***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I've been having pain since last night, also lots of trips to the toilet (sorry, tmi). I'm hoping this is the start of proper prelabour and doesn't stop again like it did last week. Feel nauseous as well.

Come on May babies you lazy lot!
Haha Jessie that made me laugh this morning! Still nothing happening here! Lovely to hear larly has had her baby safe and well :)
Hope everyone experiencing symptoms is progressing? Flosi are you feeling better this morning? Yes Orion hope you remain uncomfortable- strange wishing ourselves to be in pain but wish I was now!! May is definitely a lazier month than april- come ON babies!! X
Maybe the May babies are waiting for the sunshine to properly turn up.

Splints for wrist sort of help that I got given yesterday but not that good to wear when need the loo all through the night, ended up just wearing one on my right as that ones the worst. Just seem awkward with two.

Babywearing for newborns workshop this morning, looking forward to finding out more.

Filling my time as feel like I'm in for a long wait still !
Chill ladies, it's only the 6th of May! We've still got 25 days :)

My partner has his last uni exam next Monday, so I hope nothing happens for us for another week.

Have your mws offered you sweeps? When do they advise to have them? I have my 39 week appointment tomorrow, so wonder if she'd offer a sweep at exactly 40 weeks or later???
Again all my pains have stopped. But i suppose this time 3 weeks i will definitely have my baby so thats a plus
Same here. Nothing for the last hour or more now. So frustrating.
Bigbee, she probably won't offer one until 40 weeks with it being your first, but everywhere has different policies, so I could be wrong.

I've started on the Clary Sage cream again. It didn't help last time but you never know! I know you're going to ask so this is what it is: aqueous cream mixed with clary sage essential oil and some lavender oil. Massaged into bump. Clary sage is supposed to cause the uterus to contract. The oil can also be added to your bath water.
Morning!!! Still feeling very heavy below. But all tightening has stopped. Just want to sleep ir go to the toilet it would appear at the moment.

I hate feeling so tired and useless, however just waiting for hubby to get back and then i have a MW appointment so shall see what she says today x

Hope everyone else is getting on ok
Morning everyone.
Good luck of all those wih pains and I hope they keep going.
Lol Bigbee I know we're only 6 days in but I'm bored in here and want some birth stories lol.

I have my pre op in half an hour, anyone got any questions I should be asking?
Thanks durhamchance :) she did mention the sweep at the last appointment, but I cannot remember whether she said i'd be offered it at 40 weeks or after 40 weeks.

Nothing is happening here, apart from bits of my plug vacating my insides on Sunday and Monday. The bump is still very much high up. Baby is getting noticeably stronger though :)

My partner has just informed me that his brother will be staying over on Sunday night, as he is coming up here for work. He said "yes" but told him he'd check with me - as if I will say "no"!! Great! The spare room is all set up for us (baby and I) to come home to from the hospital. Now I will have to make the bed again!!! Not a fricking easy task as it's a super king :( Oh well… Sorry, very trivial and pathetic complaint, I know - but you can imagine how much hassle it is to wash and dry super king sheets. Mheh.

Jessie, good luck at the appointment… Not sure what you can ask, to be honest. Don't hold back though :) Not long left AT ALL! I am thrilled for you :)
Jessie the questions i had about my c section where about making it as mother friendly as possible. Like delayed cord clamping, skin to skin contact after birth. Partner and baby staying with me until im stitched up and ready for recovery as i hated them leaving me. Also u could go over a time u b going dwn a d time frame u hope d b dne for of course if no complications x
Hope everyone is doing ok and those having pains and niggles progress nicely into the real thing!
Bigbee here if it's your first baby they won't even entertain a sweep unless you are 41 weeks and have only just changed this for mums on their 2nd or 3rd babies so they can have a sweep at 40 weeks. It's the first time I've been offered one at 40 weeks.

Durham I did the clary sage and lavender cream when I was expecting my little boy. If nothing else it was nice and relaxing. But he was a good boy and came early for mummy xxx
Yes Nat, it's relaxing if nothing else, although OH came to bed and declared "it stinks" :roll:

I'm feeling very productive today, I've hand washed the cover from Blakes old bouncy chair and washed the car seat cover. Both are flapping on the line now so I'm praying it doesn't rain :pray:
An update for those that may be interested. Have just got back from MW and I am being sent to hospital as she thinks I may have pre eclampsia and baby is breech.

I am not a happy bunny and quite upset by it all now.
Ah, flosi! That's a shame, but Hospital is the best place for you right now then.

My friend got admitted with preeclampsia, and she was well looked after.

I know it's not ideal, but chin up and keep us updated :)
Oh no flosi sorry to hear that.

Another sleepless night for me with contractions every 4 minutes but all in my back- so painful!

Had the home birth midwife out and she has just left, she examined me and I'm only 1cm dilated- I could cry! She gave me a sweep to try and get things moving but I have to go to hospital for monitoring as baby isn't moving without prompting. She then informed me that the hospital she has come from has diverted due to being so busy- so I have opted for another local hospital in a different county as otherwise the other hospital is over an hour away!

Hubby cleared it and isn't going in to work so is going to look after our youngest while I'm getting checked out- figured that's a lot less stressful than trying to support me and chase a toddler round hospital!
Sorry to hear lot of you are dealing with different things right now, Flosi I hope it turns out to be nothing and monkeynut hopefully the sweep will push things along and baby's just having a lazy day.

Thanks for everyone wishing me well and suggesting questions for pre op, my main one was delayed cord clamping but my hospital don't do it :( so that sucks.
Never mind, pre op made it very real but also very scary. I'm up and down like a your right now, I think baby is stretching out again as I type, he's fully transverse after his 2 dad head down so I think he's stretching my sides out again to get comfy. Has everyone else's heartburn taken a backseat now that babies are a lot lower? Mines still at an all time high with baby being so high in my stomach still! Even the renitidine isn't touching it!

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