***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Exciting Bigbee! Don't worry, if your waters go in the shower you'll know about it!

I'm ok, the midwife left me to sleep after my second trace. I'm just nervously waiting for them to come and see me and decide if my baby will be born today :shock:
Bigbee - hope they're gearing up! Happy due date!

Durham- I hope you are able to have baby today.
Fingers crossed, Durham! Keep us updated :) :)

Tasha, thank you. I hope it's not a false alarm.

Had plans to meet a friend for lunch today...guess I'll be scrapping that.
Waiting anxiously to hear Durham...

Happy due date Bigbee, I wonder is baby will come right on time!

Did anyone else know that babies don't sleep at night? Like, at all!! Lol
Ooh potentially exciting day by the sounds of it! I'd love things to happen for me today as it would have been my mums 60th birthday, she would have hated turning 60 but I think a new baby would have made up for that.
Oh really big bee!.. ive had pains on n off the past few days no regularity though lol. Cnt wait d go to the hospital on Friday to get a sweep and see if i have dilated any lol. This serious discomfort better be for something lol.

Yes Jessie i remember that very very well haha
Hope this is the start of things for you bigbee.

Hope everyone has a good day. I'm still spotting but cramping has stopped just horrible backache now xx
Thanks ladies :) .

Partner is at work, so I'm powering through on my lonesome :) haha
Fingers crossed for those of you progressing today

2nd sweep this afternoon - so hoping I've made some progress by this weekend to avoid induction!
Phoned the labour ward earlier as thought I had lost some of the plug and wanted to describe it, to check that was normal as it was like a browny colour. Midwife said it sounded like part of my plug. Had s good bounce on ball this morning as back is really hurting.

Hope your 2nc sweep works Orion xx
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Sorry to butt into your thread ladies - Think you are all doing fantastically! Its got us ladies in June very excited too...

Fingers and toes crossed for all of you. Good Luck and best wishes being sent your way!!

Girls i know its normal for movements to slow down but its annoying me how quite my little one has gotten. Still some movements but not nearly as much as there was. Should i b concerned or will they not care because im due on Sunday and this may be is normal ?
Cers id call, ive had 4 bouts of reduced movements and each time they said her movements shouldn't slow down, change maybe but not stop etc. If concerned ring it doesn't matter when you're due x
Ring up CERS, it's never a waste of time.

I'm still waiting, I've been told it could be 4pm! I would be fine if I wasn't starving :wall2:

I hope things start to progress Blueeyes and Bigbee, there could be a few of us today with any luck :good:
Cers I would ring up hun. They will see you to monitor you hun if baby's movements have changed and your not feeling happy with it as they would always rather baby's okay hun.

Jessie lily doesn't like to sleep at night either. She had 2 ounces of milk at half 6 and feel asleep and stated asleep through winding put her back to bed and she was screaming by half 7! She hates her cot but can't Co sleep with her being premature as it's too risky! I'm shattered too! My little boy gets up at half 8 at the latest atm too.

Happy due date bigbee. Hope things progress for you!

Can't wait to hear news from Durham either! Excited to hear the gender, I have a feeling its a little girl but that's only a gut feeling lol.

Hoping your sweep works today orion! The last sweep may have helped a little to get your body ready.

If gers crossed this is the start for you blueeyes xxx

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