***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ladies I'm sorry you're all feeling fristrated it miut be really hard to have a date in you head for when baby shoul be ready and that day comes and goes with no sign. I hope we have an influx of babies soon.

I'm just waiting to be discharged from hospital after 3 and a half weeks!! Normally thus let you out the day after a section but it really knocked me off my feet, still struggling now but my husband is very supportive so will do all the running round at home and il base myself in bed or on the sofa for a few days.
Baby Joseph is absolutely perfect in every single way, he's taken I breast feeding like a trooper, weeing and pooing well, sleeping well. Proud as punch :)

I am still following the thread but have little time to reply, keep popping ladies. Lots of love xx
Elliott hope all went well at your midwife appointment.

Orion hope little one makes their arrival soon.

Tasha hope the discomfort is baby engaging.

Jessicacat sorry to hear you're having a slow recovery, but very glad to hear little one is doing well and you're heading home. Take care of yourself.

Button hope things speed up for you.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I've got am upset stomach today, haven't eaten anything that would trigger it :-( xx
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I'm glad your doing well jessie. Hope you stay rested and recover well. Remember not to over do it when you start to feel better. The Saturday after my section we took out little boy to the monkey forrest near the hospital to spend some time with him after everything that had gone on and it nearly killed me off! I was in pain when we got back! So definitely take it easy hun xxx
Back from midwife app at hospital. She didn't seem too concerned. Put on trace for 20mins and sll was good quite a bit of movement going on, most I'd had all day! She had a very uncomfortable look down below and said there was no active bleeding and cervix long and closed?!? Which she was happy with. Baby still 4/5th pal. Urine sent off as white cells in it I think she said, I'll hear from docs about that next week if a problem.
Thanks ladies for all the support xx

Elliot im glad everything seems fine :)

Orion hope things kick off for you my love, have you tried walking big steps up and down the stairs sideways im certain ita what made my pains start!

Poor durhamchance isnt doing great hospital think shes caught the flu so is on IV fluids right now bless her :(
I've walked up and down the stairs forwards and sideways, but I'll try bigger steps.
Also posted this as a thread but thought all of you may be able to advise me better.
I had a section for breech pres back in 2006 for my second child. I then had a successful VBAC in 2009 full term. I'm currently 38 + 4 and my scar/ tummy on my right hand ride hurts like it is stretching. It could almost burn at times. Only really later in day though not first thing. Do you think it could be ligament spin rather than any issue with a previous scar. It doesn't hurt any more if I press it or put pressure on it..
What do you think ladies?
Charlie- I'm not sure of the pain you're experiencing. I've not felt burning have had pains of stretching though (although these were really early on) I have a section scar but haven't felt anything unusal. I assume this is a new pain that isn't triggering any memories from your last pregnancies. Maybe mention it to midwife
Morning ladies. Hope we are all ok this morning. Well one day till due date and no sign of this baby!!Looks like another one of my monkeys that will be late. I have the midwife at 1 this afternoon and hopefully a sweep booked for tomorrow . Eeeeeeek. Might even be a due date baby xxx
Ladies I'm sorry to ignore everyone else's posts, il normally try and make sure I reply but I'm such a mess today I can't even come up with advice.
I'm on day 5 and I havnt stopped sobbing since I opened my eyes. I barely saw my bed lat night which won't help but I want to enjoy having a little newborn at home, not sobbing at everything what her in feeding him or having cuddles with my OH or older son.
I know they say it's normal but I it's need a little reassurance and any advice on getting though it to those who have don't this before x
Oh jessie baby blues is normal but maybe speak to mw just incase my love. One trick to help your body with its emotions is ALOT of skin to skin with baby and even your older son too. Releases endorphins and will help if its just a bit of baby blues xx
Aww Jess I wish I had advice but it's all new to me so hard to know what to say.

However, do be kind to yourself, you've been through a lot, hormones all over the place and lots to deal with. Accept help, ask for help and don't feel bad for letting your emotions show. X
Natevz, how have you managed to get a sweep booked for tomorrow? I've got mw next thurs (41 weeks), so will have a sweep then. Have also got induction booked for the 26th (41+5). Baby is not even thinking about making an appearance, and I really don't want to be induced :(

Jessie, sorry to hear you are feeling so shitty. Your hormones are all over the place at the moment! Just think how much you've been through in the last few months, you've been so strong. Now the baby is here! The hard times are behind you :) :) :)

as button says, loads of skin to skin might help??
Natevz, how have you managed to get a sweep booked for tomorrow? I've got mw next thurs (41 weeks), so will have a sweep then. Have also got induction booked for the 26th (41+5). Baby is not even thinking about making an appearance, and I really don't want to be induced :(

Jessie, sorry to hear you are feeling so shitty. Your hormones are all over the place at the moment! Just think how much you've been through in the last few months, you've been so strong. Now the baby is here! The hard times are behind you :) :) :)

as button says, loads of skin to skin might help??

Bigbee apparently it's new protocol at our surgery. The midwives questioned why they couldn't give ladies who had had babies previously sweeps before 41 weeks as they are proven to be more successful on ladies who have given birth before. I'll keep you updated as to how I get on when I've had my appt xxx

Oh Jessie big hugs xxx
Morning girls- missed quite a bit so hope you're all ok. Jessie I have advice but hope you feel better soon. Just wanted to let you all know my sweep worked and went into labour Sunday night at about 9. Had our amazingly beautiful little bear at half 1 on Sunday morning. Best thing ever ever. We're in absolute awe of him :) xx
Morning girls- missed quite a bit so hope you're all ok. Jessie I have advice but hope you feel better soon. Just wanted to let you all know my sweep worked and went into labour Sunday night at about 9. Had our amazingly beautiful little bear at half 1 on Sunday morning. Best thing ever ever. We're in absolute awe of him :) xx

Jealous and congrats

My sweep was a bust by the looks of things. 2nd try on Thursday...
Willowburn, massive congratulations!!!

Natevz, I was offered a sweep before 40 weeks. Could've had it yesterday but opted to wait until after the due date. What I meant was, how did you manage to get an appointment today, and then another one tomorrow?? :) my MW squeezed me in yesterday, and then the next available appointment is when I'm 41 weeks. Quite annoying really. She is so laid back!!!!!!! I hope the sweep works for you though :) good luck!!!!!!!
Massive congratulations to all the ladies who have had their little bundles of joy by now!! Seems like we all keep popping haha!
I haven't been really active in the forum for a while now and have only been posting here and there a few times when I had the time as things are really stressful at the moment. We are in the middle of moving and unfortunately my little sister had a miscarriage :/ My brother also needed to get surgery today, luckily it went well.
However we are very very happy to have our two little princesses home with us. So our beautiful little girlies Violet Beatrice and Myla Evangeline were born on April 10th just 12 minutes apart from each other. I just realised I never posted on here after they were born. I was in hospital with them for quite a while and then we had to adapt to not just being new parents, but to being parents of twins. They keep us veeery busy, but I really hope to be back on here more regularly.

Also I read what happened to caseysmummy and I just wanted to say I am so so so unbelievably sorry for what happened to you. There are no words to describe what you must have been going through the past few weeks and I really really hope that you find a way to get through this somehow. I wish you all the strength in the world!!
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