* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Crikey, really? Might explain the crampage I've had since last night!

I can't walk very far now and operation evict hasn't even started yet cos I haven't had the energy lol x
I haven't started operation evict yet either, he's not gonna come out unless he wants to!

I think I may of pulled a tummy muscle by being a twit on my gym ball attempting to click my back! Lol. X
Hi ladies, OH us keen to start operation evict with some sex.... I'm gonna have to give in at some point lol!!!
Only just got home as have been at the hospital having baby monitored because of decreased movements. When they first started monitoring, baby was tachycardic, but settled (thank god) and they were happy, saw doc and he was happy too,so got sent home. x
Glad all is well now Lou! I think I'm going to get a birth ball tomorrow as hoping it might help with these cramps I've been getting. Sorry to hear you've pulled a muscle Jazzy, try and take it easy!! X
Lol it sounds like we are all causing ourselves injuries trying lol!!!!

I just got a new ball and it feels so comfy as mine got lost at parents house somehow.

I've walked round tesco. Pumped up my ball got a carrot cake in oven and a roast chicken dinner to get done for oh when he gets home.

I'm bouncing on ball while I wait with another glass of pineapple juice and have told him I want to do it doggy style again lol!!!! He's not keen as I went all weird wandering around all night in pain last time but I'm convinced it will work eventually as lots of friends said it did. I told him pain is what's going to happen so I guess I should ease into it lol!!!

I got a bit excited earlier - we were on our way back from town in the car and I felt this really intense pressure all around my pelvis. Was convinced baby had dropped and that maybe labour would start soon, but since getting home everything feels the same as usual grrr....

Having a bounce on my ball too. Feeling a bit tender if I go at it too hard lol, but got to get that baby moving down!
Lol well I'm 1 5th engaged so she's as low as she's gunnu go really but tht her head bouncing on my cervix might encourage some dilation lol!!!! Feel like a weirdo in front of the telly then keep jumping up to continue dinner lol!!!

Cakes out boom.

My oh calls you ladies my crazies cos he thinks we all come on here to moan and groan lol!! But he knows it helps me a lot. It's ashamed none of you live near Cambridge lol!!! I still don't have somebody to do my labour thread lol x
I started sorting our bedroom to make room for the crib yesterday but ran out of energy! I haven't had any energy today either so will attempt it tomorrow now :-) We have two cats who sleep in our room so we won't actually move the crib into our bedroom till I come home from hospital otherwise I'm sure the cats will take up residence :lol:
I might encourage my OH to have sex over the next few nights to see if it starts off my labour - we're both a bit scared about being intimate because of my recurrent mcs so haven't had sex since I fell pregnant!! Think I've forgotten what to do :lol:
I've had some of my best orgasms but I must say you have to stay light hearted as it's funny trying positions lol!!!!

Yes my cat loves the crib and the play mat and the car seat. She's a nightmare lol especially as she's got really long fur x
I've had some of my best orgasms but I must say you have to stay light hearted as it's funny trying positions lol!!!!

Yes my cat loves the crib and the play mat and the car seat. She's a nightmare lol especially as she's got really long fur x

Yes I've heard the orgasms can be very intense - I will definitely give it a try. Especially as after the birth things will probably never be the same again down below :shock:
Our cats are both black and short haired but they still moult hair on everything! I've already had to tell our boy cat (Salem), off for scratching the pram :-( xx
Lol yes we keep telling our cat off it's quite funny I left the nursery open for a few minutes and she got in the carry cot lol monkey lol!!!

I've been thinking I won't want sex for ages after if I'm healing so this could be last chance for a while. Just have to relax lol x
Lol well I'm 1 5th engaged so she's as low as she's gunnu go really but tht her head bouncing on my cervix might encourage some dilation lol!!!! Feel like a weirdo in front of the telly then keep jumping up to continue dinner lol!!!

Cakes out boom.

My oh calls you ladies my crazies cos he thinks we all come on here to moan and groan lol!! But he knows it helps me a lot. It's ashamed none of you live near Cambridge lol!!! I still don't have somebody to do my labour thread lol x

I'll do your labour thread for you hun. I've been wanting to do one for somebody lol.
That would be fab. What's the normal protocol do we exchange numbers and just set off the alert when the time comes? What date are you due? X
Lol we've got three cats and the little one is constantly being caught sleeping in the buggy or Moses basket..

I've been having lots of tightenings for the last hour or so.. I have a feeling my body is teasing me! X
My cat has been in baby's pram, I found the fluffy evidence. So we've moved it.

Are the next two weeks gonna be the longest in my life? X
That would be fab. What's the normal protocol do we exchange numbers and just set off the alert when the time comes? What date are you due? X

We can exchange phone numbers via the PM system here and you can text me when you go into labour. Or if you're on facebook, you can message me there (I've usually got my ipad attached to me, so it's the fastest way to get in touch with me lol). My profile is here: https://www.facebook.com/rebeccablackman1980

I've also got Whatsapp on my phone if you'd prefer that?

I'm due May 19th, only one week to go. How about you?
May 15th so perfect buddies lol... Hold on I shall find you on fb and it's worth me mentioning nobody other than this forum knows I'm having a girl so it's hush hush lol x
For those of you that haven't got me on fbook, I have finally finished Jacob's room so Harry now has the nursery (he's in with us till he's 6months but I have somewhere to finally hang his clothes etc lol)

Here is the finished room

May 15th so perfect buddies lol... Hold on I shall find you on fb and it's worth me mentioning nobody other than this forum knows I'm having a girl so it's hush hush lol x

I won't say anything, don't worry. :)

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