***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ladies. This is getting ridiculous. The pain is getting worse but contractions are still ages apart!!!

Those of you who have had babies, when did you go to the hospital? They told me to wait until I have three per 10 minutes. It's not happening!!!!!!!
Bigbee I'm a first time mum as you know, so no previous experience, but I would say call them back and tell them it's unbearable, they may suggest you come in sooner.

Hope everyone is doing ok. I have been losing plug all day in dribs and drabs, but other than that ok.

Yea definitely call them back, just asked to be checked out? I went to hospital when they were 2-3 minutes lasting a minute but I was still only 1-2cm. Worst thing ever!

So I most definitely had a contraction tonight. Just the one pain..started off just period pain ish and then full blown ouch with a rock hard belly for what felt like 30/40seconds. I think it'll be like this for the next 2 weeks, just random contractions-fun for me! But hopefully means once it does all kick off it'll be really quick :) (wishful thinking) I'm just glad it's all going in the right direction!

It's all getting exciting in here! Hopefully some of these pain causing babies will make an appearance soon! :)
Bigbee i went in and was told i was 1-2 and to come back but at least i had some sort of idea where i was?! I would ring up and get checked out x
Ouch just got woken up with such a sore pain!! Made me feel so sick :/
So timing them seems every 10 mins or so pretty strong ones!!

Worst timing as i have a poorly son and now OH who must have eaten something dodgy as hes been up in the loo most of the night!! Oh no!
Oh no button! Tell him to take sometihing he needs to get better. Hope this is it for you.

Bigbee how you getting on?
Good luck button. There's been a sick bug going round my local area, maybe it's the same where you are. Hopefully everyone recovers before the big event.

As for sweep 2 - still no extra signs that baby wants to come out. I know it's only been 18 hours but I'm betting it's another fail. So, roll on Monday!
Orion - at least you know the waters are in touching distance and you're already 2-3cm. :)
I went to fau last nyt and of course baby moving mental and loads like literally hadnt moved like that in weeks. Lol typical. Babys very healthy and measuring approx 8lbs10.... WHAT!!!! how am i supposed d give birth to this baby what if its like 9lbs10 by the time i have it
Lol Cers you'll be fine you must have a good oven in there.

Well it's all cracking off for May mummies isn't it!

Orion I hope you're next I know you're feeling frustrated!
Those who have babies start postin in the babies section so I can see how you're coping wih no sleep lol!

I wonder how Bigbee is getting on?
Looks like my day to start will be Monday. Still no twinges at all. Anyone else thinking of queue jumping - I might slap you! :)
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Orion-I won't be jumping queue so don't worry! :)

Baby has hiccups and I can feel them so low...like right in my bits-feels like my whole mini is vibrating haha
Had another random contraction today not as bad as yesterday's (thankfully) :)

Bigbee and button - hope all is going well
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Been losing mucus plug in dribs and drabs since yesterday and for the last half an hour had what feels like strong period cramps/pains. Do you think this is the start? Any advice appreciated, as you know I'm a nervous first time mum xx
Sounds promising blue eyes. Is there a pattern to the pain? I think I would try and sleep because if it is it then you need your energy, if it's not then you've not just stayed up getting tired. Xx
Doesn't seem to be a pattern, just come up to bed and will try and get some sleep. It feels just like bad period cramps. Thanks Tasha, will try and get some sleep xx
Ladies, sorry...I'm not catching up with everyone but just thought I'd post a quick update. Will read through everyone's posts when I get home tonight.

Our little boy was born yesterday morning!! He is such a beaut. I got the labour I wanted (gas and air + pool), but wish I didn't haha should've gone for an epi!!!! Won't go into the details :) still in hospital.. Should be getting out today!

So happy but anxious! Trying to get the hang of breastfeeding at the moment. Challenging.

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