***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Good Luck today Jessiecat

Monkeynut - the doctors advise us what to do, but you don't have to follow their advice. If you want to wait an extra week, or two, then that's your right to negotiate a later induction date if that's what you want. Everyone has different views but the aim of the midwives/specialists etc is to get baby out safely. So I'll be following their recommendations for an induction if my sweeps next week don't work. But to some women having a natural birth is really important. There's no clear choice, you just have to go with what you feel is best.

And to the rest of you having pains and plug losses - quit queue jumping! :)
Durham and Jessie i just seen that reply u r talking about.... wow rude much!
Durham/Jess likewise just had a read and it really did come across as rude :s

Good luck today Jess!

Me app for me shortly, can't wait!!! I hope they realise how much I look forward to these haha
Monkey, if you don't feel ready and doctors are not insisting on induction, then maybe wait? If they were insisting rather than advising, I would personally go with it. But at the same time, can you put up with more worrying?

Durham, hopefully the baby has stayed put. Fingers crossed it's not transverse position again!

Jessie, I'm excited for you!!!!

I'm going to meet ladies from the NCT course, a couple of them are bringing their newborns. Hopefully my hormones won't encourage me to go into labour!!!! Baby has to hold out until next week.

Durham, Jessie, what are you on about????
Jessicat good luck for today, thinking of you.

Monkeynut like others have said it's a difficult decision but you need to go with what you feel is right for you and your circumstances. I personally don't want an induction unless there's a medical reason for baby's or my health that I should have one.

Durham hope baby is still head down and your scan goes well. You have a mischievous little one there don't you.

Hope everyone has a good day.

OK I don't know what post everyone is on about, so off to look! Xx
Whats this message?

Durham i REALLY hope baby hasn't turned for you :( Will they section you if they have.

Jessie eeeee baby today, I would happily share the birthday hehe

Tried clary sage oil last night, nothing!! BOO!!

Mokeynut I am in the same situation really, im trying to hold off for natural but they wont let me go over so trying to avoid induction its the furthest from a homebirth possible!! But safe arrival of baby is most important so i will do whatever at the end of the day.
Short mw appointment as ever but I know that's sort of a good thing.

2cm bump growth over two wks again so all good. Heartbeat good, position still 4/5 palpable head down bum to right side of bump and legs to the left. So move my sort of on both sides as legs stick out left and if pushing back bum sticks out right hehe.

She said there was a trace of sugar in urine (she said just "1") and not to worry about that?? Possibly related to the cereal breakfast I had apparently??

Hope may babs stay behaving and getting in good positions for people xx
Hope today goes well Jessie, thinking of you �� xx

I keep walking the dogs and the last couple of days have had bad cramps and reduced to a very slow waddle on way back. But as soon as I get in and sit down everything stops again!!! Raaaarrr!!
Bit excited and had to share how much bump has dropped in the last 3 days xxx

Nat - definitely a difference, hopefully a good sign for you :)

Flosi - plenty of time yet, but can understand frustrations if feeling things then nothing

Is it normal to still be having app with mw every two weeks?? I had it in my head it would be every week at 37 weeks.
I only have one appointment left with GP in two weeks and none with MW untill after due date now! Hope that helps Elliott
Elliott - Midwife said to be they become weekly appointments once you get to 38 weeks. I had my 38 week one Monday (although I'm always halfway into the next week by time I have my appointments!), my next appointment is Monday when I will be 39+3. Then if baby hasn't arrived 40 weeks and 41 weeks. Think it's different if you are not a first time mum like us.

Nat - yep definitely can see bump has dropped.

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Hi ladies. Thanks for thinking of me and thank you for saying how lovely lily is :). I'm feeling much better today and having the funeral actually helped lots for me. It seemed to be a little closure on the whole ordeal and I am happier knowing she's finally at rest and not still stuck in the hospital and it's taken a weight off my shoulders with it being over and all going how we wanted it to go, no more worrying now as I found the anticipation and nerves of it worse than it was as it went perfectly for her and now I can visit anytime I want.

Can't wait to hear about all your babies birth stories, I wonder who's going to have baby next after jessie?

Mayflower your plug sounds promising with it being blood tinged now it usually indicates your cervix is preparing for labour and thinning out.

Big brother is loving his little sister by the way, always asking to hold her and wanting to hold her hand bless him. He's a star with her and very protective. But I think that's because of what's happened. He doesn't know the full extent to what's happened but I had to explain that zara was a star in the sky when he asked where she was so I think he's a littleworried about lily going somewhere at times bless him. Xxx
Caseysmummy - Glad to hear things went as well as could be expected yesterday. You were on my mind all day. Lovely to hear your little boy is being so loving with Lily, it must be quite a confusing time for him too. Sending you love, hugs and best wishes.

Although none of us actually know each other on here (at least I don't think we do), it feels like we do know each other after sharing so much with each other over the last 9 months :-) Hope everyone is getting on ok today and those in pain are progressing well.

Anymore news on Jessiecat yet? xx
Nat definitely can see you've dropped :)

Re mw appts with my first i had lots more and weekly at the end. As this is my second I haven't had to have as many. My next is 40 weeks for a sweep.

Caseymummy im glad you're feeling closure and the day went as well as expected. Love that little man loves his baby sister :)

Wonder how jessie is getting on!
It's bad news for me, I was right :(

I'm headed back to hospital now to be scanned and admitted. Two midwives have examined me and agree with where I think the baby is positioned.

I'll catch up with you all later when I'm on the ward x

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