***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Oh hiw annoying mayflower! I would be tempted to go in i was shocked i was 5cm and mine weren't 3 in 10 mins! They broke my waters then and bam it stepped up! 2 hours later she was here!!
Congratulations Orion.

I would call the labour ward Mayflower as others have suggested.

Well after losing lots of plug over the weekend and having a second sweep yesterday, I'm having nothing but a lot of back pain today :-( getting a bit fed up like lots other on here! Xx
Im so over being pregnant today I am feeling nothing today just pressure which is a bit disheartening. Hoping to possibly get another sweep on Thursday but need to see. Have u already had a sweep Nats?

No lovely, when I went last week ready for one the midwife was really reluctant to do it and made me feel like I was putting her out so I said I'd wait. Hopefully things are favourable for tomorrow xxx
Oh wow. My little one has been keeping me busy and I've not had a chance to catch up.

Huge congratulations to all that have had their babies! I hope you are all doing well.

Not long now for the few that are left. All may babies will be here soon! Xx
Had a bit of a quiet day movement wise but kind of had just enough to think not time to call anyone about it. Hoping yoga class gets her moving more as it can sometimes x

Mayflower hope things get more certain soon for you, not surprised you're knackered! X
Oh gosh mayflower that's not right. With my son mine we're every 4-5 mins and I went in and I was 5-6cm dilated. If you wait til there that close hun you'll be in agony. I would ask to be able to be go in and checked hun. Just in case. Xxx
I agree with caseysmummy go get checked see how u r progressing and see if they will break ur waters
What is the possibility that I have very unfortunately wet myself twice in one day?? (sorry for tmi) was out with MIL this afto and felt, damp not uncommon for me atm (normally heavier discharge) and about 4.30 needed toilet, when I went was soaked. Put pad in. When I got home hour later, pad was slightly damp but nothing to right home about.
Have been sat with feet up this evening, just gone to the toilet again and soaked for second time?

Have had diarrhoea for past 4 days, and Last night BH (I think).

Sorry to question everything but feeling very confused and out of my depth atm moment, and all I can do is cry about it!!!
I'm not sure flosi being new to all this as well but didn't want to just ignore you. All I'd suggest is if in any doubt and worrying call mw/labour ward and aww what they say?? It's a tricky one. I'd maybe if feeling ok put new pad in for the night and see how I went but it totally depends on how you feel.
Thanks Elliott I think my plan of action os to wait until after tea and see how I feel, of I have any more then call, I do have appointment with Dr in the morning so praps see what they say x
R u wet when u go to the loo or when u get up from the loo?.. discharge yes can be very watery but if ur very wet it could be ur waters. Id go get checked over if u have another incident. Also check the smell of it as ur waters is supposed to smell sweet. X
I'd also get checked flosi, tmi but when I was suffering with mad morning sickness and was being sick and would accidentally wet myself I felt myself do it hun. I would definitely call hun xxx
Thanks everyone it didn't seem to smell. But no more this evening so will ask Dr in the morning! Just feeling drained tonight!
Thanks again girls, can always count on you all! X
Mayflower I hope you're doing ok. Like the others have said definitely go in if you want to at least be checked. I never bothered calling before with my first but my contractions were 2/3min apart lasting 1min. (I got to hospital and was only 1-2cm though so they were like this for a very long time)

Flosi-lie down on your side for 30min and then stand up. If you have more wetness then I would most likely say your waters are leaking and to go get checked.

I'm sick of having a sore back!
Hope you're going ok mayflower. This may not be the case for you, but this is what I was like for days with my second son until in the end I turned up at the hospital and refused to go home because I was exhausted! After a lot of discussion between midwives and doctors, they broke my waters and things got going!! Maybe that's all you need to get things turned up a gear? You don't want to be too exhausted when it's full established labour! I'd just turn up and say you cannot manage pain at home, Least they can examine you so you know where you're at. Fingers crossed it is all progressing for you and baby will be here soon x
I'm having irregular something's right now. Every time I feel like it's what might be a contraction, or maybe just bh, I'm only comfy on the loo :s sometimes I actually go (1or 2, sorry) other times the feeling ends and I'm ok again.

The discomfort/pain can be anything from 30sec to just over a min but not always easy to know start and end. Happening sometimes every few mins sometimes 5mins +.

Had no show and no waters. I'm kind of assuming it's a false start/practise?????
Called labour ward and they've said to monitor, birth ball, paracetamol and maybe a bath. So will see if we get anywhere I guess

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