***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Wow, button! Chunky!!! It's an estimate though, isn't? How accurate is it?
They said its very much an estimate but still to expect a good size. Lol I clearly grow big babies! I have my GTT tomorrow(second one) and if I have it or borderline they will induce, same if I have another reduced movement. Also get a sweep at 39 weeks as wont let me go late due to size!
Hey everyone. Just wanted to update you all. So went in for my induction on Sunday after those reduced movements. Had propess inserted at 12pm. By around 6pm the contractions were coming on top of each other so it had to be taken out around 7pm and I was 4cm dilated. Everything happened so quick I had no time for any pain relief at all, tried gas and air but it made me vomit. At around 7.50pm I was 7cm then at 8.03pm gave birth to our son with 3 contractions :) he was 7lb 2oz and both him and myself are doing very well. Have a few grazes and a 2nd degree tear but we got home Monday morning. Wishing you all the best with the rest of your pregnancies and births xx
Congratulations kra0!!! What a hero for doing it with zero pain relief!
Agree with mucus plug comments as when I lost some at 29 weeks it was green tinged and they suspected meconium but it was actually mucus plug but turned out I had strep b. But when I lost it at 33 weeks when I went into actual labour it was clear and lost lots of it that morning and as I was loosing more it went orange tinge then was blood streaked but no green that time.

Glad everything is well button! Crikey she's going to be a good size my scan weight estimates were only an ounce out for each baby so I found they were quite accurate!

I might not be on for a few days after tomorrow ladies. It's zaras funeral tomorrow so gonna give myself a few days for everything to settle back down as I've struggled today lots so going to try and get away for a couple of days with family I think xxx
Aww will be thinking of you tomorrow caseysmummy and thank you, i reckon she will end up being like 10lb at this rate!! :hugs: for tomorrow xx
Omg kra0 congrats on the birth of ur baby thats amazing.

Hoping the rest of u girls r keeping well x
Blimey I have missed a lot today....

Orion - sorry to hear you've been in pain today, but hopefully it's because baby is going to make an appearance soon.

Elliott - Splints for wrists sound annoying, but hope they help

Durhamchance - Thanks for the tip and the clary sage, never knew about that.

Flosi - sorry to hear you've had such a rough day. Really hope all turns out right for you and little one. I had a pre-eclampsia scare a couple of weeks back, and was taken into labour ward for the day. After lots of testing (bloods and 24 hour urine collection) all turned out normal, so I hope that's the case for you too.

Jessiecat - not long now until you meet your little one!! :-)

Bigbee - hope your OH's exam goes well.

Monkeynut - Hope you're ok and things are progressing now for you.

Mayflower - did the midwife say it was part of the mucas plug?

Buttonbear - glad to hear all went well with your scan.

Willowburn - love the long list of things you have tried to get baby on the move, maybe all at once would work :lol::lol:

Kra0 - lovely to hear, congratulations on your little boy :-)

Caseysmummy - Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Can't even imagine what you are going through. Sending love to you.

Ok I'm going to be brave and google mucas plug now.............

Caseysmummy, hope tomorrow goes smoothly. Thoughts are with you and your family. Xxx
Blueeyes, that made me giggle :) gross, isn't it! So glad I decided against doing medicine at uni haha :)
Caseysmummy you'll be in my thoughts tomorrow, I'm sure it will be a beautiful ceremony for baby Zara who I'm sure will be sending you strength to get through it xx

Congratulations kra0 what a trooper you are!
Ladies is anyone else not making colostrum? I remember leaking with my son and a lot of you have spoken about leaking but I seem to have nothing there at all, not a drop! And trust me I know I searched for some in the bath lol. Il have a baby to feed in 2 days I hope it's in there somewhere!
Jessiecat I haven't got anything either, and am also getting a bit concerned as the ladies I have become friends with through NCT course also have been leaking already.

Bigbee glad I gave you a giggle, yep really horrible!

Mayflower has your other half finished on the phone now?

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