* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

That's great suffolkmum I've been lucky with 2 easy pregnancies and labours before so I'm sure if be fine to have one but I kind of like the whole excitement of getting ready going to the hospital and feel I might miss out on that if I was at home!
I'm lucky that the hospital is on our road so literally a minutes drive if I need to get there. X

That sounds like the perfect situation to have a home birth in then. I love living out in the sticks, but it is a bit of a problem when getting to the hospital.

Getting there is actually the bit I like least. I laboured fast with my son and half an hour of contractions in the car was not fun lol. It turns out I was around 7-8cm dilated at the time!

Loving the thought of labouring in a comfortable environment and then snuggling up with my bubba in my own bed right after he's born.

I'm having my placenta encapsulated too. I had bad baby blues and mild PND last time and am hoping this will make a difference.

I do love the thought of been in my own home and just here after and both my labours have been quick.

I can't quite work out what I think I might be missing out on! Nothing probably but I'm a bit weird and like the rushing around bit getting the kids sorted!

Have you got a birth pool? If so have you hired or bought one? Xx
Hey ladies, sorry so many of you have aches and pains, I've managed to get away with not having any this time round.

My mothercare delivery is due to arrive on Monday woo hoo, on the down side my DS's room is not yet plastered let alone decorated/new carpet/doors/skirting/architrave I'm starting to get a little frustrated that we're no further with it, but the plasterer has been delayed through no fault of his own. It just means I have nowhere to put anything!!

31weeks tomorrow wow where has that gone, I really am on the count down!!!
Ahh Suffolkmum - I'm loving orange juice at the moment so I'll make sure I have that with iron foods (thought I was definitely doing that with breakfast anyway but never mind) or I could have some strawberries with my lunch! I've read that calcium can stop the absorption of iron and I have milk with cereal, and lots of cheese most lunchtimes, and a yoghurt often after my tea! Hmmm! Baby needs some calcium though! It's a tricky business!

Exhausted and dizzy again today. Was fine when I got up, had breakfast and went in the bath but when I was drying my hair and putting make up on I went sooo dizzy and had to hang on to the bed and bring my hand down from my face so many times when putting make up on! I now feel all shaky and the room just doesn't look right lol, all slanty. Also had to go to the dentist after that - not helpful! Argh!
Hey ladies, sorry so many of you have aches and pains, I've managed to get away with not having any this time round.

My mothercare delivery is due to arrive on Monday woo hoo, on the down side my DS's room is not yet plastered let alone decorated/new carpet/doors/skirting/architrave I'm starting to get a little frustrated that we're no further with it, but the plasterer has been delayed through no fault of his own. It just means I have nowhere to put anything!!

31weeks tomorrow wow where has that gone, I really am on the count down!!!

Ooh exciting though. What are you getting from Mothercare? I know how you feel with the decorating stuff. Whilst re painting the spare room/nursery we're having a kitchen/dining extension and converting the garage! The drainage is fine and all the ground work, but the garage is still a garage and the builder needs to start Erm...building bricks for the extension! Lol. Oh dear. It'll be lovely once it's done!!!!
Bless you Vic. It's so frustrating. The nursery itself is done, I just have my DS in there still and would really like him to be out and settling into his new room before the baby is born.

I'm only getting my mattresses and pushchair, I have my
Steriliser, breast pump, bottles etc etc etc from when I had my DS. X
Query.... Where the hell did the last 31 weeks go???
Happy 31 weeks to fao, Hayley-May, bethanysx and Ayeisha
Happy 29 weeks to Jojo3972, pokeball and Annabelle2911
Happy 28 weeks lozexpecting
And welcome over to chloenat and Juliekim.
U tell me sprog cos I ain't a clue it just dawned on me that I could potentially have my baby next month!! Il be 37 weeks last week April n I've had 3 of my babies 10-14 days eArly so anytime after 37 weeks realy so I'm in panic mode , I need a name for baby a pram a car seat other bits n bobs and my hospital bags packed lol I've bought breast pads that's it lmao I realy need to get organised and quick here is bump at 29 weeks feel like a whale lol


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I have no idea whatsoever! 29 weeks for me tomorrow! Can't quite believe it! So much to do! X
Lovely :) I'm currently supporting a very similar bump Jojo! X
Happy March ladies! Our babies should be here by the month after next!

