***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Anyone feeling a bit sicky? I've had zero nausea all pregnancy, and last night and tonight have been feeling a little sicky. Not too bad, just not right.
Yeah I have that tonight with headache and constantly feel the need to go to the toilet!!
Flosi - my toilet needs seem to have increased recently, feel more pressure down there.

Birthday treat tomorrow with Afternoon tea and a stop over at a lovely country spa hotel yay! (Birthday not until Monday though). Last treat before new addition to the family :)
Elliott that sounds like a lovely day out!!

I'm looking forward to my OH coming home bit wont be until 10pm tomorrow.
I so need a spa day! Want a massage so bad. Enjoy it Elliot! (I think I might book one)

I think My PF has gone weird. flosi and buttons avatars have gone funny (I have a pen and "thanks" on them instead of pictures)
Thanks Tashawink I'll save your number.

Bigbee had sex the other night and agree with mayflower it was so uncomfortable I wondered how on earth I'll give birth!!

Elliott enjoy your birthday treat, sounds lovely :-)

Hope everyone's had a good day and manage to get some sleep tonight xx
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Come on ladies, I expected at least one baby after me so far! Sounds like monkey is on her way?

Being a mummy to a newborn again is amazing!! I'm utterly shattered and finding the recovery painful and difficult but when I think something seems too hard or too difficult I look at him and it spurs me on. Apparently no one explains that second time sections are a lot more painful as they have to go through scar tissue so plan lots of rest those to still tackle it and let the pain relief build in your system. DONT wait until it's agony as then it's hard to get it under control and go easy on yourself as it's no small thing.
Lots of love and labour thoughts your way xx
Haha bigbee I have been trying... I say trying but wow did it hurt!! Lol

Just been for a mile brisk walk and blimey she feels about to fall out.

I have a bump buddy (durhamchance) but happy to help with labour threads/updates still. I get wifi at my hospital so will be able to let people know about me too. Actually durham will you be okay doing mine if i cant myself after having your LO by section?!

Yes, I should be fine, just don't go into labour on Thursday lol!

I'm going to get Ed to message you updates before and after the section. You'll be o e of the first to know what flavour we have in there xx
Come on ladies, I expected at least one baby after me so far! Sounds like monkey is on her way?

Being a mummy to a newborn again is amazing!! I'm utterly shattered and finding the recovery painful and difficult but when I think something seems too hard or too difficult I look at him and it spurs me on. Apparently no one explains that second time sections are a lot more painful as they have to go through scar tissue so plan lots of rest those to still tackle it and let the pain relief build in your system. DONT wait until it's agony as then it's hard to get it under control and go easy on yourself as it's no small thing.
Lots of love and labour thoughts your way xx

I didn't know that either :roll: something else to look forward to!

I'm up early this morning, its nerves I think. I re packed my bags again last night (forth time now?!) ready for going into hospital this afternoon. I requested the same ward as last time and am looking forward to seeing the staff again lol! Having a set date is strange, I'm actually scared of going into labour now instead of trying to bring it on. Baby is oblique this morning, it's head is over my right hip.

I'm so jealous Elliott, enjoy your spa day x
Thanks :)

Hope you get on ok going into hospital Durham, not long now ! Reception is a bit dodgy where we we going but will be keeping a bit of an eye on things as there are a few of us who could have news any time now!

On another note, 33 years old tomorrow ugh, if nothing else I like my age to be a nice round number, might just stay at 32
Awww durham good luck at the hospital ur sections booked for thursday isnt it?...

39 weeks today. 1 more week to my due date. Eeeeek wish this baby would hurry up
Haha bigbee I have been trying... I say trying but wow did it hurt!! Lol

Just been for a mile brisk walk and blimey she feels about to fall out.

I have a bump buddy (durhamchance) but happy to help with labour threads/updates still. I get wifi at my hospital so will be able to let people know about me too. Actually durham will you be okay doing mine if i cant myself after having your LO by section?!

Yes, I should be fine, just don't go into labour on Thursday lol!

I'm going to get Ed to message you updates before and after the section. You'll be o e of the first to know what flavour we have in there xx

Ahhhh that is so exciting(and a privilidge) Yay!! I cannot wait now hehe :)
So at 39+3 I have just fallen arse over tit on the kitchen floor with all the grace of a dying swan!!!!It was so graceful and I cried a lot. Apart from a sore knee and hand I'm fine but good job hubby was here to come save me xxx
Oh bless you glad you are alright though!! I fell around 15 weeks and cried like a baby haha

So i feel terrible today, sicky, clamy and have been having pinky/yellow tinge discharge as well. Literally want to sleep all day today :(
So 43 hours on from start of induction and the 24hr propess followed by 6hr prostin has done sod all. Have had another prostin and have to wait until 5.30 to find out whether the Drs will break my waters.
Women are coming in after me and leaving to have their babies before me. It is absolutely hell and I just can't stop bursting into tears. I miss my boys at home, I'm lonely and sleep deprived (through contractions and inconsiderate neighbours) I just want to meet my baby and go home.
Oh no Monkeynut, baby is being really stubborn! I hope things progress for you soon x

Poor you Natevz, I'm sorry but I did laugh at your description! Hope you're not too sore x

I've checked back into my home from home, the lovelies booked me straight into a private room bless them, I could have kissed the nurse on reception! :rofl: I've unpacked, rearranged the furniture and am looking forward to a little bit of quiet time before baby is born, although there is a baby screaming in the bay opposite :roll:
My boy is happy as Larry at my mums just 15 minutes away and will be visiting me each afternoon, it's. So much nicer when you can plan for it :good:

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