***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ladies that have had sections before my stitches were dissolvable and it's all healed but at the one side where they knotted it its still there I'm 5 weeks pp today had all your stitches gone by then or do I need to book on to see my gp. I'd leave it til 6 week check but that's 2 weeks away pretty much as they booked it for my due date and it's catching on my clothes slightly and it's greying sore xxx
:yay: congratulations Monkeynut! Hope you're doing well x

I'm sorry Casey, I had stitches that needed to be removed last time, so no idea x
8 hours after my sweep and all that's new is a bit of backache. Come on baby!
Just thinking and thought I'd ask... I'm 37+4 now and am not really feeling any different to how I was a few weeks ago. No twinges, no new aches, no discharge changes (sorry). Are others like this or were some of you like this at this point??

Oh and no BH still either. I'd like to think my body might be gearing up at least a little bit it's hiding it well if it is...not really more tired either :s

(Realise I may have jinxed things but to be honest I'd like some signs so happy to risk it hehe)
Elliott - I felt great until around week 39 when I felt cramps, nausea, bit of backache and my feet started swelling up for fun. But then, I'll be at week 41 tomorrow with no real sign of baby.

However, baby had engaged 3/5 by my 38 week appointment without me knowing it. So you never know. Everyone is different. Some people get little to no warning and others go through aches for weeks.
Congrats monkeynut. Totes jealous. .. elliot if its any consolation... with my son i lost pieces of my plug had back ache baby was engaged 2/5 and went to my 40 week app and no changes in my cervix atal. My friend who was due to same time had nothing, no pain atal and baby was slightly engaged (cnt remember how much) and she went to her app and was 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. So u never know...
I'm only 1/5 engaged which I'm taking to mean basically just pointing in the right direction haha and that was at 37wk ish appointment.
Thanks, like hearing about people's experiences :) even though I know we are all different
Congratulations monkeynut :swaddle:

Orion hope your sweep gets baby moving. I had the midwife today and she has booked me in for a sweep next monday.

Elliott my BH, tightenings, cramps and discharge has only really increased in the last week, so I wouldn't worry. Before that (and still now) I was just suffering a lot with swollen feet.

Mayflower 39 weeks today!! Almost there :-)

Hope everyone is ok xx

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