***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ooo exciting Elliot. Hope this is it for you and they don't stop. Early labour sucks-feels like it goes on forever!

Mayflower I hope things have stepped up a gear!
They still seem quite frequent but bit hit and miss. Time will tell. Breakfast now and some ball sitting I think.
Im so jealous Elliott lol i had contractions on n off on Monday and then even less on n off yesterday and today so far nothing x
All I'm saying at the min is ouch! This does not look good for my coping ability ha.

I'm still convinced it'll stop, OH seems more convinced.
Hope you're ok Mayflower and Elliott and things are progressing for you both.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Come on baby lets get things moving, we want to meet you now (and had enough of back pain) xx
Local hosp at 10:30 for a check to see where I'm at. Unless things ramp up. They still seem quite frequent! (This is distracting me for now)
Elliott the pain sounds promising, with my first I wasn't convinced until they were 4 mins apart! Second time round I recognised the pain immediately even though I'd questioned being in labour a few times beforehand.

Cers and blueeyes hope things get going for you soon. These babies can be stubborn when they're so cosy in there!

Hoping that things are going well for mayflower!

Good luck at hospital elliott. Have you started timing them yet. You can get an app which is helpful and easier than a stopwatch and paper. Frequency is good though xxx
That's exciting Elliott! And a lack of updates from Mayflower is very promising! More May babies to squee over :love:
3cm dialated, a show whilst I was there and things softening nicely she said. At home now to have something to eat :s and stay moving and monitor contractions. When they ramp up call hosp and go in, the local hosp has called ahead to tell them I'll likely be over later!!!

How has this happened!! It's not my turn yet!
I had a lot of pains last night and thought things were starting but things have quietened down today. Not moving much off the sofa as maybe find a bit much yesterday. I have a growth scan booked for tomorrow as the baby has been well above the personalised growth plan based on my last two pregnancies but has followed a curve. On Monday I measured 38 weeks the same as two weeks ago. Neither myself or the midwife feel there is probably an issue but better to be safe than sorry. Nearly ready but still not agreed on a name as yet!
Good luck Elliott. Just getting ready to go for my sweep, eeeeep xxx
Aww Elliott u r on the move!! Im so jealous. Got another sweep booked for tomorrow heres hoping eh x
:( back at home after going to main hosp. They want me at 4cm which I'm still not quite. Membrane between baby's head and cervix needs to go I think then things will ramp up more. Feel knackered and already dreading the drive back to hosp!

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