* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Had the jab and I'm fine this time round, last time I ended up with a bruise the size of a dinner plate lol. The midwife thinks it was because last time it had literally just come out the fridge where as this time it had been an hour or so, I'm a happy bunny though x
Hoping May mummies can help ... I'm a bit early fir tri 3 ... Due end may , baby had crazy couple of days doing gymnastics inside my belly mon & ties ... Wed and today I feel like I've not had much movement or strong kicks ... I have had moving like I can see my belly moving slowly ... Should I be worried , my 3d scan is tomo xx
Hoping May mummies can help ... I'm a bit early fir tri 3 ... Due end may , baby had crazy couple of days doing gymnastics inside my belly mon & ties ... Wed and today I feel like I've not had much movement or strong kicks ... I have had moving like I can see my belly moving slowly ... Should I be worried , my 3d scan is tomo xx

I'm sure the scan will reassure you. Get them to check the baby's heart rate too if you can, just to give you peace of mind.
I had anti D last week. Seemed a lot of liquid but only 2 ml. Did not really hurt and arm fine after.

However, had 5 in one vacc this week , and whilst it did not hurt at all going in, my arm is now pretty sore, can't lie on left side, can't knock or touch it. Oucchhh! Reminds me of when I had my bcg at school!! Should be better in a couple of days though. All worth it to protect baby.
Fao your 5 in 1 vacc sounds like my anti-d first time round it was awful! My hospital do it in the leg not the arm.

Lozexpecting77, as fao said if you're getting movements etc it sounds like baby is ok, your scan will reassure you though. It might be that baby has been lively as he/she has been having a growth spurt and is now can't hong up on some zzzzzz
Morning, does anyone feel like they're getting bigger by the day? My back is so sore. Defo feeling like I'm on the final stretch, exciting. Though everyone I see says the same thing that I look very low and doesn't look like ill go to 40 weeks. Scary as I don't leave work until 37 weeks :-/ cx
That's just myth when ppl say ur low and I won't go all the way it's rubbish honestly don't worry , by thinking ur gonna go early will make going all the way and over maybe harder to bear lol I have ppl saying oh ur big ur not going to go full term bla bla oh shut up I think u know jack shit lol ppl realy should keep,opinions to there self it realy does annoy me when they say things like oh are u sure there is only 1 or wow ur massive or even are u sure ur pregnant I dint get that btw lol I get the massive comments , I'm very low but does not mean il go early be nice if I did but I won't hold my breath , glad ur anti d wasn't bad sproglet , I'm hoping mine isn't but hey ho needs must lol , I think my baby has gone transverse I can feel a lot across the bottom of my bump but I also have cervix punches so I don't know lol il find out Monday I spose lol I. Probably totally wrong and il have a breech baba hahaha xxx
Lol Jojo Ikwum I always get the large comments etc oh well! My monkey is still breech lol oh well midwife a week on Monday and another scan in 4 weeks x
Hi girls. :) I had my 28wk appt this morning. Midwife was running an hour late, which wasn't much fun with a bored 3yr old in tow, but was nice to see her in the end as she is lovely.

My fundal height is bang on average at 28cm, no probs with my wee and baby has moved head down again lol. Will see midwife again in five weeks and then I can talk about home birth!

I've just ordered a new pillow for my bump as it's getting quite uncomfortable now and the one I had on pre-order since beginning of January I've just been advised won't be in stock for another five weeks.

Here's my bump as of a couple of days ago. I've definitely popped a bit more recently.

Ur bump is quite low like mine I'm told girly bump but who knows lol glad all went well, got my scan and consultant Monday can't wait to see how baba is laid n how big he/she is now :) xx
Wow great bump! I can't believe I'll be joining you all in tri3 on Monday. It seems so surreal even though i feel like I've been pregnant forever!!!! X
Ur bump is quite low like mine I'm told girly bump but who knows lol glad all went well, got my scan and consultant Monday can't wait to see how baba is laid n how big he/she is now xx

Well mine's a boy bump, so I'm afraid I've blown that theory out of the water lol! Good luck for Monday. :)

Wow great bump! I can't believe I'll be joining you all in tri3 on Monday. It seems so surreal even though i feel like I've been pregnant forever!!!! X

Tell me about it lol. When I think I'm only two thirds through, birth still seems like an eternity away.
Sorry your midwife was so late Suffolkmum but great that all is ok and that a lovely bump! Mine is similar!

