* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Hope you feel better for tomorr Jazzy. I am feeling a bit tired today and just burst in to tears! Hormones!!
I got the bugaboo cameleon Hayley, still a couple of weeks until it is being delivered though, can't wait! Xxx
Oh flippin heck! As hubby had the afternoon off he painted some of the nursery :) and we had a plumber and roofer come round. Then we said we'd go to ikea. Well I forgot what the place is like! Not made for SPD! My word! We popped to Mothercare after - By the time I got home I'm in agony down there! It's all the getting in and out of car too. I'm waddling around so plonked myself on the sofa. It's a sickening pain. Plus when I walk I can really feel baby pushing about and belly gets so heavy and the pressure is unreal. Feel like baby is going to drop out! I think I've kicked off my SPD being made worse after getting on to the bed at midwife appt today. Plus baby is kicking my ribs and we're still so angry we didn't buy the Graco Evo before the 15th of feb when it was in offer with the car seat. Feeling deflated. On the plus side my arm isn't any more painful! X
Woohoo, 27 weeks today - I can finally officially join you all here :-)
Please can you change my due date to 20th May, they are going to induce me at 39 weeks (unless anything happens before that date!). Thank you xxx
Awww Vic, bless you. Glad the arm is no more painful.

Welcome over katkins, will change your due date now, so how come they''re inducing you
At 38? Sorry if you've said before and I've missed it x
Woo katkin it's so cool we're all here! We ought to decide who is going to do who's labour thread in our bump buddy trio :) x
Welcome over kath :) haha Lucy that's a thing yer 3 of us who does who's labour thread and what if we all go same time lmao although I'm down for a sweep at 39 weeks if nothing by then of course Maddison was a week early jessica 2 weeks early Jamie 10 days early other 3 1 week and 2 weeks late lol xx
Heehee it would be so funny if you all were in labour at the same time ;) we all must sort out labour threads for us May mummies soon :) x
I'm on a big group on FB moved over from baby centre due in may and the babies have started to come , yesterday baby boy came 30 weeks he's doing fine breathing on own , they can came anytime now but our group is a big group around 200 of us so will be a few that come early no doubt but it is exciting g to think within 8 or so weeks they are gonna start coming hehe must get my hospital bag sorted I don't want to be left without one who knows who's next lol xx
Welcome to everyone who has moved over recently :) hope you are all well.

I'm feeling a bit better this morning, cold seems to be easing which I am happy about as I have a wedding on Saturday, I NEVER get colds as much as other people but it seems to be every time I have a wedding I am choked up! Typical!

Popping to town at lunch to pick up my shoes and some fake tan, also getting my nails done tonight which I am hoping will cheer me up and clear the cold!

We have gone for the iCandy Cherry in black, hasn't been delivered yet though - cant wait for it to arrive! We also got a free maxi cosi car seat with it in the free car seat event :). X
I'd like a maxi cosi car seat regardless of what pram I get, anyone seen any offers anywhere on them? I know most travel systems are compatible with the adapters and I love the cabriofix one xx
I'd like a maxi cosi car seat regardless of what pram I get, anyone seen any offers anywhere on them? I know most travel systems are compatible with the adapters and I love the cabriofix one xx

I haven't seen any offers etc apart from the free car seat event I went to, it was a shop called "the pram centre" not sure if the offer still stands but its worth a look if you have a store near you. If not, the cheapest I have saw them is John Lewis at £93.99 + free shipping. X
I'd like a maxi cosi car seat regardless of what pram I get, anyone seen any offers anywhere on them? I know most travel systems are compatible with the adapters and I love the cabriofix one xx

Cheapest I've seen the cabriofix is on amazon for around £80 depending what colour you're after. Mine cost £84 delivered, I chose the one that looks like denim fabric.

EDIT: I've just checked and the price has gone up to £93, plus they don't have as much of a range as they did a few weeks ago. :/

EDIT again: Boots do them for £89.99 and apparently you can get another 10% off if you enter the code MAX10 at checkout (but it only works online). Here's a link to the one I bought: http://www.boots.com/en/Maxi-Cosi-Cabriofix-Car-Seat-Divine-Denim_1291059/
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I had a call from the GP receptionist yesterday evening. Apparently I'm anaemic, so they've written me a prescription for iron tablets I need to pick up ASAP.

Never been anaemic before lol. Would explain why I'm so exhausted and walking around town this morning was bloody hard work! I know I didn't feel like this until much later in my first pregnancy.
Anyone else getting TANKles??? My feet and ankles are so puffy after a couple of hours at work ...feel like I'm dragging around tree trunks the rest of the day. They are normal in the morning but it's all downhill from there. Started sitting with them on a box when i'm at my desk. Not worried about pre-eclampsia because everything else seems fine but it's just a new delightful symptom!! xxx
Not this time dooeyona but last time my god I was so swollen lol, my feet rippled when I walked! X
Lol. No swelling for me yet! However still early days!

However feeling sorry for myself today, first day at work today since a week signed off for spd, absolute agony on and off through out the day, and I'm so tired now I can barely talk! I have physio on the 6th so am waiting on dr phone call tomorrow to sign me off till then. Hoping that bump support will help manage the symptoms better, I feel like such a wimp, coz bump isn't big! Xx
Aww jazzy you poor thing. Don't feel like a wimp, it's that flippin hormone relaxin (what lengths they went to to think of that name for a hormone that relaxes stuff!) haha! I feel so silly turning over in bed in agony when my bump isn't huge either. My physio said pain won't necessarily get worse as bump gets bigger. I do feel you pain though, it's awful. I'm so lucky to not have my back and hips hurt as part of it but down there is so painful! Seems we use these muscles and bones without realising. I still don't get how turning from side to back in bed hurts so much. I do it as advised with knees together but it is agony! X
Hey, think I'm finally due over here today :-) can't believe how quick time is going and were in the last stretch already!!
I've got my 4d scan booked for next week which I'm really excited for. How's everyone else doing? Xxx
Thanks Vic, it's rubbish. I'm so achy today, gotta take little steps around the house. I have hyper mobile joints anyway so I guess joints were already pretty relaxed! (Maybe baby will just pop out when the time comes!) I guess a bit of chilling out is in order till physio next week. I've suggested changes at work for after then coz I wanna stay at work for as long as possible - mat leave to begin at beginning of May.
There is a lot of swearing going on whilst turning over at night! Xx
Hello, my back is in agony today I don't know what to do. It's right in the middle of my back but also seem to have a pain in my right bum cheek haha. Feel tension all over my back, had me up half the night it's so sore in bed. Should I make an appt with my gp or is it not worth it? I have a very small frame so think that's a lot to do with it. Plenty movement from baby though so not too worried about her. Just don't want this to get worse with 9 weeks still to go xx

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