***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Yeah. It sucks. Thankfully a friend has given us a Moses basket and playmat etc. Just need to buy sheets and some formula and that's all I'll be buying for baby now.

Trimester 3 has been the most stressful by far - but not because of baby - but because of external things all happening at a time when I need some stability and peace.
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Ahh that's lovely you've got given some bits :) At least you have most for baby try not to stress too much my love(I know easier said than done) xx
Defo easier said than done. But thanks. Might go watch a movie in bed...
Sorry to hear that Orion, the timing really is pants, though it would be bad news at any time :hugs:

I sorted out my maternity leave today, my last day at work will be 18th April to take annual leave, then my mat leave starts on 3rd May when I'm 37+6. I've only got about 33 shifts left to do, not that I'm counting right?

For some reason I cannot find Blakes old 0-3 clothes, I've got newborn and 3-6 to hand but 0-3 are alluding me! So I had to buy some new ones today ;)
Sorry to hear about your hubbys work Orion.

I feel awful tonight. Got a really horrible chesty cough today, tried to get into doctors but they didn't have any appointments so will try again tomorrow. Does anyone know, can I use vapour rub? Feel really light headed and got a head ache too rich feel rotten :-( xx
Hello ladies :) I've been super busy with stuff, and stressed at work. Mheh. Out of the office for the next two weeks in technical reviews, then 8 weeks left of work! Yay!

Had my MW appointment last week, and bump is measuring 2 weeks ahead... Was bang on 4 week ago!!!!!!!!!!! God, I hope I don't have GD!

Sorry to hear about your husband's job. I kinda guess how that much feel.

Hope everyone is doing great:)
Bigbee, I was measured for the first time on Saturday and I am measuring two weeks ahead. I have my GTT tomorrow and a growth scan on Fri, I am interested to see what they say!
I think the only accurate way to measure baby is a scan. The fundal height thing seems a bit silly to me. That's the size of the uterus, not the baby. And it's even less accurate if you have a higher BMI.

I'm off for my whooping cough jab today. Thank goodness these things are free!

Oh, and I reached 30 weeks today. Still in normal tops (size 14), but only just!
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Sorry to hear about your husbands job orion!
I haven't been measured yet but im not sure what they do for twins as I have regular scans which measures the babies and they plot the growth of them on my chart, still haven't heard anything about possible referral to fetal medicine, it's been a week today, im not so worried now as still feeling both babies move around regularly so I know that they're okay and ive only got a week til my next scan and consultant which im going to ask lots of questions about the refferal and to see what she actually knows about identical twin pregnancy as im starting to get annoyed at having no info really with approx 9 weeks to go.
I've had a cracking tension headache for the past 3 days, first time this pregnancy is anybody else getting headaches? Xxx
Glad you're well bigbee xx

Eeeeeeee just booked our 4D scan for this Sunday!! SOO excited :) got whole package for £47.50 which Is 15mins scan time, dvd, sexing confirmation and 4 pics! Bargain!! (Its because id been before for my sexing scan got it half price)
I've had headaches caseysmummy but more in earlier second tri had one for about 9days!! Awful!

Aww i think little one has the hiccups havent felt them yet but im sure this is what im feeling, constant pulse/jump down low bless her
Hope you're all ok ladies I'm a bit behind.

Just got back from 28 week appointment and I'm measuring 32 weeks!! No surprise with the size of bump I'm carrying round wit me! So I'm going for the GTT on Friday. She said she could feel it was all baby though so wasn't concerned about it being fluid.

Also I have keytones in my wee so I've got to eat more? I don't know what that means?

Oh and no shocker that baby is still transverse so unless he moves (my first never did£) il be hospitalised at 36 weeks in case waters break with section around 39 weeks.

I feel like I've had information overloa so if anyone can shed any light on the above, particuarly the big baby bit id be very grateful x
I know the measurement is not accurate. It can depend on the position the baby too, but none the less, I am a little concerned as its one of the methods they use. I'm not overweight, my bump is all bump.

The baby is now breech actually, so I have 7 weeks to turn him/her!!! Arrrggggh. MW said that it doesn't necessarily mean c section though...
Jessie, what did the MW say regarding the size of the baby? Did she give you reasons why you're 4 weeks ahead? GD?

Also, my baby moved last week, after I sat on the ball for three hours. I am convinced that's what made him/her relocate! I felt movements in different places the day after, and then felt like an idiot when I told the MW that I think baby is head down....of course, she then felt my stomach and the baby was head up! (I know you've been using the ball, but thought I'd mention it anyway)
Good luck to us both for babies turning then, though I'm not holding my breath lol. What if they don't turn, would you still want to try for a natural birth?

They're testing for GD on Friday (sounds like a fun half a day sat doing nothing!!) though I eat well and I've got a trim frame though I literally have no idea about diabetes so maybe that has nothing to do wih it? If that comes back clear I don't know what will happen, 4 weeks seems an awful lot!

Been clearing the cellar as its bin night & sortin Henry's wardrobe & growing loadsa bits I don't want in the new house lol! Just got on top of Henry's wardrobe to clear then his room is ready to be packed.

Still got a clear out of bathroom, our bedroom, kitchen, front room & dining room to do. Gonna get hubby to clear the crap on top of our wardrobe tomorrow as he's off. & he can clear his crap in the dining room & pack the DVDs away.

2 of the 3 references are done & they were only sent late last night so that's good. Just wanna get through the checks & sign the tenancy so we can start gradually moving bits over to the new house.

Bit of a boring post from me I'm afraid ladies! Xx
Aww jessie the GD test fine but boring. Isnt always due to lady being heavy or over weight or poor diet. I had GD in my last pregnancy and i was borderline. All diet controlled load of shite really. My sister in law had GD and she is like a lamppost eats great and her GD was awful she had to be placed on insulin.

As for baby being big the measuring bump can b very inaccurate. I had a hospital app yesterday and they measured my baby by scan and the baby was measuring a week behind but my bump looks big.
The packing/sorting/chucking was such a tiresome job for me too, will be good once you're all in and settled! Glad some of the references have come through already :)

The skin on the left of my belly really hurts when I move like I've pulled something, not pleasant. Moisturising isnt helping either, its not itchy just sooo tight and I dont have any (new)stretchmarks. Ouch!! :(

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