That's great suffolkmum I've been lucky with 2 easy pregnancies and labours before so I'm sure if be fine to have one but I kind of like the whole excitement of getting ready going to the hospital and feel I might miss out on that if I was at home!
I'm lucky that the hospital is on our road so literally a minutes drive if I need to get there. X

That sounds like the perfect situation to have a home birth in then. I love living out in the sticks, but it is a bit of a problem when getting to the hospital.

Getting there is actually the bit I like least. I laboured fast with my son and half an hour of contractions in the car was not fun lol. It turns out I was around 7-8cm dilated at the time!

Loving the thought of labouring in a comfortable environment and then snuggling up with my bubba in my own bed right after he's born.

I'm having my placenta encapsulated too. I had bad baby blues and mild PND last time and am hoping this will make a difference.

I do love the thought of been in my own home and just here after and both my labours have been quick.

I can't quite work out what I think I might be missing out on! Nothing probably but I'm a bit weird and like the rushing around bit getting the kids sorted!

Have you got a birth pool? If so have you hired or bought one? Xx

I deliberated over the pool, but ultimately decided not to have one. I can't be arsed with the setup and cleanup lol. I laboured just fine without water last time (though I did ask for the pool in my birth plan, there just wasn't time lol). I'm going to try a TENS machine this time and maybe I won't even need the gas and air.

You sound like a more organised mum than me lol. I'm going to call my SIL and let her take care of my 3yr old, then just get on with labour lol.

Hey ladies, sorry so many of you have aches and pains, I've managed to get away with not having any this time round.

My mothercare delivery is due to arrive on Monday woo hoo, on the down side my DS's room is not yet plastered let alone decorated/new carpet/doors/skirting/architrave I'm starting to get a little frustrated that we're no further with it, but the plasterer has been delayed through no fault of his own. It just means I have nowhere to put anything!!

31weeks tomorrow wow where has that gone, I really am on the count down!!!

I've finally ordered some nursery furniture. Just a cheapish range from argos, but so excited as I was able to plan the room layout finally last night. Now I feel like I making progress with the nursery at last lol.

Ahh Suffolkmum - I'm loving orange juice at the moment so I'll make sure I have that with iron foods (thought I was definitely doing that with breakfast anyway but never mind) or I could have some strawberries with my lunch! I've read that calcium can stop the absorption of iron and I have milk with cereal, and lots of cheese most lunchtimes, and a yoghurt often after my tea! Hmmm! Baby needs some calcium though! It's a tricky business!

Exhausted and dizzy again today. Was fine when I got up, had breakfast and went in the bath but when I was drying my hair and putting make up on I went sooo dizzy and had to hang on to the bed and bring my hand down from my face so many times when putting make up on! I now feel all shaky and the room just doesn't look right lol, all slanty. Also had to go to the dentist after that - not helpful! Argh!

That's what I hate most about taking iron supplements - you've got to schedule them so they don't clash with something that prevents absorption. The bottle says not to take with food, but I've been a grazer throughout the whole pregnancy, so fat chance of an hour passing without me getting hungry lol. Orange juice helped me a. It with morning sickness, but it's too acidic for me to have regularly.

Sorry to hear you're having bad dizziness. I know how horrible that is. I had a condition called vestibular neuritis during my last pregnancy and I honestly thought I was dying. The doctor eventually prescribed me pills that eased it while the infection went away, but they're not recommended during 3rd tri because they affect the baby's muscles!

