***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

The thing is also if you put it down that you'd like a water birth and you get in and don't like it, you can always get out and labour a different way too hun. It's a really lovely experience though hun. Worth a try if that's what you fancy hun. I've finally finished two blankets today! I've sewn my knitted one together and I made one for my son and sewn his name and dob on it as om going to give it him as a birthday present, he picked all the colours he wanted and has seen me making it so thought it would be a special present as he loves snuggling with a blanket on the sofa. Im in agony with my back today also walking is becoming unbearable and starting to rely on things to lean on to walk around the house but my upper back is really aching too and my bump feels really tight and heavy and starting to feel unbearable to carry around. Im going to book in with my gp tomorrow I think as it's really daunting to move around now and im constantly wincing even changing position whilst sitting. Not sure what they're going to be able to do for me though xxx
Sorry to hear you are still suffering so much with your back Caseysmummy.

I had a scan and consultant appointment this afternoon. All ok with baby's growth, my vitamin d levels have gone up slightly (been on medication for it all through pregnancy), they want to do another scan in 5 weeks, again just to keep an eye on growth rate re vit d deficiency.

I've been having sharp pains since last night, not all the time but about 5 or 6 times every hour. Sonographer and consultant said he head is down very low and most likely the reason for the pain. Consultant said if it gets worse or more frequent, i have discharge or mucas then to phone labour ward to go in for assessment, but they were happy with everything when they saw me. Little naughty madam wouldn't keep still whilst being scanned :-)

Oh and my placenta is no longer blocking the exit!! So no planned c-section now :-)

Hope everyones ok xx
Ahh thats excellent news blueeyes!! Not the pains of course but the placenta moving must be a big weight of your mind :)
I am also hoping for a water birth, I've always loved water and I've found the bath so relaxing recently.

GTT went ok, not got the results back yet though. Midwife measured my tummy and said I was measuring perfectly for 28 weeks, not two weeks ahead at all. She's booked all my appointments for the rest of the pregnancy and has booked me on to her antenatal course.

Feeling rubbish this evening, really nauseous and tired.
I have no idea which direction baby is lying or where my placenta is! Nobody has ever said. Yet you all seem to know!
Orion I only know as at my last scan they said my anterior placenta was blocking my cervix so I would need rescaling to see if it had moved up. Didn't know babies position until today when they were trying to investigate why I'm having these sharp pains, didn't know her position on previous scans.

Thanks Buttonbear xx
Glad your appointments went well blueeyes and glad your placenta is no longer an issue for baby.
Glad all went well too mayflower I think tummy measurements can vary from time of day to babies position, I can't remember what I measured with my son but I know midwife was never concerned so that's a positive that your midwife nor worried mayflower as I think if they were they would send you for a scan to see how big baby actually is hun.
I think im going to have to geta bath as im really struggling with the pain the most painful part is high up my back so im not worried about babies but im tired and feeling emotional because I can't get comfortable, my oh is at work and I really want him home to look after me but I know im just being silly xxx
I have no idea which direction baby is lying or where my placenta is! Nobody has ever said. Yet you all seem to know!

Placenta position is mentioned on my 20 week scan report. They also told me that she was head down, and midwife confirmed this when I saw her at 25 weeks and today.
My notes say ceph - that means head down right? There's no mention of my placenta. Nobody has told me any of this at appointments etc. All I can do is assume no news is good news.
They told me at both of my scans where my placenta was, saying "good news placenta is in a good place"... etc etc Mine in on my right hand side and my 20 week scan notes say it all too.

I can only guess for now she is head down going by kicks etc but she has been head down most of the way through, you can ask about it at your next appt if nothing has been said.

I feel SOO uncomfy tonight, my skin is feeling very stretched and painful when moving, I wonder if its because I'm carrying higher with this one?
Yes I'll have to ask. Although my midwife is nice. I'm wondering whether I'm as prepared as I should be at 30 weeks. I know nothing about baby's position, about the local delivery suites...feels like I don't know anything.
Most likely as you say if things were an issue they would have said by now, dont worry too much, has your mw not said were you can deliver? Are you going to do antenatal classes, i think they talk about it and do tours?
Don't worry orion I was like this with my first, ceph does mean head down yes, I don't know how notes vary from area to area but on my ultrasound page of notes there's little boxes which they fill in and on another page there's abbreviations which tell you what the medical terms mean hun. I can attach a picture of the abbreviations page if you don't have them in yours too. I had a really good midwife last time, she was a teenage pregnancy midwife (I was 17 almost 18 when I fell pregnant so I was assigned as high risk) I could see her every week at her clinic if needed and she explained everything in my notes to me but being a first time mum at any age is daunting enough and sometimes I think some midwives forget that it's new to us so dontexplain much. You coukd request a tour of your delivery suite or like my hospital im giving birth at on their website was a virtual tour which helped put my mind at ease as it felt like I at least knew what the ward looked like. Also to help you understand what position baby may be lying like buttonbear said movement coukd be a indicator when one of my babies is breech I feel a lot of movement in my lower bump/pubic bone region but when there head down I geta lot of movement at the top of my bump and when they were transverse it felt very tight on eitger side of my tummy and would feel movement at each side rather than top or bottom xxx
HI all,

am at a major nesting stage, cleaned and sorted front and back yard today, cleaned all the windows. Need to clean out my attic hopefully with hubby helping this time.
Ladies when should I be concerned about movement? Baby is not not moving, I feel a little wiggle every now and again but when he's been still tonight he is completely still, he's never that still! Also he just had hiccups for 5 mins, should that be enough to reassure me that everything's fine? He's jut normally constantly on the go and making me jump with his strength but tonight it seems very little - though as I said, not nothing either. Can anyone advise?
Count the Kicks website says hiccups shouldn't be counted as movement, as it's involuntary. I am never sure when to worry about lack of movement, so I'd say call your assesment unit just to be on the safe side.
Yeah I agree with Mayflower, definitely give them a ring to be safe my love xx
Are you supposed to be able to feel 10 kicks in 2 hours or something? I've definitely had that, just not as much as usual. The midwife has never actually explained when to get checked out for reduced movement hough, obviously if I was feeling nothin I wouldn't hesitate but I'm getting a little wiggle about once every 5 mins, though normally it's constant at this time of night :/ I'm a bit run down and got a bit of a virus at the minute, maybe it's affected him and he needs a bit more rest?
They usually say if it's outs of babies regular pattern to go get checked. I would personally get checked hun as you will probably be worrying if not hun. It's better for peace of mind if nothing else hun. Xxx
Ignore the 10 kick thing my love, that's no longer advice that should be given now, its more like caseymummy says if they aren't in their regular pattern you are used to, get checked out basically. As I know if i only had 10 movements that would be super low in the number of movements she has, I seem to have wriggly babies.

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