* * * * * May 2014 Mummies * * * * *

Fab news sproglett!

Had my last day at work yesterday and feel really weird about it! It's a bit like my world just got smaller, if you know what I mean! Just want baby to make an appearance now so I can spend as much time with her as possible before I have to go back! The wooden letters arrived for the nursery today and they're so beautiful :) xxx
Huge congratulations again Sproglett - he's gorgeous! xx
I know I mentioned the headbands and bare foot sandals if been making but thought you ladies could tell me if they are something you would buy for your little girls or not.

Here's some photos.

What would you say they are worth? I was considering putting them on eBay for extra pocket money maybe


Thanks ladies x
Love the headbands! I have no idea how much these kind of things sell for but maybe £5 each plus postage? X
Congrats Sally, just read your birth thread and seen pics of your gorgeous little man on facebook of course. :)

With May babies being born, I'm starting to get impatient now lol. I have a suspicion he's going to be born next week as my midwife, sister-in-law (who's looking after my 3yr old) and placenta encapsulation specialist are all on holiday!

We got our new car yesterday, and have checked that the car seat and buggy go in comfortably (just about!). I also bought my 3yr old a new isofix group 2 car seat as the old, seatbelt-attached group 1 one didn't secure very safely into the new car. We're not going to be able to fit shed loads of groceries in any more, but I'm really happy we've got something economical and nice to drive around in.

Here's a photo, meant to take some pics of the interior with all the kiddy paraphernalia in lol, but forgot.


Now it's time for a cuppa and masterchef catch-up. All while trying to ignore the uncomfortable cramps I've been having for the last half an hour.
Ohhhhh 3 weeks to go for me :)))))) everything's done,..... Be super prepared this time due to first born deciding to be 3 weeks early lol x x x I'm feeling nervous but I'm sure everyone is in the same boat x x x excited nervous sick scared worried nervous did I mention nervous? Lol x are you all ready? X
Yay to full term mumma87, I was the same super prepared with my first being early, and then convinced myself my 2nd would be late, but 39+6 I was rather happy with - still can't believe he is here, 2 days old already. X
2 days olddddd gorgeous gorgeous x how how was birth? How r u feeling!!!??? X is he being good for mummy??? X x oh yesss over prepared lol x but better to be over than under I say x x x x hahaha x
Eek 38 weeks today! Eek! Did I mention eek! I've asked baby nicely to stay in at least another week until a) our boiler is moved and we can actually live in our house, b) my parents get back from Spain and c) I get round to hand washing another lovely blanket I'd like to bring baby home in!!! Lol x
Eeek! It's scary isn't it! I now can't walk very far at all without getting terrible bh - honestly was convinced it was all starting up in morrisons yesterday!!

37w Tuesday and then, as far as I'm concerned, she can come whenever she likes. We're not completely prepared but tbh I doubt we'll ever be! Just been looking at breast pumps on Amazon but I'm really not sure if I need one or not lol.. Thinking I might just get a cheaply one in case?? X
Still over 3 weeks for me but convinced this little one is going to be a but early! Bh have def stepped up a notch and are most of the day now! Running around playing rounders all afternoon probably hadn't helped and doubt il be able to walk tomorrow! Lol

I've still got quite a bit to do round the house before I want baby coming next weekend I'm busy so only 2 weekends to get bits finished after that!xx
Well today has been very exciting, went for a spot of shopping and lunch with some friends, bought some clothes to wear for after baby is here. which is exciting, the thought of in a maximum of 5 weeks I will no longer be pregnant.
then...had a suprise baby shower thrown for me! been super duper spoilt by friends and family! I have no idea where all baby's stuff is going to go! I don't think his room is big enough now!
guess babys due date, people started guessing from 15th to my guess 11th june! seem to all think hes gonna be 6-7lbs too!
im shattered now! x
2 days olddddd gorgeous gorgeous x how how was birth? How r u feeling!!!??? X is he being good for mummy??? X x oh yesss over prepared lol x but better to be over than under I say x x x x hahaha x

Here's the link to my birth story hun :-)

He's being such a good boy and my 21 month old is amazing with him I couldn't be more proud of my boys :-) - I'm so lucky x
It is indeed very scary!! BH haven't really increased for me yet, had two in half an hour just now, which was odd for me but I do keep having needle type sharp stabbing pains low down!

Oh that's lovely Jazzy :) the baby shower and new clothes! I bought a top yesterday, just from Matalan but I thought I could wear it to come home from hospital in at least! Hope it fits when bump isn't there - it fits to above bump at the mo! I'm presuming tummy will still be out a bit!!! All my other clothes are in bags in the loft lol. Had nowhere to store them since the spare room to nursery conversion!

I haven't got a breast pump yet Cherry, think I'm just going to wait and see xx
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It is indeed very scary!! BH haven't really increased for me yet, had two in half an hour just now, which was odd for me but I do keep having needle type sharp stabbing pains low down!

Oh that's lovely Jazzy :) the baby shower and new clothes! I bought a top yesterday, just from Matalan but I thought I could wear it to come home from hospital in at least! Hope it fits when bump isn't there - it fits to above bump at the mo! I'm presuming tummy will still be out a bit!!! All my other clothes are in bags in the loft lol. Had nowhere to store them since the spare room to nursery conversion!

I haven't got a breast pump yet Cherry, think I'm just going to wait and see xx

Yes, you'll definitely still have a bump lol! What nobody tells you is that it feels like a great big water balloon that wobbles about! :D
Eeek! It's scary isn't it! I now can't walk very far at all without getting terrible bh - honestly was convinced it was all starting up in morrisons yesterday!!

37w Tuesday and then, as far as I'm concerned, she can come whenever she likes. We're not completely prepared but tbh I doubt we'll ever be! Just been looking at breast pumps on Amazon but I'm really not sure if I need one or not lol.. Thinking I might just get a cheaply one in case?? X

Breast pumps are one of those things that some mums can't live without and others say were a waste of money. Unfortunately, you won't know until you've tried one. Also, you may hate one type of pump but find another is really good. With my first, I bought the expensive medela swing electric pump because everyone raved about it. I never go much milk out if it myself. I then bought a cheap manual tommee tippee pump as it was easier to take apart and clean and got far more out of that one!

This time I've gone for the medela harmony. It's a manual pump, which I think suits me better, but also has two pumping methods - one to start the milk flowing and the other to keep it going. I'm hoping it will have all the benefits of the tommee tippee one and help me produce even more milk.

Pumping in general is pretty hard work and many mums can't get much out (myself included). But I think it's worth a try as if you really want to exclusively breastfeed, it's so good to be able to let someone else give your baby a bottle of breastmilk every so often so you can get some rest.
After a crap experience with a manual one with my son I've treated myself to posh electric one lol x it was half price in John Lewis x they use them in my
Hospital too x can't remember the name but it's yellow x
After a crap experience with a manual one with my son I've treated myself to posh electric one lol x it was half price in John Lewis x they use them in my
Hospital too x can't remember the name but it's yellow x

Sounds like the medela swing. It is a good one, just didn't suit me lol.

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