* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Wow that's literally all bump! I get bad back I have to put a pillow in my lower back but it's been better this week! I have 11 weeks to go still though! I've just had my bloods and anti d!!! Feel like a pin pillow lol!!!

Does anyone need a bump buddy for the count down to birth time? X
Wow indeed Hayley_may! What a bump! Lovely pic :)
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Thanks Vic, it's rubbish. I'm so achy today, gotta take little steps around the house. I have hyper mobile joints anyway so I guess joints were already pretty relaxed! (Maybe baby will just pop out when the time comes!) I guess a bit of chilling out is in order till physio next week. I've suggested changes at work for after then coz I wanna stay at work for as long as possible - mat leave to begin at beginning of May.
There is a lot of swearing going on whilst turning over at night! Xx

Oh swearing and huffing and puffing at this end too! I swear the pain is getting worse turning over in bed! I find just before I get up and turn over the pain is barely noticeable yet it's agony as soon as I get into bed and during the night. Pillow between legs isn't working out! X
I had a call from the GP receptionist yesterday evening. Apparently I'm anaemic, so they've written me a prescription for iron tablets I need to pick up ASAP.

Never been anaemic before lol. Would explain why I'm so exhausted and walking around town this morning was bloody hard work! I know I didn't feel like this until much later in my first pregnancy.

Hope you're starting to feel less tired. I had 'the call' this morning (amazing as bloods were only done on Tuesday afternoon!) described as 'a little low on iron' I've just picked up tablets and I'm disappointed with it all really. I want to feel less tired but I don't want constipation - I've just about got over this from my multivitamin and I stopped taking that 6 weeks ago! I was exhausted yesterday afternoon, suddenly went so tired, went all achy, flu-like and had chills. Felt sick and nearly passed out in a shop! I was thinking it was delayed side affects from anti d as my arm started to sting at the same time, but after hearing I'm low on iron who knows. When I think about it I haven't felt as good since January so who knows how long iron levels have been low. Would be nice to know which type of anaemia it is, my diet is good and I think it must get to a point in pregnancy when diet for iron deficiency doesn't even make a difference anymore. Anyway, got to take pills for the baby!! It's baby's fault though...right?! ;) x
Hi all! Sorry to those in pain :( I've had bad hips at night for a while but have started getting it during the day now too. Did the big food shop earlier and was sooo tired after dragging it all in from the car that I had to have a nap. Not managed to put it away yet! Picking up my new car on Saturday wooooop! X
Well I have bought myself a support belt so hopefully when that arrives it will help! I've had pain all day, painkillers are useless. Hot bath before bed tonight I think.
Does your back/hips click at night? Mine properly go bang ever time I turn over at night.

I noticed today that mothercare have sales on at the moment!

Yay for the new car cherrybelly! Putting away shopping is an impossible task, that's what oh's are for!

Anyone else's babies really active at the moment, mine seems always on the go, I can feel body parts moving when I push on my bump. Xx
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Oh dear ladies what a bunch of wrecks we are with all these aches, pains and tiredness! I don't have much trouble with aches and pains until I go to bed and then my arms and wrists get really painful and my hip hurts on whichever side im lying on. I don't know how you ladies cope withpain all day long .
My little monster is moving a bit more often but still quite tiny kicks and it never does it when im trying to show someone ;) I've tried poking around to identify body parts but can't feel anything distinct and I can't feel it moving when I press on it unless it kicks/punches. Dont feel any shifting around. Think I have too much lard in the way ; )
I'm getting so impatient for this baby to arrive, which is silly really as I don't feel at all prepared and I'm pretty terrified about being a mom but I think because it took us so long to get pregnant I just want this baby on the outside and to know it's ok. Anyone else wishing the time away?! X
New car sounds exciting Cherrybelly!

I've just had a Toffee Crisp! That's my excitement for the day, along with the dentist and trip to the chemist!

Jazzy my hips and back are ok at the moment luckily. I've heard of stuff down there clicking with SPD! Mine is just in the foo foo ;) very low down, my thighs and left bum cheek! Painkillers are useless you're right!

My bump has been so active the last few days, the left side of my tummy just poked out the other night, looked so funny. I've know where baby's bum is and that's it, only because midwife told me on Tuesday, I think the tinker may have moved! Which is good depending on where to!

