***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Sorry to moan peeps but I'm bloody miserable!!

And to make it worse I feel bad for complaining to OH!!

Just want Bab to come now not sure I will last, feeling like this much longer.

I hope I am not the only one, without wishing this on anyone
First time round I was exactly the same as you flosi! Had enough of being pregnant and was bored of waiting, this time round I don't have time to get bored (which makes it so much easier)

Congrats monkey nut (Max was on our short list!)

Caseysmummy- I would say if it's bothering you then call GP.

Oo button- won't be too long then. They say you usually follow a pattern.

Orion- hope you're having pains! :)
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Thanks for those of you keeping your fingers crossed, but after the sweep I tried all the home remedies I'm willing to, and still not even one tightening or symptom of labour. Getting pretty fed up about my body not doing its job!

I know some of the May mummies have/are having it a lot worse than me. But I so wanted this to work. It's my birthday next week and I imagined spending it at home with my new family, not in hospital hooked up to all sorts of machines and drips.

Stating the obvious - but I'm finding it tough to stay positive.
You have my sympathies Orion, it sucks when you go overdue and nothing you try will start it off. I've been there, but have no words of advice, it's just a case of waiting x

I've woken early with a sore throat :( but thankfully it was quieter here last night so I have had some sleep. I can't believe I only have two days left as a pregnant woman :shock: can't wait to see my OH cry as our baby is lifted out of me :love:

So who is going for it today?! We need more babies xxx
I felt that way....now at 41 weeks I'm fed up of waiting, not being pregnant.

And thanks for your support durhamchance.
Sorry the baby is keeping you waiting Orion. I feel your pain. I hated the constant texts most of all when I went overdue! One week left at a minimum though! Good luck :-)
Orion, have the MW spoken to you about induction? Do you have a date?

I have my MW appointment today. She has offered a sweep but I won't be having it as my due date is Thursday. Will have one next week if baby doesn't make an appearance though.

Sorry to hear you girls are having a rough time :( I seem to be ok apart from experiencing severe boredom!!! Have just woken up and honestly haven't got a clue of that to do today :(
Big bee - induction as an outpatient set for Monday. Another sweep this Thursday first.
Morning ladies

Urg was at hospital until 3am last night, beyond knackered!! Still.in the early stages on labour :( going to be a long one it seems. In so much pain, i ache im tired and grumpy and i still feel sick!!

Woe is me for sure.
Sorry you ladies are suffering I remember hating the last couple weeks with my son as went over 9 days. I had a sweep at 8 days overdue with him then went for a Long walk, had an afternoon nap then I started with irregular back pain then had a really spicy curry and my contractions regulated around 10pm and by 5am I hadn't slept and they were 4 mins apart then an hour later couldn't walk or talk through them so went into hospital. Before the sweep in the week leading up to it I had tried everything including acupressure on my feet and hands, walking up and down stairs sideways and jumping jacks lol. Not sure what of it worked though.

I hope your labour establishes properly soon button so you can have your baby and not be in the horrible early stages pain.

Sorry your feeling so fed up orion. I hope baby comes soon for you. Xxx
Button, sorry to hear you're suffering right now. Hopefully it won't take much longer!
Oh no Button, sorry you're struggling along. I hope baby doesn't keep you waiting too much longer x

I've just signed my section consent forms :x it's feeling very real now.
May have spoke to soon and been too lucky up to now but hopefully this is nothing bad but panicked initially!

Went to toilet and wiped to get bright red blood, not clots or think or discharge like, just bright red. After couple of wipes (sorry) it went and nothing even in knickers. Have called midwife and she said is probably nothing to worry about but going to see her in 1:30 and said to put a pad in and call if any more bleeding.

I don't think it was a lot just looked bad and was a big shock having had no bleeding through while pregnancy. Now I'm wanting to feel lots of movement but only had the odd little bit :(
Try not to panic Elliot. The midwife will take good care of you and baby if you need it. Good luck with getting checked over x
That's true - try not to panic. You will see the MW in just over an hour.
Still getting some small movements so that's keeping me sane. Not told OH as I don't want to panic him for what will probably be all fine.
Oh button...hope the early stages move quickly for you! Try and stay as active as possible!

Orion - it can literally happen at any stage! Could even happen tonight. I remember hating the waiting stage, I've said that this baby will come between 8-10th June from the beginning so in my head I have 4 weeks. :)
I also hated the constant messages from people asking...like I wouldn't tell them!

My pelvis has been aching today so hopefully that means baby might be engaging (he's not engaged at all yet-well not when I've had midwife app.) won't find out until June!
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