***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Also, button... Congratulations. What a whopper. And our babies now share a birthday???!!!! :)

I am jealous of your tearing. ;);) Our little trooper is 8lb, and mummy ended up in surgery!!
Congratulations Bigbee! Looking forward to seeing pictures, does he have a name?
Congratulations button too! Such a little chunk!

2 May babies born same day! Knew they'd all start popping :)
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Congratulations Bigbee! We've stepped up a gear in here haven't we?!

Just one a day for now please ladies, it's hard to keep up. :)
Wow go bigbee!!! So glad your little guy made his appearance. Hope ut both keeping great.
Like mayflower im soooo jealous of ur babies lol wish mine wud hurry up. Xx
Also, button... Congratulations. What a whopper. And our babies now share a birthday???!!!! :)

I am jealous of your tearing. ;);) Our little trooper is 8lb, and mummy ended up in surgery!!

Its a fab birthday to have too hehe 15.05.15 hehe!! Congrats my love

Oh no :( hope you heal well its not nice x
Feeling left behind, useless and broken at 40+10 today :(

congratulations on more May babies being born
Orion I'm sorry you're felling that way, everyone's gestational period is different, some might have every baby at 36 weeks whereas others if left would carry to 43 weeks. Try and be positive, Monday is nearly here, I know it's not what you wanted but when baby is in your arms you won't care.

Bigbee!! Well done and congratulations!! I was waiting to hear from you. Breastfeeding is hard but when you get the hang of it it will all just fall in to place, take all the midwives help, a good latch is the difference between comfortar and agonisingly painful breastfeeding. I got it wrong and now having to retrain baby on his latch.
So pleased for you and hope you heal well x
Busy times! Big congrats to bigbee and button :)

Roll on the next baby.........
(Same as ever here with me)
Congratulations bigbee been thinking of you, you stole my date of 15/5/15 :-) hope you are recovering well.

Orion sorry to hear you are so fed up, only a couple more days until baby is in your arms.

I had a terrible nights sleep, cramps and waking up either sweating or shivering, is that normal??

Hope everyone has s good day xx
Congratulations ladies. We have had a busy few days. Lets keep it up! I think I am going to end up s a june mummy x
Congratulations ladies. We have had a busy few days. Lets keep it up! I think I am going to end up s a june mummy x

I think I maybe the same. My ds was 10 days late and I don't think this baby will be anymore on time!
Congratulations ladies that have had their little ones!

Orion don't lose hope only a couple of days til you meet your little one now! It will all be worth it then.

Congratulations to those little ones that made debuts yesterday.

Orion so sorry you are feeling so down, the closer we get to the end of may the more frustrating it is getting especially with no signs of anything happening soon.
Afternoon ladies. I hope everyone is ok, whether still pregnant or cuddling new little ones. I'm 2 days over now and I feel awful today. I feel sick and have the most horrendous smelling poops (sorry way tmi) With both my son and daughter I had PROM so I don't really know what I'm looking for symptom wise before labour starts but I do not feel good!!

Orion I'm so sorry you are feeling fed up. I feel your pain, I went 8 days over with my daughter and every day feels like an eternity and apparently this little one doesn't want to come out either xxx
Owww congratulations to all of you mummas who just had their babies!!! Just wanted to say Aria is a gorgeous name, I love it! My little sister is Arianna, but we always call her Aria, because it's just such a lovely name xx
I actually have to give the credit to Becky, she posted it a long time ago in baby names and I fell for it. I mentioned it to OH and he loved it too.

What I've found strange us some family members asked us how it is pronounced? I thought it was quite obvious :oooo:
Finally! Waters have broken and I'm contracting. Hospital have checked me over and sent me home. Hopefully baby will come before they induce me tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Yay! Excellent stuff Orion! Good luck and fingers crossed things keep progressing well now x

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