Just got back from physio. She says it's definitely PGP/SPD and I've the left side of my pelvis wasn't doing enough and the right side was doing too much, so when one leg does something the other isn't doing, it makes the bone twist and causes the pain. She didn't say whether the pain in my left bum cheek was the same or not, we just went round in circles. I think it's a trapped nerve. I've had it since October and it just feels different. They don't believe in pregnancy belts too much so she didn't want to give me one as apparently it can be counter-active from when you give birth ( the muscles have been told what to do instead of figuring it out themselves! So I need to get a gym ball (she went to get me one but the gym was being used for a course or something do she couldn't/didn't go in!) never get a freebee! Wanted something for the £2.50 parking fee! So I've got some leaflets and exercises. I know I could be on crutches and it could be worse, but it still hurts and the pain is worse at different times, so of course she didn't see me walking that badly. Hey ho! X
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Sorry your midwife was so late Suffolkmum but great that all is ok and that a lovely bump! Mine is similar!

Just got back from physio. She says it's definitely PGP/SPD and I've the left side of my pelvis wasn't doing enough and the right side was doing too much, so when one leg does something the other isn't doing, it makes the bone twist and causes the pain. She didn't say whether the pain in my left bum cheek was the same or not, we just went round in circles. I think it's a trapped nerve. I've had it since October and it just feels different. They don't believe in pregnancy belts too much so she didn't want to give me one as apparently it can be counter-active from when you give birth ( the muscles have been told what to do instead of figuring it out themselves! So I need to get a gym ball (she went to get me one but the gym was being used for a course or something do she couldn't/didn't go in!) never get a freebee! Wanted something for the £2.50 parking fee! So I've got some leaflets and exercises. I know I could be on crutches and it could be worse, but it still hurts and the pain is worse at different times, so of course she didn't see me walking that badly. Hey ho! X

That's exactly what happened with me. My left leg is shorter than my right, so the muscles on my right side have been working too hard trying to compensate. It's likely the pain in your bum cheek will also resolve if you do the recommended exercises and ease the strain in your weaker side. Did you get a shoe insert to balance the side that isn't working hard enough?

My physio didn't recommend a belt either. She says it's only needed later in pregnancy and does cause dependency issues. She would have given me one if I'd insisted, but I felt her reasons made sense.

To be honest, the excercises really did help, but you do need to stick with them and not stop just because you feel better or you'll get worse again. Even though my SPD started earlier in this pregnancy, I feel better now than I did previously at 28wks and I think it's because I did her exercises this time. I've gotten a bit behind with them, but try to do them once a day now.
No I didn't get anything to put in my shoe. To be honest, I've looked at the exercise leaflet and it's basic pelvic floor exercises, so we'll see. I was in agony with the pain in my bum last night. Tried the pillow but it was not only such a faff on, I found having my legs not together as it were, more painful as to get the pillow out whenever you want it means you're making more of a 'legs open' movement to turn over than without the pillow. As for the v shaped pillow, that was odd having something underneath my back and side and it just got in the way. Certainly doesn't ease weight of bump as I can't even get it under bump as bump not big enough really! X
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30w cooked and a gain of nearly 2 stone!!! OMG!

4w6 off when my DS was born, 7weeks till full term.... Let's see if we can make it lol
Sorry to hear about the SPD sufferers. As of this week, I'm joining the club. Only mine is sacro Iliac rather than pubis. I have found heat packs on my lower back help, and today I wore a belly support and I think it did help. It enabled me to walk round the baby show all afternoon. Small steps though! It isn't a physio one, just from mothercare but labeled for support.

Happy 30 weeks today to us sproglett!! You don't look like an extra 2 stone, just a nice rounded pregnant lady!

Hello Loz, Hayley and other newbies!
You look fab Sproglett! Two stone?! You must've been very little before! Is it bad I've only put 10 pounds on? I'm eating well! X
Had my 3d scan on friday was so amazing ... baby doing well and moving around lots again
she must have been having a lazy day xx

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