* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Ooh that's all sounding good jo! Eek! Excited to see the first of my bump buddies babies! Xx
Ooh good luck Jojo! Hope this one does the trick. I'll have mine at 40+5 if I need it! Sounds delightful. I was told the 'pain' is compared to the 'uncomfortable' procedure that is a smear test! We'll see! Lol

Gayle - I have no idea why but I've convinced myself we're having a boy to the point where if a girl arrives I'll be shocked! Haha.

Still got a few bits of my clothes to put in but I'm currently wearing one of those items (top) as it's so comfy! I can see it going in the bag half dirty, not ironed or not at all due to it being in the laundry bag or wet from a wash! Haha! Wishing I'd got two now!

I'm feeling a cross between period pain and constipation at the moment! Lovely! Eek! X
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Have developed a complete inability to get dressed before lunchtime since I've finished work. Feel so lazy, and it means I can't get on and do anything until the afternoon. Just made a batch of spag bol for dinner and for freezer so feeling I've achieved something at least.

Packed most of my hospital bag yesterday and baby's bag though no clothes in there yet as having difficulty deciding what I want baby to wear as first outfit and coming home outfits!

Haircut tomorrow, dilemma over having it lopped off to bob or keeping it hangy and longer.
Good luck Jojo, all sounds promising! I've been bouncing on my ball and walked into the city centre and back earlier in the hope of getting something moving. All I achieved was knackering myself out!! My bag is done bar clothes and toiletries which I'll stuff in on the day!! X
Oh sounds promising Jojo! Good luck!

I've been walking around like a right plonker! My left hip feels like it's going to fall off! Been getting painful spasms that stop me walking. Mum thought I was having contractions, was getting very strange looks from people in town.
Have been feeling a but crampy at the bottom of my bump too.

It's doing my head in but I can't not attempt to symptom spot! X
Thnx ladies :) had a few uncomfy tightenings but nothing regular just a bit of brown spotting now walked to the school ball bounced but still nothing realy to get excited about ,off to Asda soon gonna get a pinnapple and eat that I may blend it actualy and have a smoothy lol , I know they say try sex after a sweep but seriously no way I. Sore down there he ain't coming near me lol , might see if I van get some clary sage oil for my bath as that is meant to do something hmm I'm scepanout the whole get baby out doing this n that I think it's just coincidence that it happens when ur trying something I mean baby has to come at so e point and at the end it's likely we are trying something right lol oh yer n we are having curry for tea home made tho but we always do on Mondays lol , it's exciting to see who will be next ain't it I'm so impatient now to see what colour I've been blessed with and I am desperate for newborn cuddles hehe xx
Best of luck Jojo, will keep an eye out for your labour thread. :D

We went for our meal at Frankie & Benny's today. Don't know if the spicy pepperoni will move things along, doubtful to be honest as there wasn't much of it. Did have a bit of a sugar buzz at the end though with the pecan cheesecake and a hot chocolate, was almost sick!

Other than that, just business as usual. Can I go to sleep until baby decides to come out lol.
I have tummy cramps, like needing to not stray far from the loo...although not coming and going, just staying occasionally bit more achy. But I'm lying down.
Gonna go for a walk to the shop in a bit see if they go.

I reckon Jojo is the next, maybe followed by cherry and Suffolk. X
Oh jazzy that hip pain sounds nasty. Won't it be great to not have all these aches and pains to moan about? I'm sick of hearing myself moan, even in my head!
I think the race is definitely on between jojo and suffolkmum for the next baby :) x
Lol defo won't be me!!! Took advantage of oh being off today and took a walk done lots of bouncing and had more naughty adult time so far it's just made me get period cramps and walk weird lol!!!!

I I have also told her that her cousin is now here and she needs to get a move on as she is due on Thursday. Don't think it's working though. Time for rl tea and spicy fajitas lol x
well guess I just found out what my cramps were, just been stuck on the loo for the last 15 minutes! deary me! tmi? lol. x
Oh dear jazzy!! Hope you're feeling better! If it helps, I've heard it can be a sign of labour- your body is clearing itself out!!

My oh is doing my head in, fast asleep, snoring and sleep talking! It's going to be a looooooong night! X
Well, 8 days to go for me and no sign of anything happening :-( I have had some period type cramping on and off over the past few days but today nothing atall!! Feeling huge, tired, achey and fed up now. I would kill for a decent night's sleep too :wall:
Sounds like everyone's on the right tracks and will soon all be over!! I've been getting lots of Braxton hicks and can be a quite regular at times then they just stop! I still haven't finished packing my hospital bag. I'm sure with my last 2 I was all packed by about 32 weeks.

Good luck jojo and hope things get moving for you soon :-) I so excited that stayed team yellow can't wait to find out if were pink of blue. Ive been swaying pink most of my pregnancy but I just don't know now thinking it might be another little blue bundle. X
Has anyone lost there mucus plug yet? I've had some really string cm today and thought it might be the start but didn't have it with either of my other 2. My first was just very obv plug and second I don't remember having it at all. X
No iv just had loads and loads of discharge tmi lol... Can't wait for some real signs lol x

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