***** May 2015 Mummies to be *****

Tashawink I had the midwife today, my next appointment is next Monday, I will be 39+3 then and she said I will be offered a sweep then and gave me info on it.

Rebecca89 and Orion, hope babies make an appearance soon for you both.

Elliott we have already put the car seat in, so we don't have to faff at the time. I would have brought the pram home too if mum and nan hadn't told me it's bad luck. Seen as no one said that about the car seat I'm not going to be paranoid :-)

Monkeynut hope all is ok

Bigbee we will soon be so busy with our little ones we will wish we had just taken it easy on maternity leave :-)

Button I agree with Mayflower, Orion and NatEvz if you are not happy still go back or call midwife.

I had midwife today, she said baby is engaged by 2/5 and in her words 'well and truly fixed in pace'. She is side on with her back and bum on my right side and arms, legs and feet facing to my left. Next appointment is next monday and she discussed the process of a sweep as she said I will be offered one next Monday.

Hope everyone is ok. Can't believe May has come round so quickly!! It seems like two minutes ago we were starting off in tri 1! xx
I always look forward to my midwife appointments means I get to find out more information about baby! Hoping that these pains means he's engaged. I'm going to ask about a sweep too, not for tomorrow but from 38 weeks.

Rebecca - I hope your on your way to having your LO!

For some reason I thought it would be an excellent idea to rearrange my bedroom all by myself! Our bed is a king ottoman (the mattress is huge too) and was so difficult to shuffle. I can certainly feel it in my back where i was moving stuff about and my hips!! Just hoping I'm gonna be able to walk tomorrow haha.
But it is now all ready for baby. I have his crib in with me, Moses basket downstairs, just need to sort his room out a bit better with clothes, nappies etc.
still have a few things in the loft to bring down too.

So I had a message from the MIL today saying she has bought us the isofix base! (So naughty of her as they don't really have a lot of money) but obviously we're very grateful.
That won't go in permanently until it is going to be used. So when we come home from hospital but will try it out to make sure we're happy with it! (OH will put it in before I leave the hospital)

Omg this rain!! It's messing up my TV haha

Has everyone got everything they NEED?
What about what you WANT?

I would like to buy a stretchy carrier and need to get a buggy board otherwise we are completely done. :) oh I would like a new changing bag but really can't find anything I like so may aswell just stay with what I got until something comes along. (Also don't want to spend a lot on it)

Deep freeze patches!! Omg-if you suffer a bad back get these now! I don't know if I said before but they are amazing. Got one on now and it's lovely. :)
Back up the hospital :(

Homebirth is looking very unlikely as is MLU as she really isnt moving. Got to go for a scan.
On no button. Keep us posted! Hope all is well and she's just lying funny! Xx
Home now, awaiting on scan appt as nothing was open!! Grr

Just want to know everything is okay in there!!
Hope everything's alright with your little girl button. Definitely persist if your not happy. You know baby better than anyone and in my experience following your gut feeling usually pays off hun.

Hope everyone's pains progress for you all. Can't wait to hear about more labours and babies.

Morning, hope you get sorted soon button.

All the same here but didn't sleep well think flipping the mattress has made a bigger difference than i thought.

Maternity assistant visit at 10 and physio app for rubbish hands at 1:40. Hoping maternity assistant can check birthing ball is blown up to right size and maybe offer some clues about baby's position. But we will see, she's more all about the breastfeeding discussion.

Tasha- think we've pretty much got everything with the exception of a few blankets been holding off because I just don't like cellular blankets still ha! I got s stretch carrier (close caboo nct) when it was going cheap and going to a workshop tomorrow all about babywearing and newborns, quite excited but think bump may get in the way when practising hehe
Morning ladies,

Hope you're ok Button, that little lady really is giving you the run around. I know you really wanted a home birth too, that must be so disappointing. I hope they scan you sooner than later x

I'm tired today, really can't be bothered, but my terrible toddler wants entertaining! Luckily he's only demanding Peppa Pig right now :lol: he's going to the childminder weds & thurs then my mum is over on Friday so I've only got yo cope alone today this week.
Becky has had her baby girl :good: poor thing had a really rough time of it too xx
Button, fingers crossed she perks up a bit soon!

Keep us posted :)
Button, I went through similar with my son. My scan cam e through quickly and I still started on mlbu initially (got moved as I'd stopped progressing). It turned out I has an anti placenta and was hiding a lot of his movements as he was right behind it.
Still waiting on the hospital ringing. My mw came out to see me earlier bless her to tall about things etc. Found out she is also back yo back, i have one VERY mischievous baby in there!!

Thank you ladies for all well wishes xxxx

Ive updated first page with becky bless her
Aww button, good you've seen midwife and fingers crossed hospital call soon!

Just spoke to maternity assistant about positions and she said aim for head down and your all good and tries to say not to worry beyond that :s
I hope everyone is well, and that you get a scan soon button.

I'm contracting every 6 mins or so, told to phone midwives again when they are 3 mins apart lasting at least a minute. I don't seem to be progressing much and I think that's maybe because babies head isn't engaged enough to put pressure on my cervix.
I hardly had any sleep last night as they are too painful to sleep through. I'm a bit concerned that this is exactly how my last labours went- only when they broke my waters did I make any decent progress (and have baby very soon afterwards).

In other news- after my midwife not phoning me back on Friday, my MIL (who works at the doctors surgery) has taken it upon herself to text said midwife this morning asking her to call me as 'I'm upset'. WTF?! Midwife has just phoned asking what on earth the matter is- I said to her everything is fine and I'm in early labour but MIL doesn't know and is not to know.
I am absolutely livid that she has interfered- how dare she?! I wasn't even bloody upset! And I sorted it out over the weekend anyway!!!
This is exactly why she is not going to be told anything until baby arrives, if we have to go to hospital then we will get our friends over to babysit so that she doesn't have to know anything and also so I don't have to face her when getting home with baby (otherwise she will never leave!).

Sorry for the rant, I am just so angry right now.
Oh gosh i hope things pick up!! Try going up and down the stairs sideways(be careful) it helps baby engage apparently?!

Scan is tomorrow at 10.40 then consultant appt after. Cannot wait for it to come now, im so anxious
A quick question to those of you that have gone into labour or had previous children.
Did you feel any different in the days leading up to your labour starting or was it all just normal days until the day you went into labour?

Sorry if it doesn't make much sense

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