***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I have just sat and felt my tummy quietly for a whole and asked hubby to do so too. I think baby is moving fine I think I'm probably just a little anxious about everything going on at the minute, I feel I've had this diabetes thing spring on me and I know nothing about diabetes and then I've read up about ketones in my wee and the thought of my body having to eat it's own fat supplies because it's starving is distressing me, I know I'm eating plenty but what if I'm starving the baby?
Then I've started off with a bit of a chest infection, the SPD's bad and I feel that I can't fight everything. If these tests come back positive it gets more complicated, with diabetes I could go in to spontaneous labour more easily and a lot earlier but wih baby being transverse this is so so dangerous and realistically if my waters went and the cord prolapsed, even with blue lights it would be too late by the time I got to hospital.
I feel like I can't keep my baby safe and he should just come out and let medicine do a better job :(
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Oh my lovely stress provably isn't helping things but I know that must be really hard dealing with the lying transverse and cord coming down etc. Can you go into a bath? Usually gets baby moving and relaxes you?

I had various things in my urine last week, some are factors for pre eclampsia etc but the consultant said that you can have all these things in your urine and it be perfectly normal as it depends on lots of other factors and could just be something you've eaten blah blah. Try not to worry xx

Big :hugs: you're doing fab my love xx
Hope everyone's feeling good this morning.

No news here but just excited to have made it to tri 3!

Promise I'll try and keep up with people's going ons xxx
Still not technically over here yet! :( come Sunday I'll officially be joining you ladies!
Welcome over Elliot!! Feeling a bit rubbish this morning- maybe the weather?! Stressing a bit about not knowing enough and also not being connected enough to baby. Sounds silly but haven't been talking to him really and hope he doesn't come out not knowing me well enough because I haven't been talking to him enough. :( Heard about babies that move a lot when you talk to them or 'prod' them but mine doesn't. Just moves at his set times- maybe he's just independent already?! I think I need to speak to him more- just figured he would hear my voice all the time anyway and never really know what to say when I don't have something in front of me to talk to! Maybe need a hot choc or something today to cheer me up. Hope you are all ok !
Awk jessie i hope ur ok!... if its any consolation i had pregnancy diabetes in my last pregnancy dnt have it in this one. My little baby was safe and snug even after reading everything online about what can happen. Do me a favour and ignore them!.
If u do have diabetes they watch u like a hawk and if ur little baby ia transverse and u get sectioned u may get ur wish and get section around 37 weeks. Xx
Willowburn- I don't talk to my bump. Maybe I'm a rare breed. But he certainly hears my voice from talking to other people. I won't sit there and talk to him directly, so seriously don't worry. But...if you think it'll help you bond then go for it.
Thanks Cers and button. Well no change this morning, baby still VERY quiet so I'm going in to be checked. I can still feel odd movements so I know he's ok but my mothers insticnt won't rest until I can be sure, I know my baby and I know he's not himself right now so I jut feel really uneasy. Il keep you updated.

Hope everyone else is doing ok x
Jess - hope all goes well and you get some reasurrance soon

Willow - I don't so much talk to mine directly I more find if i'm around the house on my own i'll kind of talk through my plans and things so just what i'd normally think in my head i say so just like "right so going to have some breakfast then do a bit of tidying then ooh looking forward to nice lunch...etc.." sounds silly now but i feel more comfortable doing that than i think i would sitting down specifically. So just thinking outloud is what i'd been doing. I haven't noticed any reaction specifically when i have been talking but I think that might come a bit later if it does at all. xxx
Hope all is well Jessie!

My midwife has just called, my bloods are clear - no GD! So relieved!
Hope everything goes well jessie and you feel better soon, you sound like you have a lot on your mind with things hun, I would have a chat with your midwife about your concerns hun as she may put your mind at ease.
Willow I also don't talk directly to my bump, they hear me talking a lot as im a chatterbox but I think they can only make out the tone of your voice anyway so they will still recognise your voice as what they've heard hun, it's very hard to sit and talk to bump without feeling daft to start off with hun. You could always play your favourite songs to bump instead. This weather's pretty rubbish ice woken feeling glum today although not sure why, had a better night sleep last night.
What sort of thing did you ladies take to your gtt? Im going to take a bottle of water and was thinking either my kindle or my crocheting? I took a book last time but got bored of it. So don't know whether to treat myself to a good book on the Kindle and read or not? any book recommendations? Xxx
Hope all is well jessiecat

Hope everyone's ok.

I've had a chest infection since early in the week, hoped it would be getting better by now but feel worse today, on top of chesty cough my nose is blocked/snotty and sinuses and heads killing. My heart feels so fast I can feel it beating hard in my chest. Phoned in work sick, and haven't even managed to get in the shower yet xx
At my GTT I just took a book. You're not allowed to eat or drink anything (except the 100ml of water the nurse gave me) in the 2 hours wait and i was told I had to sit still with the exception of going to the loo.

Glad your results were good mayflower

And good luck with your check up jessiecat
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I took a book, I read some of it and just did a lot people watching! There's some odd people about lol! It kept me amused.

I was told I could drink water if I needed it, so I took a bottle of water with me.
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I luckily had mine at my Mws surgery which is 10 mins away so i just went home in between each set of bloods(all 3!)

I was told to drink water as my blood got so thick they couldnt get any!! But on my letter it says you can sip water but no food or other drinks :)

I would probably take my crocheting, time flies when I'm doing that

Glad no GD mayflower!! yay
I took my crochet to my GTT and a hot cross bun to munch after the second blood test! There was another lady there with two children who were fascinated watching me work :)
I might take my crochet with me I think as time will go faster doing that. I'll take a bottle of water just incase as im not sure I'll last without a drink as well. I've decided im going to bed at nine tonight so that I don't notice the non eating as I tend to graze in an evening to keep me going til morning usually. Also going to wear my sickness bracelets just incase as I know I'll wake up starving and will feel sick if I can't eat. Xxx
Thanks everyone for well wishes.

Home now, baby was still very quiet on trace so was on it for quite a while but his heartbeat was stable and as im back in tomorrow anyway they've said to monitor him throughout the day and maybe try another trace tomorrow. But im pretty run down with a chest infection so baby is probably feeling the effects of that.

Mayflower, thriled to bits for you! Congrats!
Blueeyes I feel your pain, chest infections are rough at the best of times but this is taking it out of me.

GTT for me tomorrow so I fully intend to pig out until midnight :) I think once I get the results from that I will feel better I just don't know what's happening at the minute or what i'm actually facing. You've all had positive results though so hopefully I can follow the pack :)
Glad things went well Jess and hopefully you'll feel even better about things after tomorrow.

This GTT thing seems quite common amoung us, it's not something that has been mentioned at all by the midwife yet to me so i'm assuming they have no concerns and I'm not going to have a test. Maybe see what they say tomorrow.

Other things I was going to mention at app tomorrow was Strep B and Whooping cough jab, at 27/28 week appointment is that the right sort of time to ask about these?? I don't know what's standard or not so it might be midwife will just do everything in relation to this anyway but it's things i've heard discussed so want to check about.
My midwife discussed whooping cough jab with me yesterday at 28 week appt. She said it was up to me whether I had it or not, but if I do want it then I just need to book it with the nurse between now and 38 weeks.

I will have it, just need it book it!

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