***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Tasha - I think I am doing the washing a bit later than a lot of us, just couldn't bring myself to do it earlier. Little steps for me and my stupid anxieties !
You're totally right Jessie, it's not elective at all! Baby will be here soon and you can get out of hospital- look forward to that :hugs:

Tasha is right Bigbee, enjoy doing nothing! I've paid my childminder to take Blake so I can do nothing for a couple of hours :good:

Still very uncomfortable, but not having contractions as such, just cramps.
Well i had pains all night then now, nothing! Arg!!

Caseymummy she is absolutely beautiful xx
Bigbee - yes think it may be sciatica. Kept me awake between 3am and 5am today, so feeling pretty tired today.
You saying about walking and needing to wee, I have been swimming daily to ease my back, but have to get out of the pool after 30 mins as I can't go any longer without needing to wee. It's mad isn't it, you can go literally 2 minutes after last going!!
Hope your midwife appointment went well.

Caseysmummy - Lily is so beautiful, she looks like a perfect little doll. Thinking of you today xx

Tashawink - You never know you might beat some of us to it, I don't think many babies arrive when they are actually supposed to :-)

Mayflower - How did the breastfeeding work shop go? Hope you're not too tired.

Durhamchance - hope you are feeling ok now after your cramps this morning.

Jessiecat - how's your cold feeling now, any better? Final countdown now!!

Elliot - congratulations on 37 weeks :-)

Been for a swim this morning, then voted on the way home. Going to relax and potter for the rest of the day. Had a terrible night's sleep last night, so may have a snooze if I can later xx
Back in hospital today for a scan and more monitoring- still no progress! Having another sweep tonight and induced tomorrow if it doesn't work due to reduced movements.
Had my second GTT today, bloody hell felt awful with this one but glad its done. I also bled like a crazy person which is so unlike me normally im so hard to get blood from. Blood was all over my arm :/

Monkeynut I am the same i will be induced if i have 1 more reduced movement episode(will be the 4th time)
Midwife is happy with me and baby, but there's no sign of any progress, so I'm booked to have a sweep on Monday. If that doesn't work, it'll be an induction. Really wanted to try a water birth but that's looking less and less likely.
I'm still uncomfortable, nothing other than the odd cramp though.

I feel for you Button, having another GTT this late on.
Mayflower, I lost mine on Sunday/Monday. Mw said it doesn't necessarily mean labour is imminent, so don't get your hopes up too much :) although, if something starts to happen this evening/night, then GOOD LUCK :):):)
Ah it's all exciting still though. We are getting a May baby tomorrow for sure. So now it's just a waiting game.
Who is actually "overdue"? (I will go look at the first page)
A friend of mine is due tomorrow! She's getting very impatient bless her. So much easier the 2nd time round to not have time to get impatient!
Morning ladies, I think baby has turned again :( I can't feel anything in my pelvis. I noticed that it's movements were in a different place last night and I can't bend over as there's something in my ribs. I'm seeing the midwife at lunch so we'll see what she says.
Good luck today Jessie.

Ladies I don't know what to do. My contractions have now stopped, baby is moving but not as much as previously, and I have to go back in to be monitored today for an hour.
The consultant said yesterday that they would probably want to induce me in the next day or two if I hadn't had baby naturally. She made a good point in saying that we don't get pregnant to have a perfect labour, we get pregnant to have a healthy baby at the end of it.
I really don't know what to do about induction, should I go ahead or should I wait it out (unless any more major concerns) I just don't know what to do for the best. Part of me thinks I should just relax and wait for things to get going again as baby clearly isn't ready to make an appearance yet, and the other part of me thinks that I should go ahead and agree to induction and just get him out.
I'm so confused/torn about what to do for the best.
Monkey- I would say because you're torn that you don't want to be induced. Don't let the consultant bully you into anything. We may not get pregnant for the 'perfect' labour but it is a major part of it. I completely felt robbed and that I hadn't given birth with my last.
Obviously as long as everything is ok with baby then continue with what you want.

Jessie- hope you're seen first this morning!
Thanks everyone go well wishes, another May baby for is today uay! I don't mind if any of you want to share my sons birthday?

I have no idea what time I'm going to theatre, they start at 9 but there is some confusion as to whether I'm first or second on the list.

Durham hopefully you're wrong and baby has stayed head down, il keep my fingers crossed.
Monkeynut I had to say goodbye to my perfect birth but now the day is here that I meet my baby, the worries of everything else are behind me and I'm just full of excitement :) is is worth you having another 3 weeks of stress and worry? But the I can totally understand that birthing is special and you don't want to give that up so quickly. Good luck whatever you decide xx
Durham did that reply wind you up as well when you were only trying to help? I tried to ignore it but whilst waiting for theatre I'm sat here bored so couldn't help but reply again lol
Yes! I was hoping you would see it and reply too. I feel like I've been accused of scaremongering when that wasn't the case at all.

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