I'm also wishing time away but it's just because I'm not enjoying pregnancy at the minute, and yes it's all getting scary, but at the moment I'm more scared of how my body is behaving than worrying about when baby's here! That's sounds terrible! I'm so selfish! X
I'm the same, just want baby here and safe! We're definitely nowhere ready and obv I want her to be fully cooked and healthy though. I too am so sick of the pain and annoyance of pregnancy. Finding it quite overwhelmed about the way pregnancy takes over your body, plus the fact I'm just gonna get bigger and bigger! X
I had a call from the GP receptionist yesterday evening. Apparently I'm anaemic, so they've written me a prescription for iron tablets I need to pick up ASAP.

Never been anaemic before lol. Would explain why I'm so exhausted and walking around town this morning was bloody hard work! I know I didn't feel like this until much later in my first pregnancy.

Hope you're starting to feel less tired. I had 'the call' this morning (amazing as bloods were only done on Tuesday afternoon!) described as 'a little low on iron' I've just picked up tablets and I'm disappointed with it all really. I want to feel less tired but I don't want constipation - I've just about got over this from my multivitamin and I stopped taking that 6 weeks ago! I was exhausted yesterday afternoon, suddenly went so tired, went all achy, flu-like and had chills. Felt sick and nearly passed out in a shop! I was thinking it was delayed side affects from anti d as my arm started to sting at the same time, but after hearing I'm low on iron who knows. When I think about it I haven't felt as good since January so who knows how long iron levels have been low. Would be nice to know which type of anaemia it is, my diet is good and I think it must get to a point in pregnancy when diet for iron deficiency doesn't even make a difference anymore. Anyway, got to take pills for the baby!! It's baby's fault though...right?! ;) x

You probably have the regular iron-deficiency anaemia hun, that's the type we normally get in pregnancy. I've had three respiratory infections since December, one quite severe, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's what's knocked the iron out of me lol.

I've decided not to take the prescribed tablets though as I suffer badly enough from constipation as it is. Instead, I'm taking a liquid ferrous gluconate supplement from holland and barratt which doesn't cause constipation and is from natural sources. Tastes a bit funky but I don't care as long as it works lol.

I'm still tired, it will take a week or so for things to improve apparently. But I did manage to get a fair bit of housework done today, including the dreaded hoovering, and my back and hips are coping surprisingly well. :D

Oh, and I also got my blood results back just two days after having them done. Very impressed!
Well done on the housework :) ooh hoovering is adventurous! Well done you :) don't do too much! I made lots of cupcakes (none for me!) and it's amazing how tired I am. I have enough trouble standing on the spot with my usual dizziness never mind feeling like I could curl up on the hard kitchen floor! Think I'm starting to realise what people mean when they say they feel tired. I can feel it right through my while body whereas I just used to get sleepy tired. This is definitely different! Like the tiredness from Tri 1!

Ahh I'm hoping it's that type, I'd hate to think that it's the folate type and me stopping folic acid at 14 weeks then on and off in pregnancy multivitamin has caused me to be low. I suppose I was ok at 8 weeks so I shouldn't worry about baby too much, I know it's common in pregnancy so I'll just have to accept it!

You do well to not take the tablets and the substance instead. I nearly cry every time I go to the lol which is now everyday but it still hurts! Hope these tablets don't make it worse. I'm on one tablet a day 322mg so I can't be that badly deficient I suppose. We'll see :)

Hope you start to feel much better soon and yes it's impressive
Had my GTT yesterday. It went ok, haven't heard from them today so assuming it's negative. Got my midwife apt next week, so I'll know for sure then. Hope everyone has had a good week so far xx
Strange for me as I have been anaemic and on iron tablets for about a year now, then bloods come back fine and not anaemic anymore, very pleased about that.

Yeah I'm defo feeling the weight from my bump, 9 weeks tomorrow though that's another week disappeared so quick. Hopefully get everything sorted in next couple weeks zxx
Can't believe how quick time is going less then 12 weeks to go! But I do remember my last pregnancy seemed to slow down from here!

