***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ah bigbee don't worry- I think we all have mad panic times and it is completely normal especially with first timers not knowing what to expect! I'm sure when it comes to it you will sail through brilliantly :) hope you feel better after a bit of a cry. I'm not a crier but have a couple of times in my pregnancy and felt better for it!
Jessie how are you holding up? If it helps at all, yesterday morning I had quite a large bleed and we were quite worried. MAU asked us to go in and after exam Dr said it was from cervix surface and nothing to do with baby thank goodness so it could be something like that? Hooked me up to monitor too just to check but all was thankfully fine (except for a traumatised OH and a slightly altered mothers day!!!)! I hope so- sounds like you've had a horrid time.

These babies do not seem to be behaving well at the moment! Hope everyone else is OK!!
Everyone did warn me that the third trimester was 'fun'

I'll be 33 weeks tomorrow so baby could be here in 4 weeks...or 9 weeks....or sometime inbetween :)
31 weeks today! I've got the midwife and my whopping cough jab tomorrow.

I really feel that my bump is small? I was measuring perfectly at 28 weeks so maybe I am just imagining it, but hoping the midwife will reassure me tomorrow!

Your bump isn't small mayflower! Looks perfect to me, I was told in my last pregnancy oh your bumps tiny constantly and I ended up with a perfectly healthy 8lb 15.5 oz baby. Midwife she reassure you tomorrow though hun.

I've woken up feeling a little better today, I think I may be finally getting over this flu or at best case im not feeling any worse so hopefully it's on it way out.
Got scan and consultant tomorrow so hopefully going to discuss what happened last week and see if she can help me understand what actually happened.

Bigbee what your feeling is totally normal and I remember being terrified of going into labour with my son but in the last couple of weeks I relaxed about it not sure if discussing it with my midwife during doing my birth plan helped because at least then I had an idea of what to do when the time came. I also have been having moments during this pregnancy in the last week more so where I think am I going to cope with 3 children at home when oh goes back to work and are the babies going to be well enough to come home when im discharged after birth and how long am I going to be in hospital away from my son. It's normal hun, and that's what we're here for to listen and help hun. Xxx
Thank you, willowburn. I am sure all will be fine. I think doing the NCT classes will help too. Have these next weekend.

Mayflower your bump looks fine, I think.
Bigbee, I totally understand your worries, as I keep panicing something will go wrong during labour, or I won't be able to cope, and how will I know when she needs feeding and will I be able to produce milk etc etc. I think no matter how wanted and planned a lot of first time mums have these panics when getting close to the end. I keep trying to talk myself round as I do suffer with panic attacks occasionally and really don't want that to happen during pregnancy as it can't be healthy for little one.

I also understand how work doesnt help, mine is very stressful at the moment and there's talk of redundencies which doesnt help, especially with my OH still lookign for work.

Share and rant on here any time, to me that's what the great thing about this site is, that there's support for us.

Buttonbear - I'm goign to take a look at those hypnobirthing links as i think its somethign that would help me too.

Sure you're bump size is fine Mayflower, I keep getting told I'm huge :-( I have the midwife at 1:30 so will see what she says

Caseysmummy glad to here you are feeling a bit better.

Jessiecat hope you and little one are doing ok.

I've had a few nosebleeds over the last few days, never normally get them. Is that normal? xx
Mayflower your bump looks perfect to me, bump size I dont think is much to do with size of baby. Depends on their position, your muscles etc my friend was literally flat stomach at 30 weeks and had a 9lb baby!! Where he was hiding baffled me haha!!

I'm the opposite though I just think I look MASSIVE lol
Blueeyes I had a nosebleed yesterday, have you had a stuffy nose at all? I had a horrendous blocked nose but since I had my nosebleed it's better, I think it is normal as pregnancy can cause sinus issues maybe due to the extra blood flow xxx
I've started loosing mucus plug again ladies. . No blood in it at all but lots of pressure in my hips and pelvis but no pain like last time, I don't want to go back to the hospital and be kept in if it's nothing again, is it worth monitoring it and seeing how I get on, I've done too much today which I think is the reason, I've only cleaned the house but don't think I should have done the whole thing but it was getting into a right state and couldn't relax looking at it all. May try resting and see if it eases off again xxx
I would rest and give it till this evening and stick a pad on to monitor. I know plugs can regenerate so as long as no blood or pain see how you go?
Oh, caseysmummy, I have no idea, but I would just call maternity people and speak to someone. Just in case.

I didn't know mucus plugs can regenerate... Learn something new everyday!
Yeah I think im going to see how I go til this evening as my son is still so unsettled from last hospital visit, I really don't want to upset him even more with another if it's nothing, I've had a bath and sat on the sofa and had nothing since so maybe it's my bodies way of telling me to slow down a bit, it happened the other day after I did some cleaning also so that maybe the link. It's so hard to do nothing when I look around and there's so much to do xxx
I know what you mean as I'm forever cleaning and tidying but honestly the house can wait, is there anyone that could come help give a quick hoover etc? My MIL is forever coming round and just randomly hoovering lol!!
i might have to ask some family if they would mind popping in and helping tidy up when they can, i have a parrot who likes the spread her seed over the place which doesnt help so needs hoovering every other day at least, my little boy would hoover for me bless him but he would miss half of it and get bored and couldnt ask him to do it anyways as hes only 4! ( he begs me t do it everytime i use it). Your right though the house can wait! my mum pops over once a week so im considering asking her if she will tidy for me and i will give her some money for doing it. ill test the waters and see what she says. ive rested all afternoon since and alls been good so far, normal braxton hicks and normal aches and pains so im going to wait tll i see my consultant tomorrow and mention it to her. I need to repack my hospital bag as ive used it and washed all the things ive used in it, going to add some snacks this time as found myself starving between meals and 2 floors away from the nearest vending machine/shop. Ive also decided im going to use one bag for both me and babies as my bags plenty big enough for both and we will have far too much to bring home with 2 car seats and all the bags lol. xxx
Aww my little boy LOVES hoovering haha wish they would when they're 18!!

I'd approach your mum and see, i know its hard to ask for help etc i always feel bad but its worth an ask.

Ps. I sooooo want a parrot haha
Caseysmummy - Yes have been a bit congested for a while, but not snotty just often got a blocked nose. Maybe it's just from that. I can't breath through my nose now when I'm laying down and my OH has said I have started snoring, I never snored pre-pregnancy.
Hope you're OK now, glad to hear you have rested a bit this afternoon.

I love how little children like to help with things like cleaning. My little niece always wants to help with dishes (although she doesn't do a very good job bless her :-) ).

Hope everyone's OK this evening xx
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Anyone heard from Jessie since this morning? Hope she's doing ok.

Blueeyes, according to my pregnancy app, nosebleeds and nasal congestion are all part of the fun of tri 3! Those hormones are to blame again.
Hi all. Just a little update. I'm home!! As of about 20mins ago!
It's a little scary as for the next 14 days I'm still high risk of going in to full blown labour so il be panicking at every twinge but I just have to monitor every symptom for next few weeks and be over cautious on getting things checked.
Also have a kidney infection causing the extreme back pain but hopefully treating that will stop labour progressing.
Still pretty run down, the anaemia has taken a good hold whilst I've been run down I can't stay awake for more than an hour or so and the SPD is horrendous I can't get round at all which I'm sure the kidney infection is probably making a lot worse BUT baby is still inside for now so all worth it and I'm feeling more positive.

Il be honest I havnt been able to catch up on this thread I'm exhausted tonight but promise il check in on you all tomorrow. I truly hope you're all well and happy though and il have loads of time on my hands tomorrow to chat to you all :) xx

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