***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Willowburn, massive congratulations!!!

Natevz, I was offered a sweep before 40 weeks. Could've had it yesterday but opted to wait until after the due date. What I meant was, how did you manage to get an appointment today, and then another one tomorrow?? :) my MW squeezed me in yesterday, and then the next available appointment is when I'm 41 weeks. Quite annoying really. She is so laid back!!!!!!! I hope the sweep works for you though :) good luck!!!!!!!

Oh hahaha sorry lovely. They would have sent one of the community midwives out to do it. As it turns out I also declined it and am booked in next week :)
Thank you all, the midwives been and comfirmed that days 3 and 5 are the teary ones as the hormones are settling.

Huge congratulations to willow and guiliaus2 really pleased for you both. Il go and join the May babies thread soon, hope to see you in there.

Sending lots of labour thoughts for those still waiting. Not long now girls, everything could change in a second xx
Congrats to to new babies! We're getting there.

Jess sounds like the mw has made you feel a little better and "normal" which is great :)

Quiet day for me
Congratulations willow burn and giuliaplus2

Thanks for thinking of me giulia, I'm getting through moment by moment atm but lots of cuddles from my little girl is helping lots :)

Aww jessie I hope you feel better soon. I remember feeling tearful after my son in the first week or two. You've been through a lot the past few months so take it easy hun and lots of cuddles with your little ones is a must!

Need advice..... This after noon have had alot of pressure down below with backache but came in waves. Went home to chill out! When I got home needed a wee, but when finished almost felt like it carried on without any control (tmi) could this have been waters?

Waves have now subsided however baby is extremely wiggley and feel quite damp (tmi) bu nothing much to write home about!

I was at DAU this am and notes say baby is still free.

Should i call just incase?
Id call if think possibly waters as they need to keep an eye for infection reasons my love x
Congratulations willowburn and giulia! I'm hoping to join you tomorrow!

As button mentioned yesterday, I've had a rough 24 hours :( I woke up with a sore throat and it quickly got worse. After lunch I had registrars, midwives and doctors surrounding me and sticking needles and swabs in nearly every orriface :shock: I was put on a ctg, ecg, drip and had hourly obs. My heart rate was 128bpm and baby was averaging 180bpm :shock: at about 9pm I was taken to labour suite so they could keep a closer eye on me. I was lucky if I managed 5 hours of sleep in between monitoring last night. This morning they decided they needed more blood (third lot!) and it had to come from my hands as my arms are too bruised. After she failed on the third attempt I threw up with the stress! She managed it on the forth go. By this afternoon I'd stabilised enough to come back to the ward where I'm resting up now.

And my section is booked for tomorrow :roll: we won't know if it's going ahead until the aenethetist sees me in the morning. He makes the final decision on if I'm well enough to go ahead or not. Wish me luck please, I don't want to be pregnant any more! :pray:

Hope the rest of you are doing well, if I'm going ahead Button will do my section thread x
Congrats on the babies!! I really need to update the first page.

Oh mayflower still feeling the same, just had a massive nose bleed to top it all off :( i cannot get comfy in any position due to these annoying doing nothing pains ive got. Im just getting on my own nerves now!
Good luck Durham, I really hope you make a miraculous recovery overnight x
Congrats on the babies im so jealous.

Jessie i was very down with my son resulted in post natal depression so just be careful and ask for help wen u need it.

Durham i hope to god ur feeling better tomotrow i know the feeling of just wanting to be not pregnant anymore.

Cnt believe im due on Sunday lol
Jessiecat - sorry to hear you are feeling so emotional. I'm a first time mum as you know, so no advice from experience, but definitely talk to your midwife, you've been through a really tough few weeks.

NatEvz - hope baby comes soon

Willowburn - Congratulations on your little one :-)

giuliaplus2 - Congratulations on your twins :-)

Flosi - I would call and see what they say.

Durhamchance - Sorry to hear you are feeling so awful. Will keep my fingers crossed for you for tomorrow.

Buttonbear - Hope you're ok, thinking of you.

So I saw the consultant this afternoon and was surprised to have a stretch and sweep (urgh!!) Had a light bleed since and stomach is a bit crampy but I think that's normal, isn't it?? Was quite surprised as I didn't think I would be offered one until after due date, but aparantely baby and cervix was ready.

Hope everyone is ok xx
Thank you x

Lets add pretty bad loose bowels to the mix now... please body be doing someting finally I can't take this now :(!!

Oh and I have updated first page, hope Ive added all the new babies and with the correct details, let me know if i haven't.
Blueeyes how far along r u?... did they say if u were dilated?

Button im the same the on n off pains n back ache. The loose bowels n nausea and now vomiting :(
Buttonbear I've also had a terrible stomach today and yesterday. Thinking of you.

Cers I'm 39+5 (almost +6 now) I don't know, she said something about 1cm to the consultant (I asked the midwife to do it as the consultant was a man), but to be honest and you might all think I'm odd, I was just concentrating on the ceiling tiles and breathing. I'm very anxious about examinations and things like that, so I tried to block her out.

Still spotting had stretch and sweep at 4.30 ish, is that normal or should it have stopped? It's only light xx
Its awful isn't it, my belly is SO noisy and grumbly even my OH can hear it across the room! I want my baby not poops!!

Hope something is starting for you blueeyes, ive never had a sweep so i dont know about the spotting.
I'm pretty certain the spotting is normal, but if you're worried call and ask!

Flosi- I would lie on my side for 20min and then stand up. If your waters have gone they will pool and have a small gush. But if you call they may say for you to go in and get checked out.

Congrats willow!

Looking forward to hearing when you're all in pain! :)
I'm losing the will to live. I was so tired I went to bed just after 7pm, I was woken at visitor kicking out time at 8pm, then by the tea lady at 8:30pm, then by the midwife at 9pm to do my obs. She put me on a trace at 9:30pm and I e been on it for over 2hours as baby is jumping about all over the place. They've took me off for 30 mins do I can have a break?! Then I have to go back on. I could throttle someone for some quiet time! This is my forth night of bog all sleep :cry:
Ladies, I've been having back ache through the night. Then I realised back ache and abdomen pain were coming and going. Think it might be contractions.....or wishful thinking as its my due date today! Just been to the toilet, wiped and had a bit of streaky discharge. It's very light pink. Wouldn't have even noticed it if I weren't looking for it.

Oh, and regarding loose bowels. That is happening too. Went to the loo 5 times yesterday.

Apologies for all the info, but partner has gone to work...

I'm too scared to have a shower just in case waters go and I don't notice!!!! :(:(
Durham, get your husband to pick up some ear plugs from a pharmacy. I don't go to bed without them!!!!

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