***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Thanks mayflower.
Willow burn you'll be one of these that just wake up with the Hollywood gush of water and baby's out 6 hours later or something :)
Willowburn i bet u still have ur baby before ive mine haha
Monkey I hope you've progressed. Get bouncing on a ball (if you have one) hopefully that'll break your waters and then baby can move doen. :)

I had midwife today and baby is still head down, not engaged (which I'm surprised because I feel like my belly has dropped loads) she didn't measure my belly but looked and said it doesn't look too big. (Was measuring 3cm ahead)
I didn't like my midwife today. Hopefully next appointment I will get the other midwife!
Phage an appointment with a consultant at 39 weeks to discuss my birthing options (as I'm hoping to VBAC)

I never felt any different. Just woke up having contractions
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Thanks button, sorry I didn't see your post before. And today's nearly over whic means 2 days woop!

Tasha remember second babies often don't engage until labour so try not to worry. I just know it would feel a lot more reassuring if they did engage sooner.

I have I say us May mummies are not popping at he speed that April mummies did. I think we need to get a move on!
I've come to bed already as feeling uncomfortable tonight, baby is only 2/5 engaged but got such a lot of pressure down low tonight it feels like she's on her way. May be the start, maybe just how it's supposed to feel at this stage, I don't know.

Feel really grumpy tonight which isn't like me.

Hope everyone has a good restful night xx
How on earth do you know if to call someone or of you are just having BH?
Sorry if this sounds a really stupid question.

I am so uncomfortable right now with everything I described earlier, just feels more intense.

Sorry of this sound really stupid and naive
Yea more of us need to start popping haha I think there will be a few to go at the same time :)

Yea I'm not worried about him Engaging. Midwife just annoyed me like he should be haha

Just to let you know - Larly had her baby boy today (name TBC) born at 12:11pm weighing 7.13 :)
Flosi-I would say you just know. But I would call as you're 36 weeks so technically early still.
If in doubt call your midwife Flosi.

Ahh congratulations to Larly, thanks for updating us Tasha :-)

No worries. :) she said she doubts she'll be getting on here any time soon so said for me to tell you all. I will send her your well wishes :)
Awwwwww congrats larly i hope u and baby are keeping great!.

Flosi if paracetamol or a bath or plenty of fluids arent taking ur bh away i would call fetal assessment. Honestly u can never be tooo safe xx
I have MW appointment first thing so will see if any change but if nit will call. Quite scarily real everything is becoming now!!
Congratulations to larly hope all are doing well xx
Ahhh yay congrats Larly! Have updated first page :)

We need more babies, come onnnnnnn hehe
Congratulations Larly! It must be your turn next Willowburn x

Flosi- how are you this morning? If the contractions feel regular it is worth starting to time them. The labour suite will want you to be contracting every five minutes and lasting a minute roughly. If they aren't regular it's probably still just BH. I used to find getting in the bath would make them stop x

Good luck for your scan today Button x

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