***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Hi all,

Sounds like you are doing well with the packing Larly.

I had to phone in sick today, feel awful. Chesty nasty cough, sore throat and pounding head. Went to doctors and he said its a respiratory tract infection but nothing they can give me with being pregnant, so just lots of rest and fluids.

I've got a scan and consultant appointment tomorrow to check baby's size due to my vit D deficiency (can me growth problems, so they are keeping a close eye) and to see if placenta has moved up at all.

Hope everyone is keeping well xx
Jessie, your body produces keytones when it is forced to burn fat for energy. It is commonly known as a side effect of the Atkins diet as you starve your body of carbs and force it to use fat and protein for energy instead. In diabetics it can be a sign that your body isn't able to access the sugars in carbs due to a lack of insulin and will produce keytones as a result. A sign that you have keytones is bad breath :)

I have a diabetic dad and ex boyfriend and became a bit of an expert I'm afraid!
The packing & throwing is helping my nesting, & I love everything being organised so this is really helping lol! X
I have my gd test Friday morning, im dreading the not eating bit, tge test im not to fussed about its just the nausea the hunger will bring im dreading! My oh has taken the day off work to look after our son and so he can take and pick me up as im not allowed to take anyone with me. My mum and niece are diabetic so hoping it comes back negative like last time as all im craving is sweet stuff and have to have a chocolate treat a day, I started craving kiwi tonight randomly and of course I haven't got any in so going to buy some tomorrow! I haven't had one on years so looking forward to having one actually as it's not something I've thought about for ages. Sorry to hear your feeling unwell blueeyes, I felt like that last week and I hadn't got the energy to get off the sofa as was feeling that rough. Getting some really big kicks off the girls tonight which has been nice but also slightly sore at times! My belly is really itchy tonight so going to slather myself with moisturiser and jump into bed as im up early as gotta pop out in the morning and buy my little boys birthday presents! Then the lady who selling the pram is popping over tomorrow evening so I can test it out before I buy. Really excited xxx
Thank you everyone that replied, I feel I know a bit more now. So ketones is really not a good thing if it means my body is being starved of something!! I'm eating loads though! And I've always eaten a lot of carbs.
I'm anxious to see how the test comes back but if they say it's negative il still be curious as to why baby is a month bigger!

Careysmummy mines Friday morning too so we'll entertain each other and spam the thread haha.

Hope you feel better soon blueeues, I have a best infection at the minute too and it's a lot harder to cope with whilst heavily prefnant I'm finding.

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I am off for my GTT this morning, already hungry though! Also got my 28 week appt with the midwife this afternoon.
Good luck mayflower.

Surprised how many people have to have the test! It seems quite common!
Good luck mayflower! Is anyone else finding that their arms are going to sleep at night in bed? .Mine have been for a couple of weeks now it gets to the point I wake up in pure agony and last night my legs went dead too and woke up with severe pain on the side I was lying? Is this normal do you think or should I see my gp about it, it's every night now xxx
That happens to me Casey, it's to do with the weight of bump cutting off the blood supply or something. I get dead hands if I lie on my right. It's nothing to worry about, it's quite normal. You might find that propping yourself up on more pillows helps x
Just sneaking in to say hi as i'm official tri 3 as of tomorrow!! Hope you've all been keeping well. Midwife appointment on friday which i'm really looking forward to just to get measured and check iron levels which are all things i'm keen to find out about and if everything is "normal".
Thanks Durham will try that tonight as hardly slept last night due to it. Think I might book in to see gp next week as im struggling with walking again also! Xxx
I get that at night too, or even if I am sitting too long my legs go dead!! My long pillow i prop myself up on and it does help, especially as it feels like my heart is about to beat out my chest!!

Super excited have just arranged our birth pool for our home birth, so all being well we hope to have a home water birth! I just hope she isn't bigger than my son, he was nearly 9lb!! eeeep

Woke with such a sore throat and feeling crappy, joyyyyy :(
Button - I'm considering water birth if possible (at hospital) do you have any suggestions for reading up on it and finding out a bit more?? I don't think i really know anyone that's done it but when we went for a look round it realy started to appeal to me having not previously given it much thought. I know it's kind of dependant on the room(s) with the pool being available when i go in but think it maybe first choice option if available.
Even if you cant have the pool in the hospital there are baths too which are generally bigger than normal baths etc :)

I've been reading on hypnobirthing and using the water as pain relief(when I had my son the bath felt amazing and when i got out I could really tell the difference as the pain was much much worse when i stood out of the water. You feel lighter so not as much pressure on your back which can really ache etc Less likely to tear/need cut due to the water helping heat the area and keep it moist etc

There is a blog/fb page called birth without fear i read which is lovely(its not just water births) and also the NCT site has useful information http://www.nct.org.uk/birth/use-water-birth-pools-labour

But mainly I just look around Google and other blogs of water birth experiences from others, generally the most honest and true advice etc :)
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Fingers crossed, mayflower!

Jessie, if baby doesn't turn, I doubt I'd have a natural birth. Me said she will refer me to a consultant to try and turn baby if not in the right position by 36 weeks. So frustrating!
Hope test goes well mayflower.

I'm still feeling crappy with this chest infection, and on top of that I keep having a sharp pain in my pelvis (just where knicker line meets bump) it's been several times an hour since late last night. I have the consultant this afternoon so will ask her about it.

Hope everyone is well xx
Thanks Button, just had a quick look on NCT site, quite interesting for knowing how it can work and things but will have a look around for peoples personal experiences of it as well :)
I used the birthing pool during labour with my son Elliott and I personally loved it, I got out to be checked and midwife unplugged it otherwise I probably would have given birth in there too. It really did ease the pain and helped me relax, im a bath person anyways so I associated it with relaxed and it helped me stop panicking afteri first arrived and it sounds daft but when I got there I was crying that I wanted my dad off all people as the midwife was running the pool but once I got in I was much calmer and felt like I was at home. If I could have had it this time I would have. There was a thread in pregnancy chat a while back about it i think where lots of ladies gave there experience xxx
Thanks :) ive always loved water as silly as that sounds, baths, swimming etc I love and find relaxing! X

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