***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Moses/pram sheets are pretty much the same size and can use on either best to get a couple for each for sick ups/drolling etc :)

Re nappies don't get too many size 1s until you know what size baby is really, prob 2 packs will do, OH can get some once LO is here.
Hi all,

Just been catching up on this thread. Really good to read what everyone is packing in their hospital bags. I have started mine but haven't finished yet, so this has really helped.

Ordered our pram yesterday.

Can't believe how quick this is going!

Does anyone have any nice plans for the weekend? My boyfriend is taking me to a local farm shop/cafe for breakfast tomorrow (pre-birthday treat), and then we have a family lunch on Sunday for my birthday.

Hope everyone is keeping well. I started physio at the hospital today for my back/hip pain xx
Heartburn is taking over my life!!!

It's hideous isn't it! I've run out of tbe prescribed stuff and Gaviscon doesn't touch it. We must be having hairy babies!

Blueeyes, what pram did you go for? Enjoy your brekkie! My OH is working all day so I am going to attempt some cleaning and sorting!
I haven't started my bags yet. Got a whole house to pack first!!

The past 2 days freckle has moved near enough non stop. feel like I'm pregnant with an octopus lol! & whilst it's lovely to feel him moving, concentrating & getting comfy at work is nigh on impossible!
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Larly im with you on the movements, she goes crazy in there!! Lol

Just picked up our changing table, got it for £10!! Bargain! Its like brand new.
Hi all,

Hope you are having a lovely weekend. After my farmhouse breakfast this morning I have been full all day. Went to the gym and used the treadmill and then swam and was a bit hungry so just had yogurt, honey and fresh pineapple. I had half a pineapple, and now my sisters just said 'you shouldn't have had that, it brings on labour'. Can't see anything on NHS site, have I done something stupid eating it??

Mayflower we've gone for this one http://www.outnabout.com/products/nipper-360-single.asp in purple and with the carrycot attachment too http://www.outnabout.com/accessories/nipper-single-carrycot.asp

Pimapple "can" cause uterine contractiona but its mainly the core you need to be eating and a little wont do much. You will be fine my love :)
Blue eyes I wouldn't worry too much- I think you need to eat a LOT for it to have an effect.
I realised today that after Monday we are down to single figures of weeks left until our due date! 9 weeks and 6 days on Tuesday!!! Aaaaahhhh!! Did a 'drive by' of the maternity entrance today as we didn't know exactly where the drop off bit was that they were on about at the tour.
Also terrified myself yesterday- went to order our bespoke crib mattress and sheets (for an old little crib) and the time for delivery was 10 weeks! That's all I have left!! Managed to get another company to deliver sooner thankfully!
Thanks buttonbear and Willowburn. I chopped it up myself and didn't have any of the core, so hopefully all ok.

I feel shattered this evening. Went out for brunch (OH treat for birthday), then did food shop, then I went to the gym, did an hour walking on treadmill and 30 mins gentle swimming, assembled the cot with OH and just made birthday cake, and my feet are throbbing like I have been walking up a mountain!!

Willowburn I know i am behind you, but its going so quickly isn't. I know I keep saying it, but I can't believe how the pregnancy is flying by.

Ahhhhh single figure weeks thats maaaaad!!! I can't believe that!!

I feel so tired today today, cooked a massive roast this afternoon and its floored me, plus i just feel SO full i can't move! Lol
Blue eyes, I think I read somewhere that you'd have to eat a few whole pineapples a day, every day for a while, before you'd have enough of the labor inducing ingredient to have an effect
Hello ladies hope you all had a lovely day. We've been to a family party. Im shattered now so off to bed very soon. I be snacked on buffet food all afternoon so im stuffed, im loving pineapple atm im going to but one tomorrow to chop up and snack on throughout the week I think. Im sure when I was trying to go into labour with my son I read somewhere 7 or more pineapples could possibly start labor but I think like orion said over a few days of it too. I tried lots to kick start labour last time as was over due and fed up and in the end had a sweep from the midwife, a long walk and a hot curry and was in labour by 4am (it was the membrane sweep that did it I think lol) makes me laugh to remember how I was walking up and down the the stairs sideways and doing star jumps for ages hoping to get things started. Xxx
I spent yesterday afternoon in the assesment unit again! I went to the loo and passed a bloody clotty looking thing, then had bleeding for a couple of hours afterwards. Lovely staff again, very reassuring but I've still got a UTI!

The results from the swabs and sample that were sent off to the lab last time were sent back to my GP and I needed antibiotics, but neither the GP or midwife told me when I last saw them. I have a prescription now.

The bleeding is coming from a large polyp on my cervix (no idea why this wasn't spotted the previous two times I've been in hospital) it's benign but will need removing once baby is here.
Oh how scary mayflower but at least u have an answer & it's not baby related. Is that something they can do straight after delivery? X
Oh gosh mayflower, how scary glad its not from baby though and nothing serious xx

My stomach feels SO tight/stretched today think ive used all my skin now its having to really stretch and its really hurting and uncomfy!

Can anyone recommend a bump band/support?
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Glad you've got an answer mayflower

Buttonbear - try upping you're moisturising. It might help with the tight skin. I've been using palmers twice a day and I haven't had tight itchy skin yet.
ive been feeling similar with my skin too button, its really itchy under my belly button where id gotten stretch marks with my little boy so ive been putting cream on lots, The only bump bands ive used are the ones from new look and its not much support really just helps against certain materials on my tops irritating it, Both babies are very quiet this morning, i usualy feel baby a as im waking up sticking her feet out but not this morning, going to keep and eye on it i think as i felt them both moving as i was falling asleep last night so hoping they're both just sleeping, going to get a cold glass of water as im already starting to feel anxious now ive realised, fingers crossed that wakes them up! xxx
So sleepy today. The week of getting loads done has caught up with me.
How are things now Caseysmummy?

Orion I'm feeling the same, could just fall asleep on the chair!!

So OH put the changing table up and I've spent the avo sorting everything out and organising her things and toiletries etc SO much fun!!

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