U tell me sprog cos I ain't a clue it just dawned on me that I could potentially have my baby next month!! Il be 37 weeks last week April n I've had 3 of my babies 10-14 days eArly so anytime after 37 weeks realy so I'm in panic mode , I need a name for baby a pram a car seat other bits n bobs and my hospital bags packed lol I've bought breast pads that's it lmao I realy need to get organised and quick here is bump at 29 weeks feel like a whale lol

I'm only two days behind you, so I could be April too lol! Wouldn't that be weird! :D
Ooh, I forgot to add, my newborn stash is here! Nappies, wipes and some gorgeous organic clothing. :D

Fabulous happy stash there! :)

Yeah it must be so confusing - I'm presuming the one I'm taking will work regardless of what I take it with. I'm having it with evening meal to try to stop the nausea or anything similar. Oh I've been feeling like I'm going to die since December 2011 lol. I've been tested for pretty much everything without diagnosis. Considering it's got worse the last few weeks I can only presume it's to do with the pregnancy and possible lack of iron. I can cope with tiredness generally but this is awful. I should be used to it by now but it's still scary. I was hoping it would be something they'd missed hormone wise and pregnancy would sort it out haha.

Fabulous happy stash there! :)

Yeah it must be so confusing - I'm presuming the one I'm taking will work regardless of what I take it with. I'm having it with evening meal to try to stop the nausea or anything similar. Oh I've been feeling like I'm going to die since December 2011 lol. I've been tested for pretty much everything without diagnosis. Considering it's got worse the last few weeks I can only presume it's to do with the pregnancy and possible lack of iron. I can cope with tiredness generally but this is awful. I should be used to it by now but it's still scary. I was hoping it would be something they'd missed hormone wise and pregnancy would sort it out haha.


I've had a couple of spells of dizziness with this pregnancy, but they didn't last thank goodness. I think vertigo is an awful condition to suffer from, but people who've never suffered from it don't really understand. When I had the neuritis, my head was spinning even if I was lying down, hubby had to help me in/out the bath and I crawled up and down he stairs, I was so scared of falling. It made me throw up every day and I used to lie on the floor and cry because I didn't know what was happening to me.

My best friend suffered from labyrinthitis for years and now has a profound fear of dizziness. If she ever needs to take something, if one of the possible side effects is vertigo, she won't take it. I found out that taking multivitamins makes me dizzy, now she won't touch them in case it happens to her.

I do hope you get some answers or at least it eases after you've had your baby. I think it probably will if it's already gotten worse since conceiving. I get tinnitus while pregnant, so clearly it makes all sorts of things happen to your balance system.

In other news, I've just spent two hours assembling this lol:


It's part of the furniture range I've ordered for the nursery. I can't build anything else until we have room to put it, but hubby allowed me this for now lol.
All looking good ladies, why is it I've not pulled my finger out and sorted things out - I'm high risk of prem and if baby comes at the same gestation as my son then he/she will be here by the end of THIS month! OMG
Baby seems rather quiet today, can't say I've had any movements since getting up at 6:20 which is very much unlike my little one. He/she has been a little quiet the last few days so trying to have a sit down for a bit and see if I can get some wiggling going on, or I'll be off up triage and really don't want to have to do that.
Try the cold drink and choc and laid in left side if nothing give them a ring , FC baba just beeing lazy :) , swear to god this pregnancy is like my first I never suffered anything with my 6 others no sickness no tiredness realy no aches nothing this time sickness tiredness aches and pains everywhere restless legs and worse of all bloody heartburn I have never suffered heartburn in my entire life and now I get it daily urrhhhh ,mot day it feels like my baby is having a seizure in my belly and trying to escape lol specialy after some lucozade lmao I've defo got a lively one in there hehe xx
Bless you, mines usually really lovely, he/she has a right funny personality already, sticking bits out here and there and what not, think he/she is just being lazy but still nothing yet x
Hope he/she gets moving for you soon sproglet. They do like to worry us don't they. I don't feel much during the day still seems to be much more morning and evening. Let us know how you get in. Xx

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