***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Oh no Flosi, you'll be ok Hun, they'll look after you x
Hope you get sorted Monkeynut, baby might just be having a quiet day.
Mayflower, I'm getting lots of yellowy/green mucus, but I don't think it's my plug, I just think it's extra discharge.

I've been really lucky and not suffered with heartburn in either pregnancy. Blake had a lot of hair when born and at my last scan they showed me this baby has hair too.
Girls, my mucusy stuff is white/cream. It's kind of solid, not like typical discharge. It holds its shape if tinkered with (sorry, gross!)

I googled "mucus plug" in images (yes, I know - very brave), and mine looked exactly like it!
Mayflower the greeny discharge is ur plug mine with my first was kinda greeny then see through and then bits where bloody lol. Pure random.

Aww monkeynut and flosi i hope use and ur babies r ok. Flosi the hospital is best thing for u n baby. Cant believe they think ur pre eclamptic now.

Jessie my heartburn is still alive and kicking not as bad definitely not but most deffo still there.
This waiting is horrible although the hospital have called to say they can scan me today too, so at least get to see baby again!!

I am in pain where the MW was trying to see which way baby was today, feels like a massive stitch on the right hand side, with back ache to boot!! I cant wait till hubby gets home, all I'm doing is crying which is really stupid!!
If you pass anything green you should tell your mw Asap as it could be tinged with meconium, meaning baby is distressed
Oh, good point Orion. Mine was white/cream/yellowy... I wouldn't have noticed it if it were a smaller lump. Quite gross.
It's silly but I'm jealous of those of you losing your plugs etc. I just want this baby out safely now. Really sick of waiting. Sick of things stopping and starting. I feel all stressed out and tired and I've got my mw appt tomorrow. I'm expecting high blood pressure or something that'll ruin a natural birth for me.

Guess I'm just tired and down today
If you pass anything green you should tell your mw Asap as it could be tinged with meconium, meaning baby is distressed

Sounds revolting but mine looks like snot! :sick: I didn't think it was plug, but I was brave enough to Google and some of the pictures are similar.
Eek I go out and about for a few hours and it seems like lots has been happening. Flosi hope you're doing ok, good you're getting all checked out xx
If you pass anything green you should tell your mw Asap as it could be tinged with meconium, meaning baby is distressed

Sounds revolting but mine looks like snot! :sick: I didn't think it was plug, but I was brave enough to Google and some of the pictures are similar.

At the antenatal class we were told the mucus could be clear, white, yellow or even tinged pink with blood without needing any action. But if it was green, that meant it was tinged with meconium and you need to call hospital to get baby checked Asap. And take the mucus with you if you can.

So yellow snot is fine. But any shade of green is not.
Hi all. Have just got home.

All ok baby definitely bottoms up and head well down!! BP is high for me but within a normal range. Bloods have been taken get results tomorrow. Have been told to take it steady keep feet up as much as possible, and any concern do not wait and see if gets better or worse, call the labour ward!

Baby weight is 6lb5 so have been told may come earlier rather than later, as space is now very limited and that might be the reason for pain on right hand side.

Feel alot better and now going to put feet up and find some ice cream. Thank you for all your help
Mayflower mine says NAD under the urine section possible 'nothing abnormal detected ' ??? Please someone correct if wrong
I agree as I've looked up NAD before haha

Flosi that all sounds good :) sounds like u may not be hanging around with me until the end of May though! Hoping someone's still here when I am haha
Hey ladies finally.back from hospital, aggggges!!

Scan was fine nothing wrong with us at all, placenta etc all grand so phew!!

Although she us approx 8lb9 already!!!!!!!!! WOW

Green discharge should be checked they asked what kind i had today and if green could be infections, group b strep or meconium as others have said.
Wow its all going on! Bigbee my midwife wouldn't sweep me at 40 weeks but has booked me in for one at 40+6. And I'm very much with you on the superkimg sheets- my worst nightmare changing and ironing them!! Yak!
Flosi I'm pleased you are out and yes ice cream should help a great deal. Monkey sounds as if your baby is being naughty too! What's going on may babies?!!
Orion I'm with you on the jealousy front- some symptoms and signs of my baby coming soooon would be lovely please!!! I really badly wanted a birthing centre birth nice and straightforward! Who doesn't I guess but I'm dying for him to get moving! Obviously made him far too comfortable!
I've done RLT, pineapple, spicy food, sex, walking, ball bouncing...is there anything I've missed?! I haven't done Clary sage yet but that may have to wait as I can't face going out again!! Baked cookies and cakes and made a big lunch for the family today which has passed the time nicely though x

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