it came to moving in together my mum wouldn't let me leave him there so I had to find him a new home. I was so so sad.

I got hospital bag bits today. Need to buy matresses and a car seat base, then I'm officially prepared! :)
I had chiropractor today and oh my did he click my back loads...I could have married him. :) my hips are still sore, but that could just be where he pushed hard, hopefully that'll ease if not I'm seeing him next Monday for a follow up.

Also had my 3d scan on Saturday. Was so good, although little man was asleep so he didn't want pictures to be taken (hands and feet hiding face)
He was breech too (but midwives aren't worried as there's loads of room/time to turn yet)

Morning ladies, so glad to see you're home Jessie x

I had a funny turn yesterday, me and Blake had lunch, then he went down for a nap and I started to feel really sick :sick: my mouth was filling up with saliva and I was breathing hard. It almost felt like the food couldn't go down? After about an hour it passed but I turned really cold and tired. I felt quite light headed and dizzy too. When blake woke up I struggled with lifting him out of his cot and helping him downstairs. It took until right into the evening for me to start feeling a bit better and I was asleep by 8:30pm. I was supposed to be working last night, but I obviously called in sick. No idea what caused it, but I feel ok now.
Oh Durham, that sounds horrible! Food poisoning?

Jessie, glad you're home now. Put your feet up, relax! You've been through a lot in the last few days.

Caseysmummy, are you going to have that checked out? I agree with the not knowing business haha it's horrible!

Morning to all the other ladies :)
How strange Durham anything new you had eaten? Glad you're okay now!

Nice to see you're okay jessie and at home! Nothing like being at home, just take it super easy my lovely x
It was only a cheese spread sandwich and half a bag of cheddars. I had the same as Blake, so I don't think it was food poisoning. It was very strange.

Work made me quite cross too, I called three hours before my shift was due to start to give them plenty of notice and all I got from the manager was "will you not be in later? NO. You're not coming in at all? NO!" I'm laying on the sofa wondering if I should call the hospital and you want me to stand behind a counter and run the tills?! Seriously? :wall2:
Hey ladies. Sorry I've been neglecting you. Still trying to pack & get organised for the move, as well as making sure I have everything I need for baby's arrival. Just a cotbed mattress and Moses basket stand then I think I'm done with the essentials. Lots more I want but nothing necessary.

Been buying stuff for new house too. Officially move next Thursday, 26th. Can't wait to get in & get everything unpacked & settled.

Hope everyone is doing well. Will try to catch up but I've missed so much!!

Oh and after agreeing on baby's name he is now nameless again as we have both fallen out of love with it & can't agree on anything else :(
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Glad you're home Jessiecat, hope you start to feel better soon

I've really had enough of work now, counting down the days until I finish - 22 days! Glad I decided to go at 36 weeks, not sure how I would have made it to 38!
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Glad you are home Jessie, lots of rest!

Tri 3 really isn't much fun at all!! Now on my second day at home due to pain and shuffling which in turn is making me cry alot, not to mention the shock I got when the mantlepiece fell on me yesterday, all ok though just bruised legs and is very small wooden mantle.
It seems quite difficult to keep up with everyone at the moment- I'm sure this is just to prepare for things to come ;)
Hope everyone is coping OK and I'm pleased to hear those who have been suffering are back home/feeling a little better and that most importantly babies are in place!!
Can't believe I have started to pack my hospital bag. The time is flying and dragging all at the same time.

Can I ask how many blankets people have? I think I may need to buy more but I just don't know- its such a minefield :(
Oh no, flosi! That sounds painful!

I have one cellular blanket. My mam has made two (quite thick blankets), and she's knitted a cashmere one (very cute). I'm planning to get a couple more cellular ones. Not going to use them for sleeping. Just as cover up when we are out.

What is a minefield is the clothing!!! We haven't got any outfits yet, just baby grows. I've also bought a couple of pram suits for the newborn...hope it's a little chilly here in May!
Morning ladies,
Glad to hear your home jessie! Take it easy and rest hun. Hope you infection clears up soon and you start to feel better!

Bigbee im going to ask the consultant to check everything's okay at my appointment, my oh has me under strict orders to rest today and no cleaning.

Durham that sounds awful, glad you're feeling better today though, im unsure as to what it could have been though hun.

Beautiful pic of baby tasha, looks really comfy and content in there, I really want a 3d scan but oh doesn't like the idea or look of them says it freaks him out, unsure why but hey!

Glad your getting things sorted larly hope the move goes smoothly for you, sorry about the name of, maybe when he's born you will look at him and instantly know, I was meant to be called Jennifer but my mum took one look at me and said I wasn't a Jennifer and called me sarah, it's taken me and my oh weeks to settle on names for our girls as we disagreed on almost anything but we now have 2 names and 2 middle names we agree on, we only had one name decided fora couple of weeks up until a couple of nights ago, but so glad we have both now as felt guilty on having one not sure which baby is going to be which name yet.

mayflower it will be here in no time so you can start to get rest.
Tri 3 is no fun flosi, im really struggling to get around at the moment im just glad it's the final stretch til we meet our babies now.

I've been having period pain on and off this morning! Wish 3 would hurry up and come round as im starting to think it's the start of things, so going to take a warm bath and have some breakfast and get ready for my appointments this afternoon

Just back from the midwife, all fine! Bump is measuring 30 weeks instead of 31 weeks but midwife not concerned as I am still on the same growth percentile. Baby is still head down.

I've got a consultant appointment at 34 weeks so she's cancelled my 34 week appointment with her, so I won't see her again until 36 weeks.

Also had my whooping cough jab, youch that one hurt! I am usually fine with needles and injections etc, but that was sore.
Mayflower I hate to say it but I had my jab on Friday and the area around the injection site os still red and sore to the touch!

The one thing o am really struggling with is these cramps /spams / carpel tunnel type thing in my hands, it is getting progressively worse, now affects my wrists too. I have been wearing splints at night and drinking tonic water, before bed as told by MW. I don't think anyone really understands how debilitating it is, I only have to try and pick something up or squeeze a sponge out and it starts! Lasts approximately 20-30 second each time but rahhhhh!!

Apologies rant over!
oh flosi that sounds horrible, mines just been at night so far and was waking up in pain every night but ive been sleeping with my hands hanging over the bed and its helped.

Glad bumps still measuring fine mayflower, i haven't had mine measured by a midwife yet but i measured it myself and it was 37cm from pubic bone to the top which if i remember rightly is 37 weeks, but im guessing thats to be epected as theres too. Jessie you were right about being full term size at 30 weeks!

Ive just had a lovely soak in the bath and the cramps have now stopped thank goodness im sure these babies are just keeping me on my toes. Is anyone else finding there skins starting to itch, My legs are really itchy and so are my arms?

Afternoon all :)
Hope people are doing ok, tri three does seem to be keeping a lot of us very busy!

All quiet here and I'm not taking that for granted!

Yoga class tonight and after we've got someone giving a bit of a show a tell type session about slings which i'm quite looking forward to. Anyone got any tips/advice in relation to slings? I love the idea but, and this may sound bad, i'm not keen on the ones that look all a bit "earth mother" like, i'm sure they are amazing but it just wouldn't feel very me. I like the look of the Close Caboo NCT type one but we'll see. Also that's not too expensive.
Elliot I just LOVE babywearing :)

I have a moby wrap, which is a strecthy you tie but there is a tonne of others, a close caboo is another great choice. Have a look at this site here, http://en.lennylamb.com/ to give you some idea (you can look elsewhere for cheaper or for second hand) They don't lose their value at all really so selling on is always good!!

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