***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

I felt fine until the actually day I went into labour. I hpjust felt off and didn't want to eat or do anything.
Buttonbear hope you and little one are ok.

Elliott hope your physio session went well today

Monkeynut hope you're ok and things are progressing for you.

Flosi I have been wondering the same as feeling increasing pressure down there and light headed on occasions, I didn't know if that's just to be expected towards the end or if it means something is going to be happening very soon.

Hope everyone is ok xx
The night before i was beyond unsettled but felt fine just couldnt sit still and bump felt SO low. I woke next morning to my waters going lol
I never went into labour, so I'm still none the wiser :eh:

Hope things are progressing Monkeynut, I'm still not getting anything but the odd few contractions here and there.
Excite to hear about a few of you having little niggles :D
Button sorry you're having a worrying time, I bet it's just babies position but I'm sure scan will put your mind at rest tomorrow.

I'm having a baby in 3 days!!!!!! I'm sure you're all sick of hearing how much I didn't want the section by now but that's the way it's got I be sot one I stop moping and think about how exciting it is that I get to meet my baby in a few days!
Excited for you Jessie, it seemed so far away two weeks ago. I keep wondering about next week, do I have the section or not?! :shock:
That is really exciting news Jessie!

Thanks for the replies peeps, I don't seem to have any interest in doing anything. Keep getting really bad backache with tightening sensation across bump with the most horrendous daggers!! Then all stops and feel fine again.
Also think my bump has dropped slightly.

But think it could all just be wishful thinking ��. Have MW appointment tomoz so hope she will be able to put my mind at rest alittle. Just fed up
Sounds like things are moving in the right direction though Flosi.
Durham is baby now securely in right position? You had section before didn't you?
Sounds like things are moving in the right direction though Flosi.
Durham is baby now securely in right position? You had section before didn't you?

I don't know what position it's in :roll: it was head down at my scan last week, but it wasn't engaged at all. I have another scan next week to check and see if it's still there. I did have a section last time, so they've left my booking for now so I can decide after the scan.

My problem is I never went into labour last time, so I'm not convinced I will this time! Even if baby is head down next week and I refuse the section, I could still end up two weeks overdue and have a section anyway (I won't be induced again). I know OH wants me to have the section next week, but I'm praying I can do it naturally.
I think if it's in any way important to you to give birth naturally then you should hold out for that, even if it does mean a longer wait because although You may be desperate to meet baby, will you look back and regret not trying it naturally?

BUT I'm very biased at the minute because I want it and it's not possible, same as you though they wouldn't induce me so you still have to weigh up the risk factor that you may not go in to labour..

What's more important to you, and completely open question I can relate to both sides. Is it meeting baby a bit sooner or having a natural delivery?
If'd be pushing for natural delivery BUT in terms of practicality and childcare and paternity leave etc obviously a section is much easier.

If you held out for a natural delivery and it never happened so you end up with a section, once your baby is here you won't look back and regret waiting that bit longer but if you go for the section will you look back and regret not givimg your body the chance?
I think you're right, I would regret not giving my body a chance more. Of course I will also be cross that I had to endure another two and a half weeks of pregnancy, but it's not the end of the world.

Thanks Jessie, you've made it much clearer x
Jessiecat - 3 days to go, I bet you can't wait now! Do you know how long they will keep you in after a section?

Flosi - I think it may just be our bodies getting us ready. As I keep having back pains and tighenings and I think 'this is it, this is the start of things' and then it stops lol

Durham - I hope baby is still head down at your scan next week, so you can decide.

So you have a scan before the section? That might help you anyway, if baby hasn't engaged at all maybe a section would be more reassuring but if baby is a good way down it might encourage you to give them more of a chance :)

I really hope my replies don't in any way come across as biased, just trying to raise both sides :)
Blueeyes they try and get people home within a day or 2 now after a section so we will see ow that works lol.
Hope you're ok?
Yes Jessie, I have a scan on Wednesday to check babies position, then my section is booked for Thursday. Obviously if baby is transverse at the scan I will be admitted there and then ready for the section the next day. If baby is head down I can cancel the section :)
Exciting! I look forward to hearing what happens and what you choose :)
And strange to think i'l have a baby in my arms as I check for updates! :D
Jessiecat - that's not too bad then is it, not too much longer. I know you've been in hospital ages, but the light it at the end of the tunnel now.

Durham - really hope baby co-operates and is head down at your scan

Jessie i am beyond jealous of u. I was all for a natural delivery but at this stage i want this baby out asap haha. Section or natural i dont care atal haha.

Had midwife today and baby isnt engaged yet but normal for second pregnancy as pelvis is already widened. I had funny discharge was orangey red on friday midwife thinks it was a bit of a show so i hope things r going in the right direction.

I feel huge and like u Flosi i have been having crazy fanny daggers and bh and backache that amounts to nothing. I juat sooo want my baby now.

Awwk Durham u kinda sound like me with the thought of a section or natural delivery. If i dny go into labour myself (which i didnt do last time i was induced) by the 27th im booked for a section that day. So will be skunnered if im sectioned on 27th but cuda been sectioned on the 17th lol
Cers you've wanted the natural birth all he way through lol! You can do it il keep everything crossed for you that berthing will just kick start automatically in next few days :)
Thanks Jessie i hope so too. I think ive come too far to not try lol. God i am in agony tonight my pelvis and my area where my c section scar is and my back goddddd lol x

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