***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Oh- and the midwifes have had a feel- baby is transverse again! :roll: at least I feel justified to be in here now.
Oh monkey- I hope they're able to break your waters and get things started!

Durham- it makes it much better that baby is transverse.

No one else having pains?

I'm so tired today! But I am 37weeks so technically fully cooked but I see myself having 4 more weeks :)
I've been having period like pains for a few night now, Tasha. Don't think it's anything exciting though.

How's everyone's weekend going? I'm knackered. Debating whether to have a nap right now....
Ha bigbee...I've napped! :) currently lying on the love seat (alone) taking up all the room whilst the boys watched the footie. I fell asleep! :)
Everyone sounds like they are doing well- nat hope you are recovering after your fall. Saw my midwife today for a sweep so hoping to have some action later! Been sleeping today just in case! Quite a lot of show and cramping so keeping my fingers well and truly crossed x
Dr refused to break my waters, as the resulting labour would apparently be too painful for me and they were short of room in delivery... Then went and saw two other ladies on the same ward and broke their waters!!
I have been treated so badly by them, the Dr was so rude to me. So I've told them I am discharging myself and just waiting for the discharge forms now.
Good Luck willowburn. I'm having my first sweep tomorrow and hoping it'll work. With week 41 approaching fast, daily life is becoming impossible! Keep us posted.
Oh no Monkeynut! It's awful that they've been rude to you, we trust these people to look after us :( I hope you can get some rest before you have to start again.

Come on Willowburn and Orion, you need to get moving now, fingers crossed the sweeps have the desired effect x
Well Ive been having some dull pains, lots of bowel movements and a good amount of bloody show so hoping things are starting. Still feel ridiculously sick however which is making me feel truly awful :(
Button were you early with your eldest? It's getting exciting!

Willow- I hope pains increase!
Orion- hope the sweep works for you!
Monkey- so sorry they wouldn't break your waters. I would have begged them to do it. So annoying when they don't do things! But I am assuming that they would have been able to so can't be too long before they'll go on their own!

I am so looking forward to labour threads! :)

I'm taking my friend out tomorrow for a walk around bushy park hopefully she'll be in labour soon too!
Supposed to be beautiful weather this week so stands to reason a few of you will go into labour during it :)
Hey all, just a quick question.
Is it normal to have hot flushes and feel sick throughout the day, and have backache with period type pains? I feel bloody awful
Natevz hope you're ok after your fall. Glad your other half was with you.

Willowburn and Orion hope your sweeps work

Monkeynut sorry to hear things aren't progressing well, hope that changes for you very soon.

Buttonbear do you feel any better now? Is it the start of things??

Durham glad to hear you've got a private room. Sorry to hear your little one is transverse again though.

Tashawink maybe your walk will get you go early??

Flosi I've been having hot flushes, cramps and backache over the weekend. I just put it down to final stages of pregnancy but have midwife tomorrow, so I'll ask her.

I'm still getting pains like little electric shocks on my right leg. Got midwife tomorrow, so will ask her about it xx
Flosi this is how ive been feeling today, hot/cold, sick you name it feel dreadful still feel the same now. Can't possibly even think about sleeping :(

I was early with my son yes and he was a good size lol!
How are you this morning Button? The signs are looking good!

I had a rubbish first night, I was too hot, couldn't get comfortable and every noise the corridor woke me up :roll: the doctors are coming around this morning so I'm looking forward to seeing if they've had any cancellations and can bring my section forward. Fingers crossed :pray:
Horrendous. Honestly just awful :(

Also still having pains and now a TONNE of blood stained discharge/gloup. Lovely!

Just want this awful feeling to go i cant labour poorly :(
Come on May babies I felt sure one of you would steal my birthday!! It's a good day I recommend it :)
Elliot id love to steal your birthday but this little one doesnt look like its ever coming lol
Ooh Button, I can do a labour thread now, I'm not busy at the moment :dance:

Actually I'm enjoying the quiet time, I'm crocheting another blanket and watching TV (not CBeebies!)
Morning all

Just got back from my first sweep at the hospital. It wasn't actually that bad - just a little uncomfy. Fingers crossed it works. I don't feel any different yet but I know it can be up to 48 hours for anything to happen. Only 1cm dilated so far.

If baby doesn't come out this week I'm being induced on Monday.
Pains are still here and definitely sore but nothing regular to them yet. Im just so annoyed i feel so crap as I want to be up and walking about trying to get things rolling!

Thank god for my amazing MIL and OH!!

Hope everyone else is doing okay x

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