***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Flosi - not sure if it HAS to be non-bio. The main reason for using it is that it is better for sensitive skin. I've always used it for myself as some powders give me itchy legs.

However, bio powder is generally a bit tougher on stains due to the enzymes it contains.
I think its preferred non-bio for babies skin and also a lot of kids have exema of some degree etc

Had a lovely mothers day, absolutely knackered now though also have some pains myself!!

Hope everyone is doing okay and babies are staying in there cooking! xx
Hope everyone is doing ok.

OH was on a putting things together mission so cot and wardrobe are now in nursery. It's kind of scared me a little bit, I know it's good to be prepared and there is no such thing as jinxing thjngs as what will happen will happen...but I just get panicked whenever we do something so obviously for baby that something will go wrong! I need to snap out of it, and OH is good at getting me back in track.
Everyone stop having pains we're not due for another 8 weeks!! These babies need to get comfy as they're not allowed out yet!
I thought I was looking like is queue jump to first May mummy but think kezza might take the lead.

I just feel frustrated tonight, I feel like I'm sat here, nothing's changed and we don't know what could happen. I could have baby tonight or I could still end up going 2 weeks overdue. I have no idea of I'm spending the rest I my pregnancy in hospital and even less idea how much pregnancy I have left. But then if I go home I know I'm now incredibly high risk of having baby within next 14 days and il panic at every single flinch! Plus I have the added - if my waters go baby is in real danger with him till transverse. I jut don't know what's happening :(
Oh Jessie that's tough, poor you! Can the hospital not decide what to do, or are they just not communicating with you?
Awk jessie thats awful. Are they considering ssectionig you. Or trying to keep baby in as long as possible. X
Oh jessie it's a tough one as I know I wanted to be home so bad the other day I was very tearful but knew I needed to stay. I think the hospital will only discharge you if they feel your no longer at risk for labour hun. Is there s consultant you can speak to so you can find out your options or what they've planned so far?

These may babies seem to want to come out far too early this week, I've had a quiet word with mine and told them to stay in there for at least another 3 weeks and then they can consider it as then they're classed as full term for twins from what my consultant says.

Thanks all. No they don't want to deliver baby yet so still fighting to keep in. This early labour could go on weeks but if that's the case it sounds like thy will let it so that baby gets as long as possible. I know that's best and I obviously want to keep baby in but with another hold at home I just wish I knew what was happening over the next few days, maybe weeks.
There's a chance everything might just stop.
I'm just over tired and hormonal tonight sorry for the downer posts, bein poked and prodded with needles all day long doesn't help. I have a scan tomorrow so I'm sure seeing a happy healthy baby still tucked inside will cheer me up.
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Just went to the loo and was blood when I wiped. I've told the midwife. I've not had a drop of blood my whole pregnancy. Does this mean things are progressing?
Posted just before lunch time, but doesn't seem to have posted for some reason, oh well

Thinking of you jessie. It must be so worrying and must be horrible to be stuck in hospital but you are in the right place for them to keep a close eye on you.

Very hope you're OK.

Flosi I think non bio is recommended. We use it anyway as both myself and OH suffer with eczema.

Hope everyone's OK xx
Jessie, no idea about blood, but I'm thinking of you, mate. You must be so worried!

Fingers crossed baby is not planning to come out yet!!! Keep us updated, and hope you get some sleep tonight xx
Eeeep jessie what did MW say about the blood hopefully it's not things progressing!!
Thanks everyone, midwife said could be from speculum exam but I'm not convinced as that was done Friday!
They don't seem concerned unless I have anymore, I've been on knicker watch all night but nothing so far so I just don't know why to make of it.

Hope you're all ok, any interesting pans for the week? Xx
Glad they don't seem worried, Jessie. I'm sure you're Keeping an eye on it anyway!

I know some of us are having terrible time right now, but I need to share. Panic is really starting kicking in! I have just over 8 weeks left until due date, and I am starting to realise that baby will be here soon. I am so scared! I am scared of the pain that is yet to come, scared of having a newborn, scared I won't cope. Am currently in work toilets crying my eyes out - I can count on one hand how many times I've cried this pregnancy, so this is so not like me. I am normally very level headed, so funding this emotional breakdown quite worrying.

I can't talk about this with my partner as I don't want to worry him. He is having a tough time at work right now.

Sorry for the rant ladies, i don't mean to take all the attention away from bigger problems some of us are having but I just needed to share.
Bigbee, please don't worry- this is totally normal! You are about to embark on one of the biggest changes of your life and it's terrifying! But- please rest assured that you are designed to do this. You will cope with labour and birth and you will be an excellent mummy to your precious bundle. You will know exactly what to do and it will come naturally :hugs:

There's are still 2 months to go (usually) and I can assure you that by the end of those 2 months you will actively be looking forward to and trying to encourage labour :)

It's find to have a cry at this stage, it's all so overwhelming and we're being pumped full of hormones right now. Please be reassured by this rather than upset. You're not alone xxx
Bigbee Im often feeling just like that. Seeing the cot yesterday made me burst into tears and it is all fear of kind of the unknown! Massive change is going to happen.

I just remember how much I want this little one and as scary as everything is, from labour through to bringing a little tiny baby home and looking after them, it's all going to be worthwhile and I think bring out the best in me and my OH.

Think we'll surprise ourselves at just what we are capable of. Don't feel bad for crying, think it's just a sign of how much you care x
Bigbee, get your hands on some hypnobirthing materials. It's fabulous for helping you to prepare and to relax (both in advance and during labour). It's the worry that tenses the muscles and therefore causes the pain. You can reduce this by learning to let your body relax.
I'm only just starting it, but I think a lot of people would benefit if you look into it. Check out the book by Marie Mongan. You have plenty of time to give it a try. Will help you mentally and physically
I've found the yoga I go to, which does a lot in breathing and relaxing has helped a lot. So something like that mentioned above could be good or worth a try. I think the fact our yoga instructer is now a doula has meant she's focusing on things more like this now.
Thank you for the advice ladies. I hope it's just the hormones.... Just feel so helpless, I have been fine until a couple of days ago. Now I'm just panicking. Mheh.

I've never considered hypnobirthing, but might give it a try. I need to relax, as I'm a bit stressed at work as well, which doesn't help my worries either.

I think it's the case of not knowing when and how it (labour) will happen, and bringing baby home! I am worried I'll feel so out of control! I'm sure it will all work out, and glad that this sounds normal....

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