***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Really button. How far apart where urs in the beginning... also wat exactly did they feel like.

Have u posted any pictures of your LO x
Details for when you update the first page Button:

Aria Bethany born at 12:51 on 14/05 weighed 6lbs 13oz :love:
I'm desparate to go clothes shopping for her now, just got to wait until I've healed a bit more!

Hopefully you won't even need the sweep cers xx
Oh yes i need to update it!! Lots of babies hehe

Hope Orion is doing well

Cers they started off as painful periods pains then got a lot more sharper in pain its the only way to describe it until I just couldnt talk anymore. Had to get into the zone with breathing(honestly best pain relief ever dont tense up!!) Was under bump/round back and really in my bum lol sorry!
Durhamchance we need to go shopping too... because she is so big haha!!

Cers on the fb group I have, are you on there?
Hi all
Sorry I haven't been on much over the weekend, well after losing plug in dribs and drabs Thursday to yesterday, I've had absolutely nothing today. Feel absolutely shattered and fed up. Sorry to moan but tomorrow will be a year to the day that we had our first miscarriage, and just feeling a bit crappy.

I have the midwife at 10:30 tomorrow for second sweep ( if things don't start happening tonight)

Hope everyone is doing well xx
Naw not on the fb group. Awwwk blue eyes sorry to hear that. Did your plug come away in small pieces or a big clump. I lost bits of my plug with my first and didnt have the full plug/bloody show until my waters broke.

On ur last mw app where u anyway dilated? ... i hope u have something tnyt or at least the 2nd sweep does suhin x
Sorry to hear that blueeyes. Tomorrow will be a tough day, but you shouldn't have to wait longer for this little bundle to arrive and brighten up your life :) good luck with the sweep... Also, I recommend going for a few walks. I think that helped me.
Thanks bigbee and cers.

Cers plug has come away in little bits but then had quite a bug but yesterday, so much so I felt it coming out (sorry to much info). Midwife s d I was 1cm displayed last Wednesday afternoon when I had the sweep.

Bigbee did plenty of walking today, so maybe tonight's the night

Hoping to hear of some more may arrivals v.soon!! Good luck to you all that are left, things are sounding promising! :) x (yes I keep tri hopping and stalking threads!) haha. Guess I just can't wait to be at the end and spotting signs of labour like you guys! :) exciting x
Ah it's all getting exciting! Good luck to all those having sweeps/ losing plug. Hope it all starts soon.

2 weeks until my due date! :)
It sounds like it could be waters to me.
When my waters went it felt like I had wet myself and then it just dribbled down my leg every time I went to the toilet.
Good luck!
Mayflower with my son they broke before i went into labour, it felt like trickles like you say and if i lay down it pooled then ran out when i stood up. Does it smell sweet?
Mayflower a bit gross so I do apologise so early, but I noticed waters were a bit more syrupy for want of a better word although did feel like I was wetting myself!! May help a bit!! Hope its all going the right way for everyone. Steep learning curve and everything is completely different even trying to go out in the car but being a mummy is the best thing in the entire world :) xx
Mayflower I say trust your instinct hun. Ring them back today if your not convinced hun. They don't always get it right. My midwife told me my itchy hands and feet was my skin stretching but my blood test a week after they were born was showing I still had raised levels bile salts and the midwife in hospital said she was sure that I'd had obstetric cholestasis plus the itching went immediately after I gave birth xxx
Mayflower id go back over. Happy due date day.

Jst back from hospital app. Baby is 1/5 engaged so 4 more to go but i know cos im a second tm that doesnt normally fully engage until full blown labour. Also i got a sweep which showed. Cervix soft 1 cm dilated and 1.5cm long. Hoping this will b good progress as im trying for a successful vbac.
Just got home from 2nd stretch and sweep. On Wednesdays one I was 1cm dialated today I'm 2cm. 1st one midwife said cervix was posterior and she had to pull it forward, this time it was already forward. She's also told me baby is back to back today, and that's probably the reason my back hurts so much the last few days. Has anyone had a back to back baby? I asked if that causes baby and problems and she said no, but will that mean a longer? More painful delivery? Or more likely hood of intervention such as forceps? Does anyone know.

Year today since first miscarriage, trying to look at how things have changed in a year and not think of how upsetting this time last year was.

Booked in for induction on 29th, which will be term plus 14 that seems a long time to wait xx
Just got home from 2nd stretch and sweep. On Wednesdays one I was 1cm dialated today I'm 2cm. 1st one midwife said cervix was posterior and she had to pull it forward, this time it was already forward. She's also told me baby is back to back today, and that's probably the reason my back hurts so much the last few days. Has anyone had a back to back baby? I asked if that causes baby and problems and she said no, but will that mean a longer? More painful delivery? Or more likely hood of intervention such as forceps? Does anyone know.

Year today since first miscarriage, trying to look at how things have changed in a year and not think of how upsetting this time last year was.

Booked in for induction on 29th, which will be term plus 14 that seems a long time to wait xx

My ds was back to back. I didnt find labour that bad but have nothing to compare it to yet. I ended up having a section as his head was in the wrong position abd not applying enough pressure to make me dilate so I stopped dilating. Up until the I managed on gas and air and in the pool.

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