I think if it's in any way important to you to give birth naturally then you should hold out for that, even if it does mean a longer wait because although You may be desperate to meet baby, will you look back and regret not trying it naturally?
BUT I'm very biased at the minute because I want it and it's not possible, same as you though they wouldn't induce me so you still have to weigh up the risk factor that you may not go in to labour..
What's more important to you, and completely open question I can relate to both sides. Is it meeting baby a bit sooner or having a natural delivery?
If'd be pushing for natural delivery BUT in terms of practicality and childcare and paternity leave etc obviously a section is much easier.
If you held out for a natural delivery and it never happened so you end up with a section, once your baby is here you won't look back and regret waiting that bit longer but if you go for the section will you look back and regret not givimg your body the chance?