***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Ladies is anyone else not making colostrum? I remember leaking with my son and a lot of you have spoken about leaking but I seem to have nothing there at all, not a drop! And trust me I know I searched for some in the bath lol. Il have a baby to feed in 2 days I hope it's in there somewhere!

I had one night where I leaked all over the mattress, other than that I get a drop or two if I squeeze my nipples but nothing apart from that.

But at least you know you're body has made it and it's ready I've not had a single drop.

Hopefully we'll be fine Blueeyes, il let you know Friday evening!
Dont worry ladies about leaking i didnt at all with my son and fed for 14 months exclusively fine. It doesnt indicate supply at all leaking before hand :)

Wow i have some severe backache going on with lots of pressure and pain from her digging her head down!! Please be doing something!!
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Thanks Buttonbear hope your backache eases.

I'm also suffering with lower backache at the moment and for the last few days every so often I get a funny like twinge (almost feels like a little shock)and numbness in my right leg, between bum and knee. Is baby just pressing on a nerve or is it something I should see midwife or gp about? Xx
I've not leaked yet...

Mayflower, how old is the brother? Nice that they are so close but feeling a bit lonely when the parents have only just left? ??

Oh button, do you think this is things starting to happen?

Blueeyes, is that sciatica?

I went for a little walk today. Managed 8 minutes before coming home for a wee. I don't see how I'm going to walk this baby out of me. As soon as I stand, I have an incredible desire to pee.
Thanks ladies. Jessie I hadn't leaked at all before my babies were born. I struggled to express colostrum after birth too (lily was tube fed so needed to express) when my milk came in I had a full supply (100ml per breast every feed) so it was definitely there lol. Ive stopped breastfeeding now as with everything that was going on, I wasn't eating or drinking much and when I was discharged we were all over the place so struggled to have time to express and after 2 weeks my supply started dropping as wasn't expressing enough so by the time she was discharged at 3 weeks she was fully on bottles and then when we got home I switched fully on to formula so she was getting enough. I'm finding getting up in the night 2-3 times to make a bottle hard though. Super tired

Hoping this works. Picture update of lily.


Oh my gosh casey that's the first picture I've seen as I'm not on Facebook. She looks like a little doll, so precious and perfect. Absolutely beautiful.

Good to know you had no leakage as well but no trouble with milk coming in etc xx
Caseysmummy - she's a gorgeous little thing! Will be junking about you tomorrow. Xx

My plug with DS1 was snot like (not green though) mine came out in a massive lump.

I've just ready through 5 pages and can't really remember what was said...

Flosi- glad baby is head down!

Someone is fully engaged! Hopefully this means baby will be making an appearance soon.

We definitely need more babies popping out!

Congrats Kra0 on your LO!

I feel like I have ages away yet still to go. I'm going to go and get some clary sage oil...where do I get it from?
also dates (as in the fruit kind) are supposed to help. Lots of walking and they say sex but I would say it's the orgasm as that makes your uterus contract! :)
Thanks lucy!

I know jessie I've kept trying and trying and finally tried a different way after the update on tapa talk and it worked. Lots of people have said she's like a doll. She's a teeny 42cm and 4lb 4oz last time she was weighed. I'll post some of her first photos off my old phone in a couple of days for you hun. Can't wait to see your little man xxx
Morning ladies

Thinking of you today Casey, Lilly is so perfect x

I'm having some pains this morning, I don't normally get them in the morning, it's usually afternoon/ evening. It's still probably nothing though. Pains don't mean I get the morning off though- I've already had 'milk' and 'Peppa!' yelled at me :roll: toddlers don't care how rough you look!
It's like cramps that run over the top of my bump, but there's nothing regular to it. I'm probably thinking too much into it as after a few days of being constipated I was quite (tmi) loose this morning :eh: I can't sit on the sofa this morning either, it's too uncomfortable, so I've just eaten cornflakes on my ball!
Ages and pains are old ladies!! Keep going.

So, section booked for tomorrow and I've woken up full of cold!! Just what I need.
And if one more doctor comes in and says "so it's your ELECTIVE section tomorrow" il be telling them to do one!!
Couldn't be further from the truth.
I'm renaming it "forced section as it's the only way of physically getting baby out of me".

Casey she's a right little cutie! Thinking of you today x

Jessie it's nearly time! I know it's not how you'd hoped but it's still exciting!!!

Quiet day for me just meeting a few friends and think I'll start washing baby stuff. Oh and 37 wks today!!!!!!! Yay!
I've washed most of the baby stuff- just a few things that's been bought recently that indeed to chuck in the wash!

Oh Jessie-I would get annoyed at that too! I would say something (but that's because I can't keep my mouth shut) haha
Caseys, she is so gorgeous. Little cutie :) thinking of you today.

I've just woken up. 39 weeks. MW appointment at lunchtime. Then will need to find something to occupy myself with until I go to bed. I was complaining about how stressful work was before I left, now I wish I were there and not at home doing naff all.
Bigbee-enjoy doing nothing! I wish sometimes I could do nothing! Haha but there's always something that needs cleaning or putting away. I clean up after my boy all day long then the husband comes home and makes more mess!
With my first I enjoyed doing nothing! Lie on the sofa and watch some films!!! Bliss!

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