***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Thata ideal yes but not necessary if u feel like u need to be at the hospital then go but if u feel fine to labour at home for another while stay where u r xx
im so jealous mayflower.ive seen people come and go on here that have been behind us and im 40 weeks too. good luck!!! xx
I know the feeling lozza lol. Im still here contractions slowed down last nyt and stopped. Had total discomfort last nyt sleeping woke feeling very disheartened then had a bit of pain and then went to the loo and had a bit of a bloody show
Congratulations Orion! Emergency sections suck and you will feel like you've been hit by a bus for a while. Take everything slowly except painkillers! I'm still taking co codamol and ibuprofen every 2/3 hours in the day. Don't try and be superwoman, I did last time and took ages to recover!

Good luck Mayflower! One day past due date is great. Hope baby doesn't keep you too much longer x
awww well at least things are slowly progressing. ive not even noticed a braxton hick and dont believe ive lost the plug.im hoping baby will surprise me and just show up lol but otherwise i cant help but think im going to be quite late.hope your contractions start again! xx
Congratulations Orion!! Hope you recover well x

Yay mayflower!! Hope you're doing okay :D
I would be tempted to get myself down the hospital. I rang my hospital when I was having them every 15mins just to pre-warn them because I knew it was 'it' (was 3rd baby) and they said that when they're down to every 5 mins to come in and we will examine you. Good luck though!! I think it's the real thing for you! Hope you can get your partner back quickly from work! :) yay exciting times for you x x
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So ur getting contractions every 5 mins? Lol do u not go to the hospital? R u trying for a home birth or what do u need to wait for xx
Mayflower. That's what happened to me.

Contractions every 5 minutes all day. Then they slowed down to 7 minutes. I rang them up and said pain is getting worse, but intervals are not changing. They told me to come in so they could give me something stronger than paracetamol. I went in and my contractions slowed right down. I think the longest interval was 30 minutes.

I was 3 cm dilated. They broke the rest of my waters...that got the show on the road!!!!!

Call hospital. Tell them you can't manage pain at home. Sorry to say but pain will only get worse. Let's just say, I am not sure how I would've managed the drive to the hospital when contractions sped up to 3 every ten minutes..........
If the pains manageable though atm id stay at home. They tell u at antinatal classes to labour manageably at home and only go to the hospital when u feel they are unbareable. However like big bee said. Even give the hospital a ring n tell them how u r feeling
Congrats Orion! Hope you recover well x

Mayflower hope things keep going and progress well :) x

A busy afternoon and evening yesterday so feel I've missed lots!!
Congrats Orion, glad baby finally made an appearance and I hope you are recovering well.

Good luck mayflower.

I'm just about recovered from my tummy bug. I feel remotely human today. 40+5 and thoroughly fed up of being pregnant. Am booked in for a sweep tomorrow at 2.30 xxx
Im so over being pregnant today I am feeling nothing today just pressure which is a bit disheartening. Hoping to possibly get another sweep on Thursday but need to see. Have u already had a sweep Nats?
Thanks to all for the messages.

I'm keeping on top of my paracetamol and ibuprofen every 4 hours. And managing to potter around the house.

Baby Jamie is doing well, despite a restless first night home. Time is flying by because it takes me so long to do anything!

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