I'm a bit gutted that I was supposed to be working right up until by due date but as a childminder I have just been given notice for the end of April. It means I loose about £2000 worth of wages which I gutting but guess il just have to make the most of the time off.

Got my 28 week midwife appt on Monday and I'm going to talk to her about a home birth. Not sure it's def what I want but thought if go through my options. Is anyone else planning a home birth? Xxxx
Well done on the housework ooh hoovering is adventurous! Well done you don't do too much! I made lots of cupcakes (none for me!) and it's amazing how tired I am. I have enough trouble standing on the spot with my usual dizziness never mind feeling like I could curl up on the hard kitchen floor! Think I'm starting to realise what people mean when they say they feel tired. I can feel it right through my while body whereas I just used to get sleepy tired. This is definitely different! Like the tiredness from Tri 1!

Ahh I'm hoping it's that type, I'd hate to think that it's the folate type and me stopping folic acid at 14 weeks then on and off in pregnancy multivitamin has caused me to be low. I suppose I was ok at 8 weeks so I shouldn't worry about baby too much, I know it's common in pregnancy so I'll just have to accept it!

You do well to not take the tablets and the substance instead. I nearly cry every time I go to the lol which is now everyday but it still hurts! Hope these tablets don't make it worse. I'm on one tablet a day 322mg so I can't be that badly deficient I suppose. We'll see

Hope you start to feel much better soon and yes it's impressive

I take a b-vitamin supplement everyday, so I know I'm not deficient in folate lol. The thing I like about the liquid iron supplement I'm taking is that it also includes vitamin c to help with absorption. Means I don't have to worry about running out of orange juice lol.

I'm going to tackle the bedroom today, but probably won't get much done as there's a lot of stuff in there which needs to go in the nursery when it's ready.

Had my GTT yesterday. It went ok, haven't heard from them today so assuming it's negative. Got my midwife apt next week, so I'll know for sure then. Hope everyone has had a good week so far xx

Good luck hun, I'm sure they'll let you know quickly if there's a problem. :)

Strange for me as I have been anaemic and on iron tablets for about a year now, then bloods come back fine and not anaemic anymore, very pleased about that.

Yeah I'm defo feeling the weight from my bump, 9 weeks tomorrow though that's another week disappeared so quick. Hopefully get everything sorted in next couple weeks zxx

30+ weeks seems so far away, but it's actually only 9 days lol! Glad your anaemia is sorted. :)

Can't believe how quick time is going less then 12 weeks to go! But I do remember my last pregnancy seemed to slow down from here!

I'm a bit gutted that I was supposed to be working right up until by due date but as a childminder I have just been given notice for the end of April. It means I loose about £2000 worth of wages which I gutting but guess il just have to make the most of the time off.

Got my 28 week midwife appt on Monday and I'm going to talk to her about a home birth. Not sure it's def what I want but thought if go through my options. Is anyone else planning a home birth? Xxxx

I've found second tri has really crawled, hoping third tri is better and baby comes a bit early again.

I'm having a home birth! My midwife has known about it since my booking appt, but when I next see her at 33wks, I'll be chatting more in-depth about what will happen. Have a few fears as we live a good 30 mins from the hospital, but otherwise really looking forward to it.
That's great suffolkmum I've been lucky with 2 easy pregnancies and labours before so I'm sure if be fine to have one but I kind of like the whole excitement of getting ready going to the hospital and feel I might miss out on that if I was at home!
I'm lucky that the hospital is on our road so literally a minutes drive if I need to get there. X
That's great suffolkmum I've been lucky with 2 easy pregnancies and labours before so I'm sure if be fine to have one but I kind of like the whole excitement of getting ready going to the hospital and feel I might miss out on that if I was at home!
I'm lucky that the hospital is on our road so literally a minutes drive if I need to get there. X

That sounds like the perfect situation to have a home birth in then. I love living out in the sticks, but it is a bit of a problem when getting to the hospital.

Getting there is actually the bit I like least. I laboured fast with my son and half an hour of contractions in the car was not fun lol. It turns out I was around 7-8cm dilated at the time!

Loving the thought of labouring in a comfortable environment and then snuggling up with my bubba in my own bed right after he's born.

I'm having my placenta encapsulated too. I had bad baby blues and mild PND last time and am hoping this will make a